Every Member A Minister

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Every Member A Minister

Pastor Keith Hassell



Foundation Scripture:   I Corinthians 12:12-31


I.                  We are all members of one body

A.               We are a part of this wonderful organism called the “body of Christ”

B.                We are baptized into the body of Christ by the Spirit of God when we are born again.

C.               When we are baptized into the body of Christ, God gives us special gifts that are designed to function within the body of Christ.

II.                Things that paralyze the body of Christ

A.               PREJUDICE (verse 13-14):  When we place value on people based upon their skin color or social classification, we do not properly discern the body of Christ.

B.                INFERIORITY (verses 15-20)

1.     When we compare ourselves with others we can begin to feel inferior.  We feel that we don’t quite measure up, that we are below standard, that we are useless and unprofitable. 

2.     Why? Because others will always be more gifted in some areas than we are. 

3.     Inferiority is based on a wrong understanding of God’s design.  God has made us all special, but yet different.  We will never be able to determine our worth by comparing ourselves with others.

4.     What does inferiority do?  It paralyzes us in the body of Christ.  We are paralyzed by a fear of failure.  We do not step us and do what we are designed to do.  We are just taking up space while robbing the body of the abilities God has place within you and robbing yourself of the blessing of functioning.

C.               ARROGANCE (verse 21)

1.                 Arrogance is thinking of ourselves more highly than others.

2.                 Arrogance thinks independently and self-sufficienctly.  However, every member is dependent upon the work that every other member supplies.

3.                 Think of a star quarterback who thinks he can get by without his offensive line.

4.                 Arrogance can cause parts of the body to never be recognized or allowed to function within the body.

D.               LACK OF SUBMISSION TO GOD’S ORDER IN THE BODY (verse 28-31)

1.                 Every part is important.

2.                 There is no part more important than any other.

3.                 However, there is an order within the body that keeps every part not only functioning, but working together toward a common goal.

4.                 God’s ordained leadership in the church is the central nervous system that keeps the plan of the Head (Christ) communicated to the entire body.

III.             Every member a minister

A.               You are a member of Christ’s body

B.                You have been given a function within this body

C.               You therefore are vital and important to this body

D.               Without you, a part of Christ’s body is paralyzed

E.                Everyone has a job to do.  Everyone is to be a minister within God’s house.

1.                 There is a ministry to be done in the house (chores)

2.                 There is a ministry to be done in the fields (missions)

IV.            Where do I begin?

A.               Get connected in a Lighthouse.  The body is made up of many members of which you are one.  They have to be connected.

B.                Get connected to a local church.  God has a place for you.

C.               Get involved in serving wherever there is a need.  Start working somewhere---anywhere.  Tell someone, “I am willing to help.  Whatever you need done, I am willing.”

D.               As you serve, you will begin to discover your gifts and callings.  Others will also begin to notice and confirm these things in you.

E.                As you discover your gifts and callings, you will find your function and place within the body of Christ.

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