Why Go To Church?
Good morning, everyone. I hope everybody's having a blessed Sunday so far. Let us all stand and join him praise and worship.
What is the best?
nobody told
and I'll just
When I can.
Brought me this today.
Hello. Okay, that's better. Good morning announcements today. Let's fix this want to start off with our national day.
Hey can everybody spend one more time for praise and worship?
The Who
weather today
Yes you are I am.
Good morning. Good morning, the question or the topic of even why go to church? Why go to church last week and I know we got do we have our young people? Do we have a class for young people today? We do. Okay. So we do have a class before we get started. Let's let's have our young people staying a man and we going to pray over our young people as they go to class A Man, by the way, thank you for our our young minds. And our young hearts in in the youth that you have have sent to United Christian Fellowship to be Shepherd it I I pray God that you would touch him from the crown of their heads to the sold their feet Lord and Lord as they go into class. I pray that their instructors and holy spirit will minister to their hearts that when the class is over. They won't be the same. I pray for him God as they are your Witnesses and your representation in their classrooms and in school and in our community and I asked God that you would just watch over him and keep them and we give you all praise and glory in Jesus name. Amen. Alright, our young people are dismissed at children's church a man. All right.
So why go to church why go to church? You know, how many of you have run across people who or like what weights you know, this church thing ain't from me is too many Hypocrites ice too many people who you know say one thing and they do something else or let me tell you to church and perfect. You know, the moment you show up that makes it an imperfect Church a man the moment I show up. It makes it an imperfect church. So Church churches and going to be perfect. You are not going to find a perfect group of people that will do everything you want them to do when you want them to do it a man, but that doesn't Prevent you from going to church because you don't go to church while you do go to church for people but you really go to worship God Amen. It's it it's a gathering of the called out to come together encourage each other and to be in a place where we can grow a mint and so the question is always why go to church, you know, you got family and friends who you know, like I'm not doing that church thing. Well, you have to do the church say Amen you have to do the church thing. So I want talk about why go to church and then and are foundational scripture is going to come from Acts chapter 2 verse number 42. So if you put that on the screen, and if you would stand with me, let's read that together Acts chapter 2 And verse 42 if you have your Bibles, you can turn next after 2 verse 42, but it should be on the screen. Let's read that together and they continue steadfastly in the apostles Doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and in prayer Our confession of faith. If you would join me and say this after me I am not moved. By what I see. or by what I feel I am moved by what I believe. I believe the word of God the victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. In Jesus name amen. You may be seated in the presence of the Lord. So let's wait for those who were here. We talked about helping someone to see Jesus. And so we begin to talk to people who are our losses the video said, you know, there is there is a lot of people who are not going to church a man. They're just not going to church. They been hurt by church folks. They didn't hurt by Church situations. They don't understand all of the the rules and regulations of church. So they just don't go a man they don't go and so that question of why I go to church and if you ever find yourself wondering about the question trust me, you're not alone sometimes even as the pastor I remember passing the church in Santa Cruz many years and I and I wake up and I say Lord you sure I'm supposed to be going down there cuz I have to drive an hour to get there and then you always wonder who was going to show up and so you want the people in the Neighborhood is in in there locally and they end up challenging getting getting the church, but it wasn't because they don't want to it's hard for people to identify. What they're supposed to do in church. Does that make sense? I'm an old soul survey say that 79% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, but only 20% of 10 Churchill 79% of Americans identify themselves as Christian, but only 20% attention. Some of them look like you know, what going to church is a bother I can turn it on TV and watch TD Jakes in my pajamas and you know, I'm good to go. Right but they missed the point, you know other you know, they say well if I was going to charge us like just like clocking doing the spiritual time clock. I'm just telling God. Hey, I'm just showing up by my heart is not in it, right. But if you if you're one of those people really understand church church is really one of the time that the time in the week where it can be so spiritually fulfilling a meant for those of you who really Understand why you go to church church can be a place where you get filled spiritually if you've been going through challenges all week long. It's a place where you can come here worship music greet each other feel like you're part of something and then understand that hey, I feel better because I came to church it. Have you ever had that experience where you didn't want to go to church and you came to church and you felt better because she came then there's something happens when the people of God come together out of love. We can encourage each other and lift each other up. Amen. So come in the church has its benefits now when we look at this, you know, the book of Acts tells the story of how church got started. So if you're reading the Bible read the book of Acts, if you want to know how the Christians Church got started the holy spirit Power his disciples and then they went out under the anointing and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit preaching about Jesus's death burial and resurrection. And that's what they call the good news and because they went out Telling people about the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ God intervene and thousands bekant came to believe all because there were a few who were obedient to go out and tell someone about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Does that make sense? We see the Bible says than those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about three thousand Souls were added to them now interesting thing when we do what God has called us to do God will add souls to the church. Does that make sense the Bible says in verse 42 he says and they continue steadfastly in the apostles Doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and then prayers verse 43 says then fear Came Upon not scared fear, but all came up on every soul and Many Wonders and signs were done through the Apostle. A man is now all who believe we're together. True that all who were who believe we're together and they and had all things in common versus 45 says and they saw their possessions and goods and divided them among all has anyone had needs 46s. So continuing daily with one Accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house from house to house the church started from house to house. They didn't have big buildings in megachurches. They were meeting in people's homes. That's what the church was back in the day. Amen, and they ate their food and we're glad hands and has Simplicity of heart first $0.47 says they were praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily those who are being saved.
