Bond of the Covenant
Bond of the Covenant
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Ezekiel 20:32-38
I. We are in a covenant with God
II. God takes covenant seriously. He is a jealous God.
III. God will not allow us to be like the world (verse 32)
IV. God will bring the rebellious into the wilderness in order to plead His case with them (verse 35-36)
A. Wilderness is a time of probation and cleansing
V. God will cause us to pass under the rod (verse 37)
A. To become a part of the flock
B. Separating sheep from goats
C. Separating a remnant (tithe): This alludes to the custom of tithing the sheep. I take it from the rabbis. The sheep were all penned; and the shepherd stood at the door of the fold, where only one sheep could come out at once. He had in his hand a rod dipped in vermillion; and as they came out, he counted one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine; and as the tenth came out, he marked it with the rod, and said, “This is the tenth;” and that was set apart for the Lord.
VI. God will bring us into the bond of covenant (verse 37)
VII. God will purge the rebels from among you and those who transgress against the Lord (verse 38)
A. These are those who are hardened in their rebellion
VIII. God will have a covenant people
A. Covenant community
B. Covenant conversion
C. Covenant Consecration
D. Covenant Care & Compassion
E. Covenant Commitment
F. Covenant Cooperation
G. Covenant Confidence
H. Covenant Contentment
I. Covenant Communion
J. Covenant Commission