The Peace of God
Sermon Tone Analysis
What is Peace
What is Peace
This world is full affliction.
This past week’s news is a reminder that we have affliction. (Death, illness, Unexpectancy, Tragedy, Evil, Financial struggles, grief)
It won’t stop until Jesus comes again , because he promised that in this world we will have tribulations
But tribulation can invite fear (spiritual bullies) which produces anxiety/worry.
What is my comfort?
Painting example
In Israel it is custom to greet others with “Shalom”
It was customary in biblical times.
Most epistles had a salutation and valedictory of peace. ;
God values peace
God values peace
What is biblical peace (shalom/eirene)?
Connotations: (wholeness, health, security, well-being, and salvation
Total well-being, prosperity, and security associated with God’s presence among his people.
Total well-being, prosperity, and security associated with God’s presence among his people.
Total well being, spirtual prosperity,security, and harmony associated with God’s presnece among his people.
God values peace
God values peace
God’s character(nature) is of peace
The God of peace. (; ; ).
God is good
Psalms 119:65-68
Because God is good does not mean that he will insulate us from suffering.
But he promises to he will be with us. Isaiah. 43:1-3
Daniel and the Lion’s den example.
Sometimes he will provide the way out or sometimes he will leave it to experiece his grace.
Rom. 8:28
God is sovereign
God does not let things happen without him allowing it.
Kid driving in the car asleep with parent (control). This is what God’s sovereignty means.
Sovereignty means that you can trust in the Lord
The example of Moses. Exod. 4:11-12
Trusting in the Lord will produce a peace beyond comprehension.
He is good and in control.
Rom. 8:28
God’s character of peace is seen in his consolation.
Peace with God does not come automatically. We are sinners and brought enmity with him.
There was, turmoil, eternal separation, conflict between God and man, but he promised resolution.
Peace with God through Christ.
God encourages his children to seek/live peace. .
God encourages to have peace with yourself. 1 John 1:9
God’s peace is different than the worlds
The world’s is dependent on exterior circumstances
Great Economic, physical, non-conflict, emotional status.
God’s peace is dependent on interior status. Prov, 16:7
In other words, it doesn't matter what your situation maybe, you can still have peace
Instead of wasting and consuming energy trying to figure out things beyond our comprehension; we should concentrate on knowing his promises of His Word
Guard our minds and heart
The enemy of peace: anxiety/worry
Activating Peace
Activating Peace
Adoration: See the greatness of God
Devotion: Talk to God and be devoted to him
Worship: Proclaim Who He is
Pray with intensity.
How bad do you want it.
Step back and evaluate what you have?
. Key word “all”
You might not have it all, but you have what you need (Christ)
You can have everything in the world, but if you don’t have peace it is worth nothing.