How to Get through Discouragement
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We in a series entitled, “How to get through what you are going through!” It is interesting the timing of these messages as we have had some some serious storms hurricane Harvey and Irma hitting the US coast line.… What we know about Storms are often unpredictable and they can cause a lot of damage..
Not only are there physical storms that we can face but there are other kinds storms … such as health storm, financial storm, relationship storms, spirtual warfare storms and there are also emotional storms..... What we talking about in this series is “How to get through what you facing..”
The word that is central to this series is the Word Through…
The Good News is that.... that we are looking at how to get through the storm..
Jesus said to the disciples before they even kicked off from the shore that that they were going to make it to the other. Then he got into the boat with the disciples and when the wind and the waves threatened to sink them…… He gets up and he rebukes the Storm - He commands the storm to be be still… Tim Keller…tells us the fact that Jesus rebukes the storm is that he uses the strong language.… because it was spirtual in nature… “shut up and stay shut.”
We can speak to the storm s this morning… Because of the great name
Disciples were in awe when nature itself took note and lake waters became still like glass. We need to speaking Gods work in the middle of storms… There is both power in prayer and power in the name of Jesus..
This morning we need God’s word to encourage us and to speak to the issues we are facng...
The first thing is be encouraged.....God is going to get you to the other side
We can take great comfort in knowing that whatever you are going through today...God is going to get you to the other side
How do we get through the Storm of Discouragement?
What does it mean to be discouraged?
Discouragement is that sense or feeling of unhappiness arising from a loss of confidence in ones own abilities or in the reliability of God or in the power of the Gospel
Discouragement is a powerful emotion...
John Stott said that .... The Christian's chief occupational hazards are depression and discouragement. John R. W. Stott
None of us is immune to discouragement… we all face it. What we need to know is how to handle it . What often happens in life is that we just keep going through the motions… if we can just push through another day… suppress our feelings.. Instead of taking time to stop… My professor … Rod Cooper once said to us students “If the horse is dead dismount.” Keep on doing what we have been doing with out stopping..
There are times where we think that we could just push through…suppress our feelings.. get through another day… but here is the things you cannot ignore your emotions..
There are times where we think that we can just push through…suppress our feelings.. get through another day… but here is the things you cannot ignore your emotions..
What often happens in life is that we just keep going… if we can just push through… suppress our feelings.. get through another day…
In the first Century Stoics saw any admission of emotions as a sign of weakness… don’t be sad… dont be discouraged just put on a happy face every day… but yet deep inside we are hurting… One thing about emotions is that you can’t ignore them… you have to deal with them… the reason is this..
It is kind of thinking that was present in the in the first Century by the Stoics who saw any admission of emotions as a sign of weakness… don’t be sad… don’t be discouraged just put on a happy face every day… but yet deep inside we are hurting… One thing about emotions is that you can’t ignore them… you have to deal with them… the reason is this..
Our emotions are interracial part of who we are as human beings… God created us as holistic beings with a spirit, body and soul. But how many of us truly connect the dots on a daily basis and realize the direct impact our emotions have on our physical health?
When we aren’t feeling well, often our instinct is to relate the problem to a physical illness, what we’ve been eating and drinking, or whether we’ve been exercising and getting enough rest. But sometimes the deeper part of the problem—the root of it all—stems from negative emotions that we permit into our life.
As humans we are complex beings and human emotions and sentiments are of importance to life and our well being in general. There is a connection between our physical bodies and the way we feel…
we are complex and emotions and sentiments are of importance to life and our well being in general.
There is a connection between our physical bodies and the way we feel…
When we were living in Maine my primary doctor happened to one of the members in our church. She was from Nigeria her name was Dr AO… it was abbreviated because her real name was too long to pronounce… she wonderful doctor… I had been struggling a with viral infection and causing me to experience vertigo.. … we couldn’t figure out what really going on… so I had several appointments with her...
Every time, I went to her office my blood pressure seemed to sky rocket. I asked her why this was happening … She calmly told me that it was more about my anxiety of going to the doctors visit than actually anything physically wrong with my body….. Our emotion can affect our physical health..
