Conquering the Fear of Death
Conquering the Fear of Death
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-15
I. Recently America has experienced the weapon of terrorism, FEAR
A. It is crippling our economy
B. It is crippling our freedom
C. It is crippling our future
II. The world is overcome with fear (financial fears, fear of losing a job, growing old fears, health fears, fear of the future, fear of war, fear for our children, fear of divorce, fear of being robbed, fear of the dark, fear of water, fear of falling, fear of people, fear of what is coming on the earth, fear of dying, the fear of death)
III. The power of fear
A. Fear imprisons (holds us under its own power)
B. Fear torments (keeps us thinking of the worst)
C. Fear robs (steals our life, love, faith, freedom, generosity)
D. Fear cripples (keeps us from making progress)
E. Fear paralyzes (renders us immobile)
F. Fear destroys (cuts off our future)
IV. Jesus faced the fear of death
A. By facing death, Jesus conquered him who had the power of death, that is, the devil
B. By facing the fear of death, Jesus brought freedom to others who were bound by fear
V. We are free from the fear of death
A. Free to live (the fear of death keeps us from truly living)
B. Free to love (I John 4:18 “Perfect love casts out fear.”)
C. Free to follow Jesus (Jesus has conquered the devil)
D. Free to do God’s will (Jesus has called us to a holy calling)
VI. How do we overcome fear
A. We must realize that fear and death have already been defeated
B. We must realize that God has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)
C. We must face the fear of death through Jesus Christ
D. We must submit to His will (the safest place to be is in the will of God)
E. We must make the Lord our refuge and fortress
1. Psalm 91:1-16
F. We must take up the shield of faith and extinguish the flaming missiles of fear that attack our hearts and minds
G. Walk in the fear of God
1. Hugh Black “The fear of God kills all other fears.”
2. Neil Anderson “We will always live less than a responsible life if we fear anything other than God.”
H. Develop a life of love
1. I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.”