Don’t Let Go Of Your Vision!
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Proverbs 29:18; James 1:21-25; Hebrews 12:1-2
I. Without a vision, you will perish
A. Marriage, family, job, health, finances, spiritual life, etc.
B. What is your vision? What do you see?
C. Show me your vision and I will show you your future
II. How do you know if you have a vision? By hearing and obeying the word of God
A. “Perish” means to cast off restraint; to become unprincipled and undisciplined in your life
1. Principles of God’s word (Values)
2. Discipline of obedience (Choices)
B. Proverbs 29:18 Happy is he who keeps the law
C. James 1:21-25 Doer will be blessed in what he does
III. Get your heart back on your race and your vision back on the finish line
A. Hebrews 12:1-2 Run the race set before you
1. The faithfulness of our race will determine the outcome of the race that others have run before us (as in a relay race)
2. Lay aside every weight and sin that hinders us
3. Run with endurance the race before you (don’t give up!)
4. Looking unto Jesus as your example
a) He is the Author and Finisher of our faith
b) He focused on the joyful conclusion of His race
c) He endured the cross
d) He despised the shame
e) He sat down in the victor’s chair