Sometime we want disconnect from our our emotions… ignore feelings…
There is this connection between our emotions and our physical bodies… Psychologists talks about our emotions as reflexes…connected to muscles and motor functions
Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling Psychology of Emotion
emotions are reflexes
Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling Psychology of Emotion
almost all unpleasant emotions are associated with increased muscular tension in all or some muscles, whereas pleasant emotions are associated with decreased tension in all or some muscles
For example negative feelings are associated with increased muscular tension, whereas pleasant emotions are associated with decreased tension in all or some muscles. Our emotions have a direct affect on our health an our well being in general…
This is from Bakers Phy
Personality is built on a foundation of emotional expression.
Almost all unpleasant emotions are associated with increased muscular tension in all or some muscles, whereas pleasant emotions are associated with decreased tension in all or some muscles.
In other words your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act…
If you ignore your emotions and feelings of discouragement… your body will let you know..
Jesus said to the disciples that they were going to the other side of the storm… We are going to be talking about the Emotional life… As humans we are complex beings and human emotions and sentiments are of importance to life.
It is proven that negative feelings are associated with increased muscular tension, whereas pleasant emotions are associated with decreased tension in all or some muscles.
John R. W. Stott
T/s How do you get through Discouragement… the first is to..
How do you get through what you are feeling… the first set is to..
1. Get in touch with our Emotions.
1. Get in touch with our Emotions.
Are your in touch with your emotions?
write this down somewhere… little self examine you can do at some point..
Can you list your top 3 emotions? How do those emotions impact your life and those around you?
One of the topics in leadership circles is this idea of Emotional intelligence… this the ability to identify access your own emotions and also understand and accurately perceive the emotions of those around you… Leadership is more that IQ or having the right competencies or skill sets… it’s about how you relate to others at an emotion level…
God created with a mind, body, and emotions.. they are interconnected with each other. … Our emotions not only affect our physical life… but also impacts the we relate to others...One of the topics in leadership circles is this idea of Emotional intelligence… this the ability to identify access your own emotions and also understand and accurately perceive the emotions of those around you… Leadership is more that IQ or having the right competencies or skill sets… it’s about how you relate to others at an emotion level…
personality and our emotions are inseparable.. If we are always sad and discouraged it will have effect on those around you.
One of the topics in leadership circles is this idea of Emotional intelligence… this the ability to identify access your own emotions and also understand and accurately perceive the emotions of those around you… Leadership is more that IQ or having the right competencies or skill sets… it’s about how you relate to others at an emotion level…
"Scripture reveals God as an emotional being who feels various emotions. tells us that God embodies the emotion of love — God is love… Everything that God does is motivated by love…
— God is full of Compassion during the period of the Judges time and time again God would rescue Israel and when God heard their affliction he was “moved with compassion.”
When Jesus looked upon the crowds he took pity on them because they were like Sheep with out a shepherd. God is a God of Joy and delights in his people…God is also has the emotion of Anger… God was angered over sin in the book of Joshua.. Jesus was angry over the money changes in the temple and he chased them out.
Whether we know this or not… Our emotions not only affect our physical life… but the we relate to others.... If we are always sad and discouraged … it will impact those around us..
In other words our emotions not only affect our personality but also affect those around us... If we are always sad and discouraged it will have effect on those around you...
David is one of those intriguing characters in the Bible…He is one who spent hours working through his personal struggles..… He got in touch with his feelings.. His emotional life was integrated into his personal life.. not two separate things.
We touch on the life of David last week and saw that most of the psalms he wrote were in the genre of laments… that is how David Dealt with his many of the challenges and struggles he faced..…
David spent most of his life as a fugitive running from King Saul - There is this point where David realizes that he will never be reconciled to King Saul - and he and his band 600 men and families move into the land of the Philistines….and they take refuge in in a town called Ziglag....
There is this point where David realizes that he will never be reconciled to King Saul - and he and his band 600 men and families move into the land of the Philistines….and they take refuge in in a town called Ziglag....
and he and his band 600 men and families move into the land of the Philistines….and they take refuge in in a town called Ziglag....
David has small band of 600 men who are his supporters… they take refuge in together in a town called Ziglag....
When David hears that Philistines are going to war against Israel
and he and his men actually fought battles alongside the philistines.. When David hears that Philistines are going to war against Israel… He and his men go to the front line to offer their services.
