Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:1-23
I. Obedience is important
A. Many proclaim their allegiance to God
B. Many do works in His name (Matthew 7:21ff)
C. Many say that they will obey and then do not
D. Many look for creative alternatives to obeying God (compromise)
E. Many know God’s will and blatantly refuse to obey.
F. Obedience is for the 1) Lord’s sake, 2) the people’s sake, 3) the enemies sake, and 3) our own sake
II. Obedience is for the Lord’s sake
A. God is looking for those who will obey Him
B. God will work through those who obey Him
III. Obedience is for the people’s sake
A. They need the example of someone who will obey God
B. They need to see the importance of God’s word above alternate opinion
C. They need the freedom and blessing that obedience brings
IV. Obedience is for the enemy’s sake
A. Our enemies will see the difference between our lives and their own
B. Our enemies will see the power and glory of our God
V. Obedience is for our sake
A. God has a plan for our lives
B. We fulfill our destiny by obeying God. There are no “small things” with God. He who is obedient in small things will be obedient in big things.
C. We can be rejected through disobedience
VII. There can be no substitute for obedience: Samuel asked Saul (in essence), “What is this sound I hear? It is the sound of disobedience!”
A. Obedience is better than sacrifice
B. Obedience is not compromise: Attempting to change the requirements so that it looks like obedience while doing our own thing is rebellion and stubbornness
1. Rebellion is rejecting the word of the Lord which is nothing more than a wanting to remain in control (witchcraft)
2. Stubbornness is idolatry which is nothing more than worshiping our own opinion above God’s word
C. Will you obey Him?