Fan or Follower (Palm Sunday)
Fan or Follower?
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Luke 19:28-48
I. Are you a “fan” or a “follower” of Jesus?
A. “Fan” – an enthusiastic admirer
1. A fan can feel like he is a part of the game, but he never plays the game
2. A fan can look like the real thing, but he is not the real thing
3. Fans can jump on or jump off without it costing them anything
B. “Follower” – a person who follows the practices and beliefs of another
1. A follower is a part of the game. He has paid the price to be on the field.
2. A follower is the real thing.
3. A follower will stick it out to the end because it has cost him everything.
C. The difference between a fan and a follower is that one has paid a price and one has not
D. There will be no fans in the God’s hall of fame.
II. The fans showed up for the Triumphal Entry
A. The crowd
B. The excitement
C. The popularity
III. The fans were nowhere to be found at the crucifixion
A. The rejection
B. The ridicule
C. The suffering
D. The sacrifice
IV. Are you a fan or a follower?
A. Do you follow Jesus because He is popular or because He is Lord?
B. Do you stand alone with Jesus or do you follow the crowd?
C. Are you with the fans on Sunday and with the crucifixion crowd during the week?
D. Do you deny Him around those who mock, ridicule and reject Him?
E. Do you count the cost and choose Jesus above everything and everyone else?
F. Are you simply an enthusiastic admirer or are you a true disciple of Jesus Christ?
V. Invitation: Are you a fan or a follower?
A. It is time to count the cost
B. It is time to pay the price
C. It is time to take up your cross
D. It is time to follow Jesus