David and his men found themselves living in the territory territory of the Philistines and because of this they were forced to make alliances with the Philistines… so they often fought battles alongside the Philistines… This was working out fine until the Philistines went to war against Israel…
David had to make aliences with the Philistines and fought battles alongside the philistines.. When David hears that Philistines are going to war against Israel… He and his men go to the front line to offer their services… But the philistine commanders don’t trust David because he might change sides and win the battle for Israel… David and his men go back home to Ziglag… The Amalekites have taken advantage of the battle between the Philistines and attacked David at Ziklag…
The Philistines are preparing to go to war against Israel at a place called Aphek… David and his men go to the front line to join with the Philistines..… This must have been quite a conflict for David...
The Amalekites have taken advantage of the battle between the Philistines and attacked David at Ziklag…
Life often presents us with difficult challenges.. God has a way of working even in the midst of challenges..
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
God is working in the good times — God is working in the challenges and difficulties.
When David Gets to Ziglag
But the philistine commanders send David and his men away because they don’t trust them… they could throw the Battle for the Philistines… and be the reason for their defeat. David and are sent back home home to Ziglag…somewhat despondent . In many way it was providential that David was not part of this battle… Israel is destroyed and Saul looses his life in the battle.
Then turn to go back to home to Ziglag… when they arrive they discover that Amalekites have taken advantage of the situation… They had left themselves open for the enemy to attack.
s I believe that it was providential that David was not part of this battle… When David arrives back home in Ziglag… they discover that Amalekites have taken advantage of the situation… while they were away they sent a raiding party into Ziglag and took captive all their family, live stock and possessions.
An Amalekite raiding party had road into town and taken captive woman and children, live stock and possessions.... and burnt down their town.
When David arrives back home in Ziglag… they discover that Amalekites have taken advantage of the situation… while they were away they sent a raiding party into Ziglag and took captive all their family, live stock and possessions.
Now when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made a raid against the Negeb and against Ziklag. They had overcome Ziklag and burned it with fire
and taken captive the women and all who were in it, both small and great. They killed no one, but carried them off and went their way.
And when David and his men came to the city, they found it burned with fire, and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive.
Then David and the people who were with him raised their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep.
This is an incredible story… can you imagine the range of emotions they went through? They had been rejected by the philistines… they already feeling a little deflated.. they were tired..
Here is the thing we don’t spend to much time thinking through our emotional life.
When they discovered what was lost they wept aloud.... These are Davids mighty men… who are so overcome with grief they wept until they had no more tears left…
Now when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made a raid against the Negeb and against Ziklag. They had overcome Ziklag and burned it with fire
Things were calm before they left for work that day… they get home and what they found was devastating… A major storm had come through and devastated and left them with nothing… Immediate response… was to be overwhelmed… God created us with emotions… we feel grief… we feel the sense of loss… We ourselves in hearing this story begin to get emotionally involved…
This is an incredible story… can you imagine the range of emotions they went through? They had been rejected by the philistines… they already feeling a little deflated.. they were tired..
1 sm 30
The reason we want to help those who have lost so much in these hurricanes Harvey is motivated by our emotions… we can empathize with their plight… When it comes to helping those in distress… one of the powerful emotions is that we identify with weakness… Jesus himself sympathizes with our weaknesses…
They had just travelled 60 miles from front lines…from Aphek… and were no doubt pressing hard to get home as soon as possible… and as they come over the Horizon instead of seeing the warm fires of their homes..... they were
looking forward to being reconciled with their families. … Instead they see smoke billowing from their town.…Ziklag has been plundered and everything is destroyed… their women, children and possession have been captured…
How devastating and discouraging..
as they come over the Horizon they were expecting to see the warm fires of their homes.....looking forward to being reconciled with their families.. Instead they see that their city is on fire… And as they approach their village everything is destroyed… their women, children and possession have been captured…
?… They had just travelled 60 miles from front lines…from Aphek and no doubt pressing heard to get home as soon as possible… and as they come over the Horizon they were expecting to see the warm fires of their homes.....looking forward to being reconciled with their families. but… Instead they see that their town is on fire…their town has been plundered and everything is destroyed… their women, children and possession have been captured…
What happens to David and his men is they break down… emotionally… Emotions are raw… men break down in tears…we need to keep in mind these men were the toughest men on the planet and they wept until they were exhausted.
How in touch are you with your feelings?
What happens to David and his men is they break down… emotionally… Emotions are raw… men break down in tears…we need to keep in mind these men were the toughest men on the planet and they wept until they were exhausted.
