A Fresh Encounter
A Fresh Encounter
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8
1. We need a fresh experience with God (Upward vision)
a. A fresh experience in our salvation
b. A fresh experience in prayer
c. A fresh experience in fasting
d. A fresh experience in God’s word
2. We need a fresh encounter with revival (Inward vision)
a. A fresh encounter with our sinful condition (Woe is me!)
1) I am undone!
2) I am a man of unclean lips!
3) I live in the midst of a people of unclean lips!
4) The mouth reveals the heart. (Grumbling, murmurring, complaining, fault-finding, criticism, judgment, hate, degrading, rebellion, ungratefulness, etc.)
5) Our negativity poisons the waters of revival
6) We should instead speak pure words (Praise, worship, thanksgiving, blessing, edification, exhortation, comfort, healing, life, words in prayer, words of faith and victory)
b. We need a fresh encounter with revival fire that purges our sin
1) It is the fire from the altar
3. We need a fresh encounter with our mission (Outward vision)
a. We need a fresh encounter with God’s heart (souls)
b. We need a fresh encounter with the people’s lost condition.
c. We need a fresh encounter with God’s invitation to work with Him (To win souls and to make disciples)
1) We do this through cells
2) We train people through the Leadership Base Path
d. Who will I send?
e. Will our answer be---Send me?
4. Invitation: A fresh encounter with God.