Knowing Jesus. Making Him Known.
Sermon Tone Analysis
One of my hopes and prayers for us is that we would not take a morning like this for granted. The act of going to church so quickly and easily turn into a motion we go through. We do it because it’s just what we do. But as I’ve reflected on these past three years I’m more and more reminded of God’s mercy and grace. The realities that we don’t deserve to be loved by God, pursued by God, redeemed by God, reconciled to God, or be gathered together this morning because of God.
But here we are. Three years ago this weekend, Taproot Church Twin Falls began gathering here in the Boys and Girls club as a new local church in this city.
The story of Taproot…We didn’t want to come, but God had other plans. This text has been one of sustenance for me. I pray it will continue to be so.
The first thing I want us to do this morning is revisit why we exist as a church.
We exist to know Jesus and make him known. Make disciples who make disciples.
The big idea here is that the more we know Jesus, the more we’ll want to make him known. We talk about what we love (football season!)
This mission is rooted in the reality that God is a pursing God.
The story of the bible is about our glorious Good God pursuing his rebellious image bearers through the perfect image bearer, Jesus.
He does this, not because of us, but in spite of us…while we were sinners.
Jesus is the perfect example of the mission we are now to live.
In our text we see Jesus going (continually going) to cities and villages proclaiming the gospel.
Do we realize that if Jesus hadn’t pursued us, we’d still be like the crowds? Harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
This is some of you here today. You’re wandering aimlessly, harassed and cast down because you won’t follow the Good Shepherd. Follow Him!
Practically: How does this mission of knowing Jesus and making him know work itself out?
We Gather to be equipped.
We Gather to be equipped.
We gather on Sunday’s to be equipped through preaching.
You need to value Sunday morning. It’s not another moment of entertainment for your week. It’s a time to be reminded of the gospel, and be encouraged and equipped with the saints!
Don’t come just to listen to preaching. The preaching itself isn’t the point. The gospel that’s preached is!
We gather in GC’s to be equipped.
All we do in GC’s is for the purpose of maturing and equipping as well.
We gather elsewhere to be equipped.
We gather in EQUIP, Cultivate, women’s study, etc. to be equipped.
We are equipped to be sent.
We are equipped to be sent.
All of our equipping is for the purpose of going and doing.
It is so important that we not become content with getting fat on bible knowledge without ever doing anything with it.
We’re all supposed to become teachers (). This is disciple making.
For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food,
My prayer: That we’d be on mission like Jesus.
What is the gospel? Think about it for a minute. Believe it or not, that’s a loaded question that comes with a multitude of different answers. We’re quick to freeze on the answer, but it’s so important to know and experience every single day.
There is only one gospel.
Though there is only one, there are many “other gospels” we’re quick to believe. (See ; ).We are too quick to believe and put up with truncated gospels (a gospel that stops at the cross and is concerned only about entrance into heaven), or gospels that add work (a gospel that says Jesus is enough for salvation but not sanctification).These aren’t gospels.We fight every day with our unbelief and must pray to believe more!
We proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.
We proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.
The gospel we need to believe and proclaim is the gospel Jesus perfectly lived and proclaimed. It’s the gospel of the kingdom. This gospel is understood in light of the bible narrative. Creation…fall…redemption…restoration.Jesus’ gospel is the complete and true gospel.He lived it and proclaimed it among the poor, marginalized, and outcast. Jesus lived and worked to make broken people whole so that we can then proclaim him who makes that which is broken whole. Jesus wasn’t only concerned about salvation, but the full restoration of life. In other words, this gospel seeps into everything.
Because of Jesus, we seek to see the broken person made whole.The gospel Christian turns away from sins that were destroying him or her and turns to Jesus because he is more satisfying. Because of Jesus, a person will turn away from sexual immorality…drug and alcohol addiction…food addictions…gossip and pride…money and overwork. These things that are destructive. Jesus satisfies us and makes us more whole now when we turn away from these things and turn to him.Because of Jesus, we seek to see injustice brought to an end.“Jesus came so unjust people could stand next to a just God as if we’re just through a process of justification whereby we’re justified.”The gospel is about justice. Because of Jesus, we seek to see our city flourish.We don’t live in Twin Falls to take from it, but to give to it and serve it! To seek its welfare.
“Like Aslan coming into Narnia, with winter melting away and the flowers of spring appearing underfoot, it is an inextricable part of the person, nature, and work of Jesus that the good news includes real change–both spiritually and materially.”
My prayer: That we’d proclaim Jesus’ gospel, and love people as Jesus does.
There is do doubt that we have much work ahead of us. Our city is a broken city. I know that’s difficult to see from the outset, but when you get into the life of Twin Falls this reality becomes more visible. What makes it so hard is that so many people feel/appear to be “good.” We live in a city that gives us the illusion of having everything together. But we don’t.
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.
There are tens of thousands in our city who don’t know Jesus. There are those who respond religiously and irreligiously. Religion is saying “I obey, therefore I’m accepted.” Irreligion says???The gospel says “I’m accepted therefore I obey.”We must pursue the lost.
“Send out” (from ekballō—recall under 9:25) could also be translated thrust out, and it could even refer to workers already in the field who “need to have a fire lit under them to thrust them out of their comforts into the world of need.” -Craig Blomberg
My greatest desire for us is that we would engage in the mission of making disciples in our city and beyond.I think God has established a “core team” these past three years. We are now planting a church.Sunday morning is not the point of our existence. It’s the sending out point. It’s the equipping point. It’s the point where the fire is lit. We need all hands on deck in our Sunday Gatherings to enable more equipping and sending. We need more help in TK, Hospitality, Set up and tear down, etc. But those things aren’t our mission. We are being equipped in and with the good news about Jesus so that we can go out into our city and share the good news of Jesus with people who are perishing. Jesus tells us to pray.The harvest is the Lord’s. This lifts the burden off of us, and we don’t turn people into projects. We love them.We are instruments in his hands. This drives us to pray.
My prayer: That we’d work hard like Jesus.
Do not run slowly in God’s way, serve Him with industry and endeavor. -Rev. Mr Simmons
I’m excited about the year ahead. I’m praying God multiplies disciples among us in ways we never thought imaginable.
Praying for 25 baptisms. 50 baptisms?