Sometimes as those on the other side of someone going through a crisis… we try and shed a positive light on the situation… I have done it… But really emotions should be expressed… we need to listen to allow the other person to share their emotions… and disappointments..
their city is on fire… Everything is destroyed… and their women, children and possession are all plundered… These men were the toughest men on the planet and they wept until they were exhausted.
These men were the toughest men on the planet and they wept until they were exhausted.
These men were the toughest men on the planet and they wept until they were exhausted.
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
When they discovered what was lost they wept aloud.... These are Davids mighty men… who are so overcome with grief they wept until they had no more tears left…
Let me talk to men here for a second…
Most of us grew up in a world where we were taught that real men don’t cry… Men don’t like to talk about how they feel…We like to talk about everything else… but… things get awkward and uncomfortable when we talk about feelings....
GQ had a humorous analysis on when it would be appropriate for men to cry in public...Here are some of GQ's rules about public crying for men this was written by a women:
Here are some of GQ's rules about public crying for men:
It is okay to cry if you're in extreme pain, like, say, a piano were dropped from a fifty-story window on your foot.
If you're gonna cry from pain, it has to be at least an eight on the pain scale.
It's okay to cry at certain works of art or film. For instance, if you don't get misty-eyes at Toy Story 3, you are a monster.
It's almost weird if you don't sob the first time you hold your newborn baby. No shame in that, bro.
It's definitely weird if you sob during a sports event, although you can cry if you are actually one of the athletes out there on the field. But even then, you should cry only if you win. And if you're just a fan, the rule here is much simpler: never, ever cry.
Im not condoning public crying… for men… what we are saying is that we all need be aware of your emotions…
God created us with emotions… we feel grief… we feel the sense of loss…sometimes we don’t deal with things because we haven’t identified the emotion… behind our feelings..
Our emotions define our personalities and how we interact with the world… If we dealing with sorrow, anger, frustration… that becomes who we are… we are tied to our emotions.
David is feeling responsible..
God created us with emotions… we feel grief… we feel the sense of loss…sometimes we don’t deal with things because we haven’t identified the emotion… behind our feelings..
God created us with emotions… we feel grief… we feel the sense of loss…sometimes we don’t deal with things because we haven’t identified the emotion… behind our feelings...
Men don’t like to talk about how they feel… talk about everything else… but… things get awkward and uncomfortable when we talk about emotions..
David is feeling responsible..
God created us with emotions… we feel grief… we feel the sense of loss… We ourselves in hearing this story begin to get emotionally involved…
Our emotions define our personalities and how we interact with the world…
The reason we want to help those who have lost so much in these hurricanes Harvey is motivated by our emotions… we can empathize with their plight… When it comes to helping those in distress… one of the powerful emotions is that we identify with weakness… Jesus himself sympathizes with our weaknesses…
How in touch are you with your feelings? We may not think about the various emotions that we go through… it may be a good self examine and thing about the emotion that is most common in our lives…
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Our emotions define our personalities and how we interact with the world…
What are your dominant emotions… joy, compassion, sadness, fear, stress…
What are your dominant emotions… joy, compassion, sadness, fear, stress…
Once you have identified the reason why you are feeling this way...
One of the problems is that we don’t actually deal with our emotions…
One of the problems is that we don’t actually deal with our emotions… One of the mistakes we make is thinking that our emotions is sin… If we are feeling, sad, depressed, fearful… anxious… we must be in sin --- after all doesn't the bible say that what ever is not faith is sin?
? Several years ago we were going through the drive through — we were all kind of tired on a trip somewhere… but, we paid… and I realized that we
Emotionally, I felt pressured and I gave into anger… feeling overwhelmed — In these times you say things that you really regret…These are times that I am not proud of… What does the Bible say about our Emotions…
First we need to realize God who is perfect demonstrates a wide range of emotion… both positive and negative.
There are about 6 or7 identifiable emotions... they are related to our facial expression
write this down somewhere… little self examine you can do at some point..
Can you list your top 3 emotions? Positively or negatively..
— God is full of Compassion during the period of the Judges time and time again God would rescue Israel and when God heard their affliction he was “moved with compassion.”
When Jesus looked upon the crowds he took pity on them because they were like Sheep with out a shepherd. God is a God of Joy and delights in his people…God is also has the emotion of Anger… God was angered over sin in the book of Joshua.. Jesus was angry over the money changes in the temple and he chased them out.
Phil 4
How do those emotions impact your life? How do they affect my health? How do they impact those arround me?