I think by reading that we finally beginning to realize the real purpose of the church. And why we meet together on a weekly basis. So today I want to share with you five reasons why the church exist and why you need to be a part of it. Amen?
The first reason I want to talk about his membership. The first thing that the church brings to each and every one of our Lives as a sense of belonging and sense of membership. The church gives us a place to belong Who look at that passage in Acts verse Acts chapter 2 verse 42 the Bible says all the Believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to Fellowship a man and to the sharing and meals including the Lord's Supper in the prayer verse 46 says they worship together. So that that that that brought them together they worship together. They worship together the temple each day. We met in the homes for the Lord's supper and share their meals with great joy and generosity all those people are isolated. I don't want to admit it but people are very isolated today. They they they they they call America, you know America's like a place of a stranger's Today you can have me you can live in a place and not even know who your next door neighbor is a man you you can you can be you can be I've talked to people who have been in the crowd and felt alone. I mean, we're we're we're operating in a place where we're so used to try to do it ourselves in and build everything. I says, we don't understand what community is and what it means to belong but there is a desire to want to be able to be a part of something and that's what the church brings the church brings Fellowship the church brings membership the church brings a place where you belong amen the studies show that 4 out of 10 people experience feelings of intense loneliness at some point during the week 10 people feeling like they don't belong feeling lonely even in the midst of a big crowd a man. I mean, there's signs everywhere with people are hungering for Fellowship. Their signs were people are hungry for Community. Their signs were people are hungry for a sense of family of sense of belonging to check out all of the commercial. The beer commercials don't sell beer they sell fellowship and you look at it there all around and it people having fun, you know, they not selling beer. They selling coming together. They're selling let's have fun together. They're selling Fellowship. Advertise you really see if somebody is drinking alone. It's always at a bar or a club or something like that and look at what they're telling us is the way you be happy is when you're around a bunch of people enjoying yourself. That's the same thing the church brings. Hey, man, if you stop and take a second and look at what's on the advertising, it's always groups of people there always belonging to something and that's what the church provides for all of us a place to belong. Here's a deal. There's a lot of knowledge. He's for Christian or disconnected. Some people say a Christian disconnected from the church is like a football player without a t Soldier without a platoon without an orchestra a sheep without a flock but I think the most understandable and biblical picture is a child without a family.
The family is the church. Doesn't matter where you come from, when you connect with a church, when you connect you belong to something, that's why you can see people say they're always talk about where they belong to this church because we all have a sense in the need to want to be alone. Nobody wants to be isolated and what the church brings is fellowship. So the first thing but the reason why it's important to be a part of the church's cuz you got a membership.
Let me check out the V for v formation just before I want to talk about that for a second flying south for the winter. So they fly in this v formation, right? Social studies study guide and it says that each bird flaps its wings and it creates an uplift for the bird right behind.
