Nevertheless At Your Word
Nevertheless At Your Word
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
I. When You Feel Like Giving Up
A. The two boats had been docked
B. The nets were being washed
C. I.e. it was time to give up and quit
II. Jesus Comes Along And Asks For An Investment
A. Jesus asks to use one of the boats to teach others
B. Jesus wants us to get our eyes off of ourselves and help someone else
III. Jesus Speaks The Word
A. "Launch Out Into The Deep" - Get out beyond your
reason (nets were cast into shallow waters)
B. Let Down Your Nets For A Catch - Cast out your faith
IV. Obedience Gets Results
A. Jesus honored obedience as faith although they questioned the logic
B. The disciples simply responded at His Word
C. The catch was so large that they had to call in help
V. Divine Involvement Brings An Awareness Of Human Poverty
A. "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.!"
VI. Understanding Our Weakness Makes Us Candidates For Ministry
A. "Do not be afraid" - There is no condemnation
B. "From now on you will catch men" - We cannot catch men in our own power and wisdom. Just like this fishing lesson, it is "at Your word."