Reflecting Kingdom Order

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Reflecting Kingdom Order

Pastor Keith Hassell



Foundation Scripture:       Romans 14:17; Ephesians 5:22-6:9



I.          Why talk about kingdom order?

            A.        Things are out of order in society

B.        Things are out of order in society because things are out of order in the church

C.        Things are out of order in the church because things are out of order in the home

D.        Things are out of order in the home because things are out of order between the individuals in the home

E.         Things are out of order with individuals in the home because things are out of order with God

F.         To get things back in order, we have to start with getting back in kingdom order


II.        Kingdom order is not oppressive.  No, rather the kingdom of God is characterized by

            A.        Righteousness

            B.        Peace

            C.        Joy

            D.        In the Holy Spirit


III.       The six relationships Paul addresses

            A.        Wives toward their husbands

            B.        Husbands toward their wives

            C.        Children toward their parents

            D.        Parents toward their children

            E.         Bondservants toward their masters (employee toward employer)

            F.         Masters toward their bondservants (employer toward employee)

IV.       Why is it important to reflect kingdom order?

            A.        Wives toward their husbands (attitude of the church toward Christ)

            B.        Husbands toward their wives (Christ’s love for His church)

            C.        Children toward their parents (our relationship with Father God)

D.        Parents toward their children (Father God’s relationship toward His children)

E.         Bondservants toward their master (our role as bondservants to the Lord)

F.         Masters toward their bondservants (reflect the nature of kingdom authority)

V.        Wives---Submission and Respect (v.22-24, 23)

            A.        Submission is recognition of God’s kingdom order

            B.        Submission is reflected in our attitude

            C.        Submission is confirmed by our actions

            D.        Respect is to be in awe of or to fear (their role before God)

VI.       Husbands---Love and Sanctification

            A.        Our standard:  As Christ loved the church

            B.        Love is giving of ourselves

            C.        Love is bringing our wives into their full potential in Christ

                        1.         Sanctification is setting apart for divine purpose

            D.        Love is nourishing:  “to train up to maturity”

E.         Love is cherishing:  “to brood over” To make feel warm, accepted, and protected.

F.         Love is building a new life together (leaving and cleaving): Not living under the shadow of comparison and control by outsiders

VII.     Children:  Obedience and Honor

            A.        Obedience means to listen attentively in order to conform

B.        Honor means to highly value and esteem (in your own heart, before God, and before others)

C.        This commandment has a promise attached:

            1.         That it may be well with you

            2.         That you may live long on the earth

VIII.    Fathers (parents):  Training and Admonishment

A.        Do not provoke:  Means not to provoke to anger where they never do right or never measure up no matter how hard they try:  It is expecting things out of them that they have not been trained to do.

B.        Training means the tutorage, education, training, and discipline.

C.        Admonition means to clear rebuke and warning.  Admonition is encouraging our children to do right with the consequences clearly spelled out for disobeying the Lord.

IX.       Bondservants:  Obedience and Sincerity

            A.        Obedience means to listen attentively in order to conform

B.        Sincerity is absence of selfish motives.  It is being bountiful and gracious rather than reserved and deceptive.

C.        Serve as one is a bondservant of the Lord

X.        Masters:  Kindness and Honor

            A.        Kindness:  Give up threatening

            B.        Honor:  Servants are created equal to you in God’s eyes

            C.        Accountability: Your own Master also is in heaven

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