Marching in File and Rank

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Marching in File and Rank

Pastor Keith Hassell


Foundation Scripture:   Joel 2:7-8  “They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of war;  everyone marches in formation, and they do not break ranks.  They do not push one another;  everyone marches in his own column.”


I.                  We are called to be the army of God

A.               It is time to MARCH!

B.                It is time to FIGHT!

C.               It is time to RUN!

D.               It is time to CLIMB!

E.                It is time to TAKE GROUND!

II.      Everyone marches in formation.

A.               “Formation” (Webster)  “the way in which something is formed or arranged;  structure;  an arrangement or positioning, as of troops.”

B.                We must know the authority structure and how it works.

1.       I Thessalonians 5:12-13  “We urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake.  Be at peace among yourselves.”

C.               We must know our arrangement and position.

D.               We must know the arrangement and position of those around us.

E.                We must march in our position.

III.    They do not break ranks.

A.               We must make sure we do not overstep our position and authority. This is pride and rebellion that leads to bondage.

1.       Jude 1:6 (NKJV) “And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.”

B.                We must make sure we fulfill our position so that others do not feel the need to step in and fulfill our function.

C.               We must allow those under us to function in their position in the formation.

1.       Ephesians 5:21 (NKJV)  “Submitting to one another in the fear of God.”

D.               We must not usurp the position and function of those under us except when the spiritual, moral, and physical safety of those involved is at stake.

E.                We must honor and submit to those in position over us in the Lord.

F.                Issues of rank and position should be clarified with those up rank and not to those down rank.

IV.            They do not push one another.

A.               Pushing is applying pressure in order to move another out of their position and function or to take ground away from them illegally.

B.                Pushing is competition for more position and authority.

C.               Legitimate authority before God is granted, not taken.

D.               We must be satisfied to operate faithfully in the position and function that we have been given in the marching formation.

E.                When in doubt about who is in authority, always yield to the rank above you.

V.               Everyone marches in his own column

A.               A “column” is a chain of authority.

B.                Everyone is to stay focused on those above them to whom they are accountable and those under them over which they lead.

C.               No one is authorized to meddle with those in a different column, or chain of authority.  They will answer to those over them.

D.               As we march in formation in our column and rank, this army will be victorious and do great things for God.

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