Practicing the Gentleness of Jesus!
Series: Galatians
Lesson 16, Gal 5.22-24
Jerry Smith
September 3, 2017
“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Jesus”
Practicing the Gentleness of Jesus!
I. Paul’s Apostleship (Gal 1.1—2.21)
On a scale of 0 to 5 (0 = this is not at all true of you, and 5 =
II. Justification By Faith (Gal 3.1—4.31) this is strongly true of you), rate yourself on the following
III. Liberty By Faith (Gal 5.1—6:10) qualities. Then ask a friend to rate you.
A. Liberty is not law (Gal 5.1-12) • I am sensitive to other people’s rights and feelings.
B. Liberty is not license (Gal 5.13-26) • People relax in my presence. They don’t have to
1. The Fruit of License (Gal 5.13-21) worry about being looked down on or criticized.
2. The Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5.22-26) • I don’t condemn other people for their weakness. I
a. Love speak the truth gently until their true need is
A) joy exposed and they are open to my help.
B) peace I am sensitive to others’ opinions and ideas.
C) patience I don’t make people feel guilty for being less serious
about their faith than I am.
D) kindness
• I seek to change someone’s wrong opinion or
E) goodness attitude by persuasion and kindness, not by
F) faithfulness domination or intimidation.
G) gentleness • I don’t threaten people, either directly or indirectly.
• I avoid blunt speech and an abrupt manner.
I talk to people with sensitivity and respect.
• I’m not threatened by opposition. I don’t resent
those who oppose me.
• I don’t degrade or belittle or gossip about someone
who falls into sin. Instead I will grieve and pray for
that person.
• I am fair, considerate, and generous rather than rigid
and exacting.
• I listen to reason.
Jerry Bridges, The Fruitful Life: The Overflow of God’s Love
Through You (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2006), 150.
C. Liberty is to Love (Gal 6.1-10)
IV. Conclusion (Gal 6.11-18)
This study of Scripture is from Christ Fellowship • 104 Chestnut Lane • Franklin TN 37064 • 615.591.2597