Delegated Authority in the Cells
Delegated Authority in the Cells
Working in the cell structure brings us into contact with other leaders. In order to work together it is vital that we understand how authority works in the cells.
1. The subject of authority begins when we understand that only God has all inherent authority. He is God and He alone has all authority. However God has chosen to delegate His authority on this earth to individuals whether that be domestic, civil, or church authority. God invests His authority in individuals who in turn delegate authority to others. (Romans 13:1-5)
2. God honors delegated authority. Those who resist delegated authority resist the authority of the one who appointed them and bring judgment upon themselves. (Romans 13:1-5)
3. Existing authorities can delegate authority in others. Delegation is the means by which a person’s sphere of influence and boundaries of authority are determined and defined. We have no scriptural authority outside of these boundaries.
4. The church is the army of God. Armies delegate authority through ranks and divisions. Joel describes the army of God marching in formation in which they do not break ranks, they do not push one another, and each one marches in his own order (Joel 2:7-8)
5. God has given the responsibility for delegating authority in the church to pastors and elders. (2 Timothy 2:2)
6. Delegation of authority determines the level of responsibility, oversight, and accountability. (Matthew 25:14-30)
7. Cell Leaders are delegated as an extension of the pastoral ministry of the church. As such they are accountable to the pastor and elders of the church and are responsible to: (Acts 20:28-30)
a. Take heed to yourself (Responsibility for personal example to the sheep)
b. Take heed to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers (Responsibility to oversee the sheep under their charge)
c. Shepherd the church of God (Responsibility to pastor the sheep under their charge)
d. Watch out for wolves and people from within the fold who would rise up out of their place of authority (Responsibility to protect the sheep under their charge)
8. Cell Leaders are an extension of the “cell ministry” of the church and are responsible to follow the “cell pattern” for ministry. Imposing another pattern upon the meetings does not reflect the purpose for which cells are designed. Concerns or changes should be communicated to leadership for evaluation or approval.
9. Cell Leaders are accountable for their cell group and G-10 and not for that of others. (Matthew 25:14-30)
10. Cell Leaders have permission to minister to a person from another cell in a time of crisis (Luke 11:5-8). However, once the crisis has been dealt with it is imperative that the person receive ongoing ministry from their cell leader. Contact the cell leader to inform them of the situation and to seek follow-up.
11. Delegation of authority is a means by which to prove leadership. The sphere of influence over others and the boundaries of delegated authority in the cell structure can be expanded, decreased or taken away altogether based on fruitfulness and on the basis of faithful and honorable service. (Luke 16:10-12; Matthew 25:14-30)
12. Cell Leaders have permission to operate within the realm of their delegated authority but do not have a right to operate beyond their realm of authority.
13. Delegated authority determines areas of assigned responsibility. In other words, leaders should walk responsibly in the area appointed them while recognizing and honoring the areas delegated to others.
14. Cell Leaders must be consciously aware of boundaries in order to stay under proper spiritual covering and protection. (I Corinthians 11:10)
15. Stepping outside of boundaries knowingly or unknowingly is called “trespassing” that always requires an atonement to make things right again (Leviticus 5:14-6:7)
16. Four ways people step outside of boundaries
a. IGNORANCE: When people are unaware of the boundaries, it is easy to get misidentified and hurt by “friendly fire.” Ignorance can be corrected with teaching and clarification of the boundaries.
b. CARELESSNESS: When people know the boundaries but carelessly step across anyway because of zeal or a false sense of responsibility they in effect usurp authority and cause more problems than they intended to solve. Not only this but they can draw fire from demonic forces by entering areas where they are not “covered” and do not have authority. Carelessness can be corrected with warning or rebuke along with re-clarification of boundaries.
c. PRIDE: Pride occurs when people step across boundaries because they feel the rules do not apply to them due to their gift, anointing, ability, popularity, or position. Pride also occurs when people are not willing to graciously receive instruction and correction or when they consistently shift the blame for their actions. Pride eventually results in a fall. God Himself will resist the proud of heart. Pride must be exposed and corrected with warning and/or rebuke. A person with pride may be given a space to repent, but if repentance does not occur the person will disqualify himself and be removed from authority or be overcome by Satan. (Proverbs 16:18; James 4:6-7)
d. REBELLION: When people deliberately step across boundaries out of defiance to authority, this is rebellion and it will lead to the control and manipulation by demon forces. Rebellion may be openly defiant or passively deceptive and undermining. Rebellion in any form is detrimental and must not be allowed to continue. Those who refuse to repent will be removed. (I Samuel 15:22-23)
17. Cell Leaders are required to maintain honest and open communication with the leadership that has delegated them and especially with the pastor and elders. A neglect or refusal to communicate cannot be allowed of leaders and may result in a person disqualifying himself or herself from cell leadership.
18. As with any army, communication must always take place among cell leaders in different ranks and divisions to prevent “friendly fire” and to enable the effective implementation of cell ministry.
19. Cell Leaders should always be sure to communicate any dealings with people from another cell to the leader of that cell as soon as possible.
20. Cell Leaders are not to recruit people from other cells to build their own group. This is a sure way to create a spirit of competition and resentment! However, if people choose to change cell groups they have that freedom. It would be a good will gesture to communicate these changes. Cell Leaders are never to rebuke people or make them feel guilty for attending another cell. Always bless them and tell them they are welcome to return later if they made a mistake in leaving.
21. Cell Leaders should work as a team to build the KINGDOM rather than their own cell. If a person just doesn’t seem to fit in your cell or has dropped out, refer them to another cell or have another cell leader contact them for an invitation to attend their cell group.
22. Cell Leaders are to avoid involvement with a cell group under another Cell Leader’s care unless proper communication and approval has been made with that Cell Leader.
23. Cell Leaders must not alter how the cells are run without first discussing this
with those in leadership above them.
24. When the boundaries are not clear, always go back to the one delegating authority in order to receive clarification.
25. Sixteen Core Cell Leadership Values
a. RECOGNITION of each leader’s place in the body.
b. HONOR is demonstrating reverence for God’s delegation in another leader.
c. HUMILITY is not thinking of yourself more highly than other leaders around you.
d. SUBMISSION is the ability to yield to God’s authority in others.
e. ATTITUDE is the atmosphere we create around us through our mental and emotional posturing that either stimulates or stifles our relationship with other leaders.
f. RESPECT is esteeming the value of other leaders in your heart.
g. SERVANT’S HEART is the willingness to help other leaders succeed.
h. COMMUNICATION is the central nervous system that enables every leader in the body to work together in sync.
i. TEAMWORK is the commitment to work together under common leadership to achieve a common goal.
j. COVERING is standing in the gap for other leaders in the hard times.
k. TRUST is allowing other leaders to operate on character credit.
l. HONESTY is the truth material with which trust is built and maintained.
m. REPENTANCE is being able to say “I was wrong” and then to take responsibility to make things right.
n. FORGIVENESS is releasing other leaders from their character credit “defaults” and allowing them the opportunity to rebuild their credit.
o. UNITY occurs when leaders all follow the Leader.
p. LOVE is genuinely valuing other leaders based on who they are rather than on what they are.