Prophesy to these bones
Prophesy to these Bones!
Pastor E. Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-10
I. God brings us out of our hopelessness
A. We must see things from a new perspective
B. We must begin to see things from God’s perspective
C. “The hand of the Lord cane upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord” (v. 1)
II. God shows us the problem
A. God showed Ezekiel a valley of dry bones (Israel in exile)
B. Nothing encouraging to be seen—lonely, desolate, death
C. The bones were very dry—serious death
D. Note: God does not show us the problem to discourage us. He shows us the problem in order to develop vision and to take action. Anyone can see a problem and be critical and faultfinding. It takes an anointed leadership to see and pursue a solution.
III. God gives us a promise of hope
A. God shows us His plan
B. God gives us His promise: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live.” (v. 5)
C. His promise is the DIVINE SEED to bring about change
IV. God commands us to prophesy
A. God commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the problem! (Dry bones)
B. We must prophesy God’s word rather than what we see
B. We must prophesy the answer instead of the problem
C. We must prophesy life rather than death
D. We must begin prophesying when nothing is happening
E. The answer to the problem is to prophesy the SEED’S of God’s word
F. What SEEDS are we sowing?
1. Are we sowing into the problem words of pessimism and doubt?
2. Are we sowing into the answer words of optimism and faith?
V. Stages of Prophetic Declaration
A. FIRST STAGE: RESTORATION (vs. 7-8); Divine order.
1. A new SOUND is heard
a. People begin to talk differently.
b. People begin to see speak the answer instead of the problem.
c. People begin to get noisy in praise and in prayer.
2. A SHAKING begins to occur
a. God will begin to shake everything that is out of order
b. God will bring everything back into kingdom order
3. A REORDERING begins to take place
a. Bone comes together with bone
b. God will restructure church government, leadership, and members in order to be properly “jointed” together with one another.
c. There has to be proper structure in order for the body to stand.
4. The BODY OF CHRIST begins to form
a. Sinews: Covenant connections in relationships begin to form
b. Flesh: Muscles form to cause the bones to work together
c. At this stage there is form and dimension but still no life.
5. Proper SPIRITUAL COVERING begins to take its place
a. Proper understanding of spiritual authority develops in the church
b. Leaders understand that they are delegated and accountable to God
c. People begin to recognize, submit to and follow God ordained leadership
B. SECOND STAGE: RESURRECTION (vs. 9-10); Spiritual empowerment
1. BREATH and LIFE of the Holy Spirit
a. The Holy Spirit begins to work in and through the body
b. Potential for fruitfulness and multiplication is restored
2. PURPOSE and MISSION is restored
a. People begin to understand God’s purpose for the church
b. People see themselves as part of God’s solution
c. People understand that God wants to use the body of Christ
d. The people STOOD as an exceeding great army