So the burden from is flapping but it's helping the one right behind right? So they're flying in this v formation and it adds the but they say the study says it's at 71% greater flying range when they fly like that together then if the bird flu by itself So there's something about being apart. There's something about when someone is a little stronger they can lift you up when you're going through when someone has them they can help you. It's something about being a part of being a member that helps us. All does that make sense? That's what the church is supposed to be about. See when Christians when we all go in the common Direction and we have a sense of community we can get where we all need to go quicker and faster because we're traveling on the thrust of each other. You know, what somebody's flying somebody's going I can get right up under them and that'll help me go and I'm flying and somebody can get right up under me. And if we do this thing when we saw the rock, that's what the family is supposed to be about. Does that make sense?
And if they even want to further says when one of those Goose gets sick or wounded and falls out of formation to other geese follow him to help and protective they stay with him until he's able to fly again or until he's dead and then they launched how to catch up with the group. When you belong and you're part of something if you're going through somebody will be there to help you through that situation. That's what being part of that's what being a member of the church is about. That's what we bring to the table. If you can't do it when you isolated it by yourself, but when you're working and when you're in family and you're in and that formation you go through something some from you until you can get back on your feet. That's what the body is about a man. Jesus gave us the church that we could do the same thing for one another support each other stand by each other even when we're down in now, so the first thing is membership the second thing is magnification. See the church gives us an opportunity to magnify The God Who made each and every one of us look at the text and that chapter 2 verse 46 and 47. The Bible says they worship together. Tell your neighbor they worship. They worship. together the Bible says they worship together at the temple each date Madden holes for the Lord's supper and share their meals with great. Joy and generosity while praising God and enjoying the Goodwill of all the people and each day the Lord added to their Fellowship those who are being safe. What's the magnifying the lifting up the worshipping God together? God will act. Amen. I want to look at your neighbor right now. Look at them dead in the eye and say it's not about you. It's all about Jesus. Say it like you mean it it's not about you. It's all about Jesus. The church gives us an opportunity to worship God and his son Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit what goes on in this building is more than what happens for one hour on Sunday worship is a way of life. When you are a worshipper when your magnifying God you don't do it for an hour once a week. It's how you live. It's who you are. It's what you're about. You can't put it on the table and go away from it because it's who you are as part of your DNA your spiritual DNA. You are a worshipper. The problem is when we're isolated in by herself. Most of us don't even spend time worshipping God. when we get along Lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever. I'm not going to trial but I sometimes I think I'd be with y'all, you know. Tell McKayla her to know that I'm like really McKayla you just going to go there.
In Psalm chapter 34 Verse 3 the Bible says, oh magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt his name together. It's really important when we all come together and lift up the name of Jesus. It's really important. We all magnify his name. Now. If you ever look through a telescope you ever look through a telescope and you see how you nothing can be far away and that tells God magnifies it and you can see the detail in it never look through a telescope magnify when we worship God he becomes bigger in our hearts and in our lives and then we standing all of his incredible beauty, but it magnifying him worshipping him gets a gets us to that place is like looking through a telescope now I can see the picture so I can see the beauty of that planning. I can see the beauty of that mountain I can see the because I've looked through the telescope when we worship God when we magnify. Then he opens up and we can see him. Like never before that make sense. Men's I think some of us miss his splendor. I think some of us miss his wonder I think because we're not Magnify Him and when we begin to magnify the guy when we begin to worship God when we begin to praise and we begin to see him differently then I'm telling you. I've been going through some things or I have been going through some things and when my focus was on the problem the problem became magnified never been there. But when I took my eyes off the problem and put them on the floor then God became bigger than my problem. Does that make sense? And that's why he's calling us to Magnify Him to let them know because whatever you going through he's bigger than that, whatever you're going through he can take care of it. God is calling us to Magnify Him and and whatever situation or circumstance you're in. I tell you what, I challenge each and everyone of us to truly immerse yourself and worship. Truly man. I'm telling you. You're going to feel a presence from God like never before double dog dare y'all. Team lose yourself in worse. No don't just do it to be true. But really God, I want to see you like I've never seen you before so that's what the church brings it allows us to magnify the Lord. Amen. Number 3 is it allows us to mature spiritually.
in Acts chapter 2 verse 42 the Bible says all the Believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship and to sharing and meals including Lord's supper and to prayer in other words. They were committed to learning more about Jesus.
the apostles only taught Jesus Charlie did they talk Jesus. And so those who are around became more committed to learning therefore because they had more teaching of Jesus. They became more like Jesus because here's what I know what's on the inside of you? Is going to come out. So when you have Jesus on the inside of you, that's what's going to come out. Amen, Jesus is going to come out. So here's what I found and I'll tell you. I don't study too Bible 2.
