Blessed Beyond Measure
Ephesians 1:1-14
Blessed Beyond Measure
September 3, 2017
Dr. James Pittman
Outline for our study
Blessed Beyond Measure
1. Chosen by God (1:3-6)
2. Redeemed by the Son (1:7-12)
3. Sealed by the Spirit (1:13-14)
Questions to ponder & Study notes
• Questions to ponder… • Study Notes:
1. According to verse 3 who has God blessed? How _____________________________________________
has He blessed? What kind of “blessings” are they? _____________________________________________
2. According to verse 4 what was the basis for God _____________________________________________
choosing you? When did He choose you? What was _____________________________________________
His purpose in choosing you? _____________________________________________
3. According to verses 7-12 what did God do to carry _____________________________________________
out (bring to pass) His will of choosing you? _____________________________________________
4. According to verses 13-14 what does God do as a _____________________________________________
pledge to show you He will keep His promise? _____________________________________________
5. Finally, in verses 3-14, how many times does Paul _____________________________________________
use the phrase “in Him”? Who do you think the
phrase “in Him” refers to? Why do you think it is