Get in touch with our emotions
How do we deal with discouragement.
1. Get in touch with our Emotions.
2. Get ahead of our emotions
2. Get ahead of our emotions
Last year, we had a problem with our ford explorer… we had the car for 10 years and got our mileage out of the car and eventually it had some sort of knock in the engine…took it to up be repaired and found out it needed a 6000.00 repair… I loved that explorer… but it is amazing how quickly emotional detach from your car… This point the explorer is a huge liability and I was motivated to get rid of it...
We go to the dealer and want to use the Explorer as a trade in.. he tells us that there is no value in the car.. and he will basically take car of our hands for nothing.… now I am emotionally at the point of just get rid of it.. so, we basically gave them car…
it at least had that value… I made an emotional decision....
When we left Pam, reminded me that we just put 600.00 brand new tires on the car… it at least had that value… I made an emotional decision…without thinking through my options..
We all do this…from time to time… we buy a house because we fall in love with it… we make major changes because of our emotions…
Have you see the adopt a puppy
David and his men had just experienced a huge loss… but what happened next is that the men around him began to lead from their emotions..
It took a long time before we decided to get a dog… In Chico they have that station where you can drive and adopt a dog… I tried to avoid that
David’s two wives also had been taken captive, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail the widow of Nabal of Carmel.
And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
Emotions are high in this verse… Their grief turns to anger and now they want to blame someone for this… The bible says that were bitter in soul…
David being the leader has made a huge leadership blunder and left themselves wide open to attack… and what happens is David now becomes a target… their --grief has now given way to anger..
This often happens to leaders… that there is this expectation that we have from leaders… that they will do the right thing…but once and a while… leaders mess up… This is a huge mistake…cost these men their families… Now these are the same men who just moments before arriving home were willing to follow David into battle with the Philistines…
What is going on here?? These men are making descision from their emotions --- they are being led by their emotions… when we make descisions from our emotions… we often will have regret..
David’s men became bitter in their souls… and they wanted to stone David… this must have been incredibly hard on David…
Davids men who just moments before arriving home were willing to follow David into battle with the Philistines… became bitter in their souls… they wanted to stone David… this must have been incredibly hard on David…
David had his own emotions to deal with..
He had suffered the same loss of family… but on top of that David now all alone — He didn’t have anyone he could confide in…
we are told that David Strengthened himself in the Lord.... Out of the ashes of adversity… we see emerging David the leader and soon King of Israel.
David turns to Yahweh and we are told that David Strengthened himself in the Lord.... Does God hear us when we call upon him… David himself wrote in the pslams..
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.
We are going to see that not only Does God hear our prayers… but he also lifts us up out of the place of despair and despondency..
Out of the ashes of adversity… we see David emerging as the leader and soon King of Israel.
Adversity is going to come into our lives…there is no doubt… How we respond will determine the outcomes... But, David Strengthened himself in the Lord… .- Undeterred by his own grief or the rebellion of his troops, David resorted to Yahweh for strength and courage…
These were the closest and most trusted people in Davids life.
But, David Strengthened himself in the Lord… It is one thing to acknowledge your feelings… it is another thing to lead from your emotions..
Scripture is clear that David is also suffering the same loss..
follow him into battle with the Philistines..
Decisions..normally what happens is act on our feelings first…
This is what David does -
This is what David does -
Undeterred by his own grief or the rebellion of his troops, David resorted to Yahweh for strength and courage…
As soon as Asa heard these words, the prophecy of Azariah the son of Oded, he took courage and put away the detestable idols from all the land of Judah and Benjamin and from the cities that he had taken in the hill country of Ephraim, and he repaired the altar of the Lord that was in front of the vestibule of the house of the Lord.
David leads with His Faith…he seeks God for an answer… And the Lord gives him the answer… that they should pursue the enemy.... The Lord indicates that would succeed in their retaliation and that he would restore all that was lost…
Get this at exact same time Chronologically - Saul is facing the Philistines… Saul also has a huge delemna - Samuel is dead and he doesn't have any priest or prophet to guide him… an so he does the unthinkable ..he goes to a medium the witch of Endor to get council… he sees an apparition of Samuel… Whether this was demonic or actually Samuel is up for debate.. But the point is that he got a message… the message was that he would die in battle...… Saul evidentally ignors the message.
he seeks God for an answer… should they pursue the enemy.. when you have 600 men against a military force… it would be wise to ask whether you pursue.... The Lord indicates that would succeed in their rescue… Get this at exact time Chronologically - Saul is facing the Philistines… and Samuel is dead and he goes to the witch of Endor to get council… an apparition of Samuel… appears and Saul received the promise of certain destruction… David gets the promise of certain rescue..
would be wise to ask whether you pursue.... The Lord indicates that would succeed in their rescue… Get this at exact time Chronologically - Saul is facing the Philistines… and Samuel is dead and he goes to the witch of Endor to get council… an apparition of Samuel… appears and Saul received the promise of certain destruction… David gets the promise of certain rescue..
