A Time of God's Favor
A Time of God’s Favor
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: John 6:41-44
I. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him
A. This applies to salvation
B. This applies to the visitation of God in our generation
II. God always initiates intimacy in our relationship with Him
A. Why? There is none who seeks after God (Romans 3:11)
B. God is the Divine “romancer” (John 4:10 God loved us)
III. Although God initiates intimacy in our relationship with Him, we are responsible for how we respond to His invitation
A. James 4:6-7 “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
B. What is God offering to those who will humble themselves, submit to Him, and draw near to Him? GRACE
C. Grace is God’s power and strength working in us to do His will
D. Philippians 2:13 “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.”
E. Grace is NOT us trying to work things up, but it is humbling ourselves to God admitting our weakness and inability to bring about change so that His power can then begin working in and through us to do what we could never do in our own power.
F. Grace is a special time of God’s favor
IV. How we respond to the small promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives will determine whether or not we will receive God’s GRACE
A. It is not the BIG sins in our lives that are our problem, it is the SMALL decisions to ignore God’s promptings in our lives daily that lead to the bigger sins.
B. Why do some experience God’s grace in their lives while others do not? It is because some are quick to heed and to respond to the initiating promptings of God’s Holy Spirit in their lives while others are not.
C. It is those who respond willingly and obedient to the promptings of the Spirit of God in their lives who will be blessed
1. Isaiah 1:19 “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.”
V. Although God is always seeking to draw us to Himself, the Scriptures indicate that there are key times when God moves in special ways to do a fresh work in our lives
A. God moved in the days of Moses to draw Israel back to Himself
B. God worked in the days of Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and other prophets to draw a backslidden people back to Himself
C. God worked in the days of Jesus to draw people to Himself
D. God works in every generation to draw people to Himself
VI. The key is to know when God is pouring out His grace in order to draw us back to Himself and then to willing and obediently respond to His promptings in even the smallest matters
VII. I believe that God is now offering a fresh outpouring of His grace
A. A fresh grace for a fresh encounter with Jesus
B. A fresh grace for a fresh experience in revival (new and different)
C. A fresh grace for getting priorities back in their proper order
D. A fresh grace for prayer and intercession
E. A fresh grace in praise and worship
F. A fresh grace to be a vessel of God in ministry
G. A fresh grace in evangelism and outreach
H. A fresh grace for healing and deliverance
I. A fresh grace for reconciliation and restoration
J. A fresh grace to finish the race
K. This grace is being poured out but only those who willingly and obediently receive it will experience the blessing of His visitation in their lives
VIII. What must we do?
A. Put away all pride
B. Submit yourself to God.
C. Take heed to the small promptings of God
D. Draw near to God daily by responding to His promptings with a willing and obedient heart.
E. Begin by responding to whatever the Holy Spirit prompts you to do today, yes, right now.