Marvelous Mothers
Marvelous Mothers
Pastor E. Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Genesis 3:20
I. Adam gave two names to the first female
A. “Woman” (Genesis 2:23) based upon her role as wife
B. “Eve” (Genesis 3:20) based upon her role as mother. “Eve” means, “living” or “life”
II. Mothers, you are marvelous!
A. Marvelous (Webster’s): “causing wonder; surprising; astonishing, extraordinary, incredible, very good, splendid”
B. Illustration: Only a Housewife?
1. Too many times women are made to feel that they should apologize for being mothers and housewives. In reality, such roles can be noble callings. When I was on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, there were gatherings from time to time to which faculty members brought their spouses. Inevitably, some woman lawyer or sociologist would confront my wife with the question, 'And what is it that you do, my dear?' My wife, who is one of the most brilliantly articulate individuals I know, had a great response: 'I am socializing two homo sapiens in the dominant values of the Judeo-Christian tradition in order that they might be instruments for the transformation of the social order into the teleologically prescribed utopia inherent in the eschaton.' When she followed that with, 'And what is it that you do?' the other person's 'A lawyer' just wasn't that overpowering. [Anthony Campolo, The Power Delusion]
C. Life is not the same without a mother!
III. Why marvelous?
A. No. 1: Because God made you marvelous!
1. You are a female by God’s plan
2. You are a woman by design
3. You are a wife by choice
4. You are a mother through God’s blessing
B. No. 2: Because of the life you give!
1. You chose embrace life!
2. You chose to give life!
C. No. 3: Because of your role in your child’s life!
1. A chief executive
2. Servant
3. Cook
4. Dishwasher
5. Housekeeper
6. Launderer
7. Tailor
8. Interior decorator
9. Child care worker
10. Coach
11. Psychologist
12. Law enforcement officer
13. Peace keeper
14. Mediator
15. Disciplinarian
16. Maintenance and Repair
17. Beautician
18. Hair stylist
19. Supply sergeant
20. Money manager
21. Entertainer
22. Event planner
23. Party hostess
24. Taxi driver
25. Nurse
26. Teacher
27. Tudor
28. Psychologist
29. Spiritual advisor
30. Intercessor
31. Encourager
32. Top Fan Club Member
D. No. 4: Because of the challenges you overcome!
1. Your role begins with the conception and ends when you die
2. Your job begins early in the morning and ends late at night
3. If you work, you are doing double-duty
4. Some of you are raising your children without a husband
5. Some of you are raising your children with an unsupportive husband
6. The emotional stress of raising good kids in a bad world
7. The social stigma that lowers the importance of your role as a mother
8. Your hard work and commitment seems unnoticed and unappreciated
9. The shortage of free time away from the children
E. No. 5: Because of the love you show!
1. Unearned
2. Unlimited
3. Unfailing
4. Unending
F. No. 6: Because of the example you live!
1. A mother’s life models for the child the lessons that she teaches and the life they should lead
G. No. 7: Because of the faith you instill!
1. A mother faith has the ability to affect a child forever
2. 2 Timothy 1:3-5 (NKJV) “I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.”
H. No. 8: Because of the legacy you leave!
1. 1 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV) “Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.”
2. A mother’s influence lives on through the children that follow after her
3. Proverbs 31:28 (NKJV) “Her children rise up and call her blessed…”
IV. Mothers, you are MARVELOUS!!!
A. Be encouraged in your role!
B. Be strengthened in your work!
C. Be established in His word!
D. Be empowered by His Spirit!
E. Be committed to your task!
F. Be blessed in your efforts!
G. Be faithful to the end!
H. Be joyful in the promised reward!
V. Live as MARVELOUS MOTHERS for the glory of God!!!