At the exact same time David is seeking the Lord and gets the promise of certain rescue.. We can handle our descouragement in different ways… James tells us that when we draw near to God he will draw near to us… then he says..
best thing in his mind..he goes to the witch of Endor to get council… he sees an apparition of Samuel… the news is not good Saul received the promise of certain death… At the exact same time David is seeking the Lord and gets the promise of certain rescue..
and Samuel is dead and he goes to the witch of Endor to get council… an apparition of Samuel… appears and Saul received the promise of certain destruction… David gets the promise of certain rescue..
… At the exact same time David is seeking the Lord and gets the promise of certain rescue..
act on joy, act on anger, act fear…
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.
The challenge is to get ahead of our emotions....
Faith based on fact not feelings…
1. Get in touch with our Emotions.
—a Person..
Let’s use the metaphor that our lives are like a train. In an average train, you have at least three cars—an engine car, a “coal” car, which carries the fuel for the fire, and a caboose. What is “driving” you train? What is the engine?
Faith is the engine of the train that pushes us through life. The coal car, which is what keeps the engine running, is the facts of God’s word—TRUTH. And the caboose is our emotions.
Now, no train can run without an engine or fuel. They are essentials. But you can go without a caboose. So, when looking at situations in life—especially the hard to understand—look and see what is driving your train. It should be faith fueled by the TRUTH (facts) of God’s word. IF this is true, it doesn’t matter what your “feelings” or “emotions” tell you.
Having been created in his image, we also were created with the gift to feel and experience emotions."
2. Get ahead of our emotions .
Remember, emotions are good, and they are from God, but they are not always reliable. They can change depending on the circumstances of our lives. We have to choose to stand on what God says is true—regardless of the situations around us. Feelings should never be the “engine” of your life. Never put your feelings above your Faith in the Facts.
How do we handle our emotions..
We also having been created in his image, are also were created with the gift to feel and experience emotions. Human feelings can be positive or negative and are subject to change and misinterpretation.
We also having been created in his image, are also were created with the gift to feel and experience emotions. Human feelings can be positive or negative and are subject to change and misinterpretation.
3. Get a Grip of our Emotions
3. Get a Grip of our Emotions
Human feelings can be positive or negative and are subject to change and misinterpretation.
As a Christian there are three things we deal with… We deal with our emotions… feelings.... We deal with the realities of life....Facts/truth..... and we deal with Faith… there is a tension between all three...
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
There is this metaphor of a train that helps us understand how to reconcile this tension... In an average train, you have at least three cars—an engine car, a “coal” car, which carries the fuel for the fire, and a caboose. What is “driving” your train? What is the engine?
feelings and faith has been compared to them metaphor of a train. In an average train, you have at least three cars—an engine car, a “coal” car, which carries the fuel for the fire, and a caboose. What is “driving” your train? What is the engine?
Let’s use the metaphor that our lives are like a train. In an average train, you have at least three cars—an engine car, a “coal” car, which carries the fuel for the fire, and a caboose. What is “driving” you train? What is the engine?
Faith is the engine of the train that pushes us through life. The coal car, which is what keeps the engine running, is the facts of God’s word—TRUTH. And the caboose is our emotions.
Now, no train can run without an engine or fuel. They are essentials. But you can go without a caboose. So, when looking at situations in life—especially the hard to understand—look and see what is driving your train.
It should be faith fueled by the TRUTH (facts) of God’s word. IF this is true, it doesn’t matter what your “feelings” or “emotions” tell you.
. In an average train, you have at least three cars—an engine car, a “coal” car, which carries the fuel for the fire, and a caboose. What is “driving” you train? What is the engine?
