Parable of the Great Supper
Parable of the Great Supper
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Luke 14:12-24
I. The kingdom of God is not only future, it is NOW
A. The gospel is clear: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
B. Religion: Making the kingdom of God something for the sweet by and by.
C. Gospel: Making the kingdom of Heaven accessible in the right here and now.
D. Now is the time to respond to God.
II. The Invitations to God’s Supper have been issued
A. Israel had accepted God’s invitation of the kingdom given through the prophets.
III. The Supper of God is ready: NOW is the time to respond
A. The arrival of Jesus signaled the arrival of the kingdom. Although Israel received the invitation, they rejected the kingdom when it came.
B. Two modern applications:
1. The time is now to be saved. Jesus stands at the door and knocks (Revelation 3:20)
2. The time is now to obey God. Those who do the will of the Father will enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 7:21-22)
A. POSSESSIONS: “I have bought a piece of land. I must go see it.”
B. PROJECTS: “I have bought five yoke of oxen. I must go test them.”
C. PEOPLE: “I have married a wife. Therefore I cannot come.”
D. PRIORITIES are revealed by our choices.
1. People will do what they really want to do
E. Excuses disqualify us from “tasting” God’s supper
V. Whosoever will may come
A. The poor, the crippled (handicapped), the lame, the blind
B. Those in the highways (fast lanes of life---the “up and outers”)
C. Those in the hedges (alley ways---the “down and outers”)
VI. Invitation
A. The invitations have been issued
B. All things are now ready
C. Lay down all excuses
D. Come and partake of the supper of the Lord