Manifestations of the Holy Spirit, Prophecy
Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Pastor Keith Hassell
KENNETH HAG1N: “Prophecy is supernatural utterance in a known tongue.” Concerning Spiritual Gifts, p. 85
LESTER SUMRALL: “Prophecy is a supernatural utterance that comes from a person who is anointed to speak the treasures of God to the Body of Christ.” The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit, p. 112.
DENNIS BENNETT: “The gift of prophecy is manifested when believers speak the mind of God, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and not from their own thoughts.” The Holy Spirit and You, p. 99
I. DEFINITION: The manifestation of prophecy is an instantaneous and divine revelation and utterance of the mind of God.
II. The Importance of Prophecy
A. It is common in the Old and New Testaments
B. It is evidence of the New Covenant
C. It is an evidence of the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit
D. Paul mentions prophecy 22 times in 1 Corinthians 11-14
E. Paul placed great importance upon it
1. Desire to prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1)
2. Desire earnestly to prophesy (1Corinthians 14:39)
3. Do not despise prophecy (1 Thessalonians 5:20)
III. What is Prophecy?
A. The Hebrew word for “to prophesy” means “to flow forth.” It also carries the thought “to bubble forth like a fountain, to let drop, to lift up, to tumble forth, to spring forth.”
B. The Greek word “prophecy” comes from two Greek words,
1. “pro”: meaning, “before”
2. “phemi”: “ meaning, “to speak forth”
3. The word “before” here means
a “In advance” or
b “In front of”
4. Romans 4:17 God calls things that do not exist as though they did
C. In general, “prophecy” is a VEHICLE designed to carry a message from God to others.
IV. What the Manifestation of Prophecy is NOT
A. It is not foretelling the future
B. Substitute for seeking God’s guidance personally
C. It is not preaching
1. Preaching a word from God is a part of the prophet’s ministry
D. It is not a “ministry of criticism”
1. Promoting one person's opinion above another
E. It is not rebuke
F. It is not condemnation
G. It is not invoking the judgment of God
H. It is not the office of a prophet
V. Why do we need the manifestation of prophecy?
A. We only know and understand in part (1 Corinthians 13:9)
B. We need to be edified, exhorted and comforted (1 Corinthians 14:3-4)
VI. The Purpose of the Manifestation of Prophecy
A. The simple manifestation of prophecy is given for three purposes:
1. “Edification” (Strongs #3619 meaning, “building, architecture”)
2. “Exhortation (Strongs #3874 meaning, “implore, entreat”)
3. “Comfort” (Strongs # 3889 meaning, “console, comfort”)
B. Prophecy that goes beyond these three purposes ceases to be the simple manifestation of prophecy
C. Note: Exhortation can include an element of warning of consequences.
VII. Prophecy vs. Tongues
A. The difference between prophecy and a message in tongues is that prophecy is in the known language of the people while tongues is not
B. The manifestation of tongues is a sign—a stumbling stone of offense—to the unlearned and the unbeliever (1 Corinthians 14:22)
C. The manifestation of prophecy is for those who believer (1 Corinthians 14:22)
D. The unbeliever and the unlearned are more ready to receive a prophetic word than a message in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:24-25)
1. Their minds are convinced
2. Their hearts are convicted
3. Their secrets are revealed
4. They worship to God
5. They report that God is among us
E. The manifestation of tongues on the Day of Pentecost was a form of prophecy because the people heard them in their own languages (Acts 2:5-11)
F. Tongues + Interpretation = Prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:5)
1. It is the same as if we were preaching through the use of an interpreter in a foreign country.
G. The motivation: To seek the edification of the church (1 Corinthians 14:12)
VIII. Prophecy vs. Prophet
A. The Manifestation of Prophecy
1. Carries a message of edification, exhortation, and comfort.
2. It does not depend upon a person’s maturity level
B. The Ministry of a Prophet
1. In addition to edification, exhortation, and comfort— involves the operation of two or more of the three revelation gifts:
a. Word of Wisdom
b. Word of Knowledge
c. Discerning of spirits.
2. Prophetic Ministry sees into the times and seasons of God
3. The prophetic ministry is both a calling and an office in the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11)
4. A person involved in prophetic ministry is subject to the same maturity, responsibility, qualification, and accountability standards as any other office in the Body of Christ (Example: Pastor, Teacher, Apostle, Evangelist)
C. All may prophesy (l Corinthians 14:31) but not all are prophets (l Corinthians 12:29)
IX. Timing and Unction
A. A message may be received but the unction to give it may not be given. In such a case, we should hold the message until God gives the unction to speak it forth
B. 1 Corinthians 14:3 The spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophets
C 2 Peter 1:21 No prophecy…comes by the will of man but by the moving of the Holy Spirit
X. Ways prophetic words may be received
A. The word of the Lord
B. Visions or Images
C. Dreams
XI. Ways prophecy can be released
A. Spoken Word (“Thus says the Lord…”; “I feel the Spirit of the Lord is saying…”; “God has spoken to my heart that ….”; etc.)
B. Writing
C. Songs
D. Illustrations
XII. Prophecy Checklist
A. Is it edifying?
B. Is it decent, i.e. not rude or obnoxious?
C. Is it in order, a military term indicating proper order, rank and timing?
D. Is it submitted for evaluation? Let the others judge.