Remember, emotions are good, and they are from God, but they are not always reliable. They can change depending on the circumstances of our lives. We have to choose to stand on what God says is true—regardless of the situations around us. Feelings should never be the “engine” of your life. Never put your feelings above your Faith in the Facts.
One of the first questions we should ask is What is true.... often we play the tapes of what others are saying and messages we are feeding ourselves… that is what gets us on this downward spiral..
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
David Goes Forward in Faith pursues the enemies based on the facts of what God has said… God said pursue his enemies… and that they will overcome his enemies… We have the choice also to either lead from faith or to lead with our emotions… We can lead from the place of strength or from the place of weakness.
And David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, “Bring me the ephod.” So Abiathar brought the ephod to David. And David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I pursue after this band? Shall I overtake them?” He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake and shall surely rescue.” So David set out, and the six hundred men who were with him, and they came to the brook Besor, where those who were left behind stayed. But David pursued, he and four hundred men. Two hundred stayed behind, who were too exhausted to cross the brook Besor.
1 Sam 30:7-
they will overcome his enemies… We have the choice also to either lead from faith or to lead with our emotions… We can lead from the place of strength or from the place of weakness.
Faith in God’s word Changes our Outlook… When David gets up he still has the same issues… he is still faced with the same emotional pain… But Faith has Changed his outlook… He begins to demonstrate the Character of God to others… we see that instead of getting bitter, angry and discourage… He becomes a trafficker in GRACE… When God changes our outlook we become grace givers...
During the pursuit 200 of his men are completedly exhausted and they have to be left behind...
Faith in God’s word Changes our Outlook… When David gets up he still has the same issues… he is still faced with the same emotional pain… But Faith has Changed his outlook… He begins to demonstrate the Character of God to others… we see that instead of getting bitter, angry and discourage… He becomes a trafficker in GRACE… When God changes our outlook we become grace givers...
He shows Favor to the Egyptian Servant — -
David and his men pursue the amalakite and then the trail gets cold and they stumbled upon this Egyptian servant… He had been abandoned by his Amalikite master .. they bring him to David… David has a choice lead with Faith or emotions
They found an Egyptian in the open country and brought him to David. And they gave him bread and he ate. They gave him water to drink, and they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. And when he had eaten, his spirit revived, for he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days and three nights. And David said to him, “To whom do you belong? And where are you from?” He said, “I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite, and my master left me behind because I fell sick three days ago. We had made a raid against the Negeb of the Cherethites and against that which belongs to Judah and against the Negeb of Caleb, and we burned Ziklag with fire.” And David said to him, “Will you take me down to this band?” And he said, “Swear to me by God that you will not kill me or deliver me into the hands of my master, and I will take you down to this band.”
This Servant had been part of the raid in Ziglag. but David deals with him with Grace.. Gave him bread water and fit cakes …
1 30:12
and they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. And when he had eaten, his spirit revived, for he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days and three nights.
David compassion he hadn't eaten for three days.. aHis spirit was revived!! Th servant gave them valuable information where the Amalikites were camped.. His encounter with God changed hos out look and he leads with Faith. Long the journey two hundred of his men quit because they are totally exhausted.. David still keeps Going..
. David finds the Amalikites celebrating their plunder and unaware that David and his men had caught up with them… A battle ensued.. and
- In ancient times if a slave was captured
2. David finds the Amalikites celebrating their plunder and unaware that David and his men had caught up with them… A battle ensued.. and
David defeat the whole Army with Just 400 men… there were 200 of his men who were just too tired to keep going…
2. David defeat the whole Army with Just 400 men… there were 200 of his men who were just too tired to keep going… Faith is not focused on resources… How many times has God come through with resources… we need to be focused on Calling and trust that God will supply all our needs.. this applies to money, to people… this is part of the narative in the Bible that God often uses our weakness to display his glory.
Faith is not focused on resources… How many times has God come through with resources… we need to be focused on Calling and trust that God will supply all our needs.. this applies to money, to people… this is part of the narrative in the Bible that God often uses our weakness to display his glory.
Faith is not focused on resources… God can do mighty things through a small group of people who are committed… Jesus invested his whole ministry into 12 men.
God can do mighty things through a small group of people who are committed….We are told that only 400 escape from David… those who escaped were the same size as Davids band of men…
And when he had taken him down, behold, they were spread abroad over all the land, eating and drinking and dancing, because of all the great spoil they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah. And David struck them down from twilight until the evening of the next day, and not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men, who mounted camels and fled. David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken, and David rescued his two wives.
