Managers in Training
At What Age Does Stewardship Start?
As the offering plates were being passed during worship, a little boy seated with his father whispered loudly: “Don’t pay for me, daddy. I’m under five.”
1. Every one (believer) has received something (v. 10)
2. You are responsible in two particular ways for what you have received (v. 10)
Topics: Body of Christ; Church; Community; Culture; Individualism; Revival
References: Romans 12:1–8; 1 Corinthians 12:12–31; Ephesians 1:22–23; 3:21
Many Christians have been infected with the most virulent virus of modern American life: radical individualism. They concentrate on personal obedience to Christ as if all that matters is “Jesus and me,” but in doing so miss the point. For Christianity is not a solitary belief system. Any genuine resurgence of Christianity, as history demonstrates, depends on a reawakening and renewal of that which is the essence of the faith—the people of God, the new society, the body of Christ, which is made manifest in the world—the church.
—Chuck Colson, The Body (Word, 1992)
3. What you have received is multi-faceted (v. 10-11)
(i) Manage the gift that is manifold
(ii) Manage the gift according to this sobering standard (v. 11)
(iii) Manage the gift by God's ability (v. 11) - ,
Concluding thoughts:
(1) Have you received the grace of God?
(2) Having received, how are you doing at managing what you have received?
(3) Are you managing what has been entrusted to you, as if the end is truly near?
The Best I Have
Some of us remember the bitter conflict between Russia and Finland in 1939. At last, Finnish officials ordered evacuation of their beloved homeland, including that of an old lady living alone. She had only a few hours to gather together her belongings. She was also told that to prevent the house from falling into Russian hands, it would be burned when she left. When the soldiers returned to pick up the dear soul, she was on her knees scrubbing the floor. Being astonished, they asked: “Mother, did you not understand we must burn your home?”
“Yes,” she said, “but if I must give it to my country, I want it to be the best I have to give.”