Called to liberty
Called to Liberty!
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Galatians 5:13
I. Freedom was invented by God not man
II. What is freedom?
A. There are four types of freedom:
1. Personal freedom: The sense of being able to do something without coercion.
2. Sovereign freedom: The ability to act as one pleases regardless of the wishes of others.
3. Civic Freedom: The sense that one belongs to a community, has a place in it, and is involved some way in its governance with clearly defined rights and obligations for every citizen.
4. Natural freedom: This exists in the very nature of man as a God-given right and responsibility established from the creation of man. It is the human right delegated by God to men in Genesis 1:26.
B. Freedom is “free dominion.” Therefore it is the liberty to dominate the earth though one’s unique gifts and talents in fulfillment of God’s purpose for one.”
C. Freedom is the liberty to fulfill God’s will in serving others with the gift of that purpose, without restricting or controlling another white that person fulfills his or her purpose and serves you.
III. What is slavery?
A. Slavery is any domination of another man’s spirit.
B. Slavery is always an excommunicated person. He only lives for the master.
C. Slavery is the perpetual condition of dishonor.
D. Any attempt to limit, control, hinder, restrict, inhibit, prevent, or stop the fulfillment of God purpose and will in another’s life is rebellion against God.
E. Slavery awakens the desire for freedom.
VI. Free Indeed
A. Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
B. Your mental state is more important than your physical state.
C. You are not free until your mind is liberated.
D. Freedom is first a mental condition before it is a physical condition.
E. John 8:32 Freedom comes through knowledge.
F. It is possible to be delivered and not be free.
G. Deliverance is physical liberation from physical restrictions.
H. Deliverance prepares us for freedom.
I. Freedom is the mental liberation from mental bondage.
V. Freedom prepares you for responsibility
A. Freedom imposes more laws than slavery, demands more work than slavery and demands more self-control and discipline than slavery.
B. The foundation of true freedom is self-management and management of our environment.
C. You will either dominate or be dominated by your environment.
D. Through love serve one another.
VI. Are you a son or a slave?
Time to put your shoes back on!