A House for His Presence
A House for His Presence
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Matthew 21:12-16
I. The church is to be a house of His PRESENCE (v. 12)
A. God wants to dwell in His house
1. Exodus 25:8 “And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.”
B. Jesus will visit His house
1. Question: Will we receive His work in our midst?
2. Jesus wept over Jerusalem and left their house empty (23:37-39)
C. Jesus is looking for a place to dwell
D. The Holy Spirit is looking for a place to rest (dove)
II. The church must be a house of PURITY (v. 12)
A. Malachi 3:1-3 God requires an offering in righteousness (no hypocrisy, sin, or insincere motives)
III. The church must first be a house of PRAYER (v. 13)
A. We have made God’s house a
1. House of preaching
2. House of praise
3. House of programs
4. House of teaching
5. House of entertainment
6. House of fellowship
B. God wants a house of prayer