David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken, and David rescued his two wives.
Nothing was missing, whether small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything that had been taken. David brought back all.
David also captured all the flocks and herds, and the people drove the livestock before him, and said, “This is David’s spoil.”
1 Sam 30:
If David was listening to his emotions he wouldn’t have dared to have attacked with just 400 men.. David in faith seized the opportunity and fought the enemy from dusk until the next evening… That is one long battle… Faith energizes us...
3. Davis goes back to the brook of Besor - he finds the men who desered him.. the Bible says that there were worhless men … who told David to withhold any of the spoil… from battle from these men
David Shares the Spoils with those around him — He gives to those who gave up…
But David said, “You shall not do so, my brothers, with what the Lord has given us. He has preserved us and given into our hand the band that came against us.
1 Sam 39:23
3. David Shares the Spoils with those arround him — He gives to those who gave up… He shows favor to those elders in the cities of Israel … He shares the blessings of the plunder… Everyone in the church benefits by the win.. When someone makes a committment to Christ we are told that the angels rejoice…
He shows favor to those elders in more than 13 cities of Israel … He shares the blessings of the plunder… Everyone in the church benefits by the win..
He shows favor to those elders in more than 13 cities of Israel … He shares the blessings of the plunder… Everyone in the church benefits by the win..
When Jesus triumphed on the cross He won the greatest battle and he had spoil to share…
But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it says,
“When he ascended on high he led a host of captives,
and he gave gifts to men.”
David is a remarkable picture of Jesus..
We are like Davids men — David is like Jesus
We are like the weary ones left behind - David is like Jesus
We are like the spoil that David recovered.. (we rescued) David is like Jesus..
Faith is the engine of the train that pushes us through life. The coal car, which is what keeps the engine running, is the facts of God’s word—TRUTH. And the caboose is our emotions.
And David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, “Bring me the ephod.” So Abiathar brought the ephod to David.
And David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I pursue after this band? Shall I overtake them?” He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake and shall surely rescue.”
So David set out, and the six hundred men who were with him, and they came to the brook Besor, where those who were left behind stayed.
But David pursued, he and four hundred men. Two hundred stayed behind, who were too exhausted to cross the brook Besor.
Now, no train can run without an engine or fuel. They are essentials. But you can go without a caboose. So, when looking at situations in life—especially the hard to understand—look and see what is driving your train. It should be faith fueled by the TRUTH (facts) of God’s word. IF this is true, it doesn’t matter what your “feelings” or “emotions” tell you.
Remember, emotions are good, and they are from God, but they are not always reliable. They can change depending on the circumstances of our lives. We have to choose to stand on what God says is true—regardless of the situations around us. Feelings should never be the “engine” of your life. Never put your feelings above your Faith in the Facts.
How do we handle our emotions..
We also having been created in his image, are also were created with the gift to feel and experience emotions. Human feelings can be positive or negative and are subject to change and misinterpretation
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Jerimiah 29:11
I will pursue them with sword, famine, and pestilence, and will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, a terror, a hissing, and a reproach among all the nations where I have driven them,
Let’s use the metaphor that our lives are like a train. In an average train, you have at least three cars—an engine car, a “coal” car, which carries the fuel for the fire, and a caboose. What is “driving” you train? What is the engine?
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jer 29:18
We were not born to lose!,
Faith is the engine of the train that pushes us through life. The coal car, which is what keeps the engine running, is the facts of God’s word—TRUTH. And the caboose is our emotions.
Christ makes all the difference with discouragement…For the Christian there is somethng called hope.. There is always a silver lining...
Now, no train can run without an engine or fuel. They are essentials. But you can go without a caboose. So, when looking at situations in life—especially the hard to understand—look and see what is driving your train.
For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
It should be faith fueled by the TRUTH (facts) of God’s word. IF this is true, it doesn’t matter what your “feelings” or “emotions” tell you.
and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Remember, emotions are good, and they are from God, but they are not always reliable. They can change depending on the circumstances of our lives. We have to choose to stand on what God says is true—regardless of the situations around us. Feelings should never be the “engine” of your life. Never put your feelings above your Faith in the Facts.
We also having been created in his image, are also were created with the gift to feel and experience emotions. Human feelings can be positive or negative and are subject to change and misinterpretation
David Experiences a major defeat with 400 men…