Slowing Down in a Hurry Up World - 2017-09-03
Antidotes for the Out of Control Life - September 2017 • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 30:07
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Antidotes for the Out of Control Life - Small Group Discussion and Homework
1 of 4 Slowing Down in a Hurry Up World
Small Group Discussion Work
In Sunday's sermon the minister
Welcome suggested you thin out some of those
things that rob you of life - have you
What is the most difficult, time
worked out what you are doing that is
consuming, exhausting work you have
robbing you of life at the moment?
ever done?
What is there that would give you life that
Worship you need to commit to including in your
Think back over the past two weeks and life?
tell the group about something you really
enjoyed. A moment, a taste, a
realisation, a laugh, a book etc. Once
you've shared your stories take a
moment to give thanks to God for them. If you don't do it already, find 15 minutes
in each day to make yourself present to
God; find a place to sit where you won't
be disturbed, turn off or leave behind
Read John 10:1-11 your electronic distractions and pay
attention to God. Share your experience
From John 10:1-11, we learn that Jesus
with the group next week.
promised that we “…may have life, and
have it to the full.” Interpreters of Go for a walk and give God permission
scripture see this as an offer for the now, to bring up to you the things you do to
not just some future time. What might look important, to appear right or to
prevent us from experiencing this better 1
make a good appearance?
life right now?
Further Helps for Individual
Does humanity tend to see “the glass” as
half empty or half full? How can we go
about living our life more fully in “the List everything you do for one month
now”? then then rank each thing you did:
1 - Essential
The sheep in Christ’s metaphor trusted 2 - Important but not essential
their shepherd. What prevents us from 3 - Helpful but not necessary
trusting that Christ will shepherd us 4 - Other
through this life and its difficulties?
1 Johnson, Jan. Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried
R h ythms of Grace
Antidotes for the Out of Control Life - Small Group Discussion and Homework
1 of 4 Slowing Down in a Hurry Up World
Ruthlessly eliminate all of the last two The primary answer, of course, is
categories and some of the first two. “nothing.” - At its heart, solitude is
primarily about not doing something.
At the top of your list write answers to: Just as fasting means to refrain from
1 - What do I want? eating, so solitude means to refrain from
2 - What am I longing for? society.
3 - How is God inviting me to say yes in
this season of life? When we go into solitude, we withdraw
from conversation, from the presence of
If you’re worried about offloading a others, from noise, from the constant
certain time commitment, trust that God barrage of stimulation.3
will prompt another person to take it up.
Solitude before bedtime can be used to
- What happens inside you when you Review the Day with God:
consider eliminating or abbreviating 1. Be still for a moment and quiet your
certain things? mind.
- Who are you trying to please or win 2. Acknowledge that Jesus is present.
over? Invite him to teach you.
- What are you trying to avoid? 3. Go back in your mind to when you
- Consider what is missing. first woke up. Watch that scene, as if on
- Is there space to breathe? video. This may lead you to pray for
- Is there substantive community life patience, greater love, courage,
where you can say what you really forgiveness, or other virtues.
need to say? 4. Continue through the day, going
- Are there practices on your list that from scene to scene. As you reflect on
help God satisfy the deep longings of them, some scenes may fill you with
your heart? gratitude, others with regret. Speak
- If not, do you need different practices? directly to the Lord about this. You may
- Who might help you discern these?2 also be led to pray for some of the
people you were interacting with during
the day.
5. End with a prayer of thanksgiving
Solitude is the remedy for the busyness
for God’s mercy and love. Ask him to
... But what exactly is solitude? What do 4
refresh you as you sleep.
we do when we practice solitude?
3 Ortberg, John. The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual
2 Disciplines for Ordinary People (p. 86).
Johnson, Jan. Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried
Rhythms of Grace (pp. 111-112) 4 Ortberg, John. The Life You've Always Wanted: Spiritual
Di s ciplines for Ordinary People (p. 87).