Tell people what I know about it. I don't know. Why study but I don't study the Bible to sound like I'm a Biblical Theologian or to make people feel bad because I have more information study the Bible. So the word of God can change me.
Until you allow yourself and you want to be spiritually mature and in getting that word that word won't change you if you don't have it in you.
To renew my studies. Then press people with Greek and Hebrew in it. That's not why I do it. I do it for the word of God can change me. I do it so that I can be more spiritually with your I do it so that when stuff comes at me, I don't break. I might bend I might go like this but I'm not going to break anymore because I studied the world and I know what I stand on does that make sense. I can always spend time in the work.
What's the word say? What is the word say about that thing stand on the word believe the word got your feelings? That's why we do the confession of faith. I don't believe what I see cuz my eyes can lie to me what I hear. I believe the word of God. What does the word of God say about that thing? That's why you have to stay so that you can become a tour about situations and circles that I was I was doing some premarital counseling with a couple and I've come to realize you can't have a successful marriage if you're not in the word of God. That's a freebie for somebody that's a freebie. If you going through challenges and problems get in the word of God that is going to help you get through whatever you're going through. You can't have a successful marriage without having the word of God, Amen.
the holy spirit will use different methods to lead us into becoming more like Christ. See the whole thing is to become more like Christ more like Christ. Say more like price more like Christ. That's all it is. Sometimes the Holy Spirit use circumstances in our lives trials and tragedies to shape our character. See, sometimes you think you one thing until a problem comes. and then you realize you not what you thought you were. See that's shaping you. That's that's helping you to see who you are. That's why I sometimes we go through trials and tribulations because God is shaping Who We Are
one writer says he uses worship. Also the help shape of one writer said that is his name is Emerson. He says it behooves us to be careful what we worship for what we are worshipping we become
See what you put your time into what you put yo yo attention into that's what you become.
Hey, man. Sometimes he uses other people who are more spiritually mature than us to help us grow. Sometimes someone who's going through what you're going through can tell you. Hey, baby. You going through this? I've been there. And it would behoove us to stop and listen. a man, that's why he put so some people in your life sometimes I wonder.
And it was for a reason. Sometimes it was for me to pour into them. Sometimes it was for them to pour into me. but I wouldn't know that if I wouldn't spiritually mature enough to understand God is using that to mold me and shake me a man and then he
I think the more time you spend talking to God the more time you start to sound like him.
I don't think I heard that the more time you spend time. You haven't watch this watch your children. Those who you have children watch and they become imitators of Who You Are. They start walking and talking and acting and you see certain, you know in their voices and tones and stuff like that. They become exact duplications or not if you spend that time with God guess what's going to happen with you? Hey, man.
Out of all those things. I still believe God uses his word more than any of those other tools of the spirit. One writer says the spirit of God uses the word of God to make you more like the son of God. I'ma say that again the spirit of God uses the word of God to make you more like the son of God.
I think spiritual maturity. When you are operating in the church allows you to deal with some things that you couldn't deal with if you are outside of the Church Say Amen.
I'm almost done. I'm at number for I got number 4. number for his ministry
She being part of the church you get to to be involved in Ministry. Let me tell you what Ministry is Ministries service or serving. That's what Ministry is Biblical word for serving a man before the Bible says in Acts chapter 2 verse 43 44 45. It says in verse 43 a deep sense of all came over them all and the apostles perform many miracles miraculous signs and wonders verse 44 says in all the Believers met together in one place and shared everything. They had verse 45 they sold the property and possessions and share the money with those in need. See Ministry is serving those who are in need.
Ministry thieves by X people won a title by said be careful what you want because when you say you want to title the minister be a minister or Reverend or preacher some that put you at the bottom. Cuz then your job is to serve everybody else. Amen. Your job is to have it in your heart to make sure everyone else is taken care of and that's not a good place to be sometimes a man. I'm just speaking the truth. Amen. Now, here's the deal each and every one of us was put on this Earth to make a contribution. You weren't just created to consume resources. That's not why you here just to get get get your ass here to give your here to serve God designed you to make a difference in this life. You're here right now right at this time. You got here hundred. You didn't even put you in a hundred years ago because there's something that you have to do to make a difference.
That's why does the cervix there something you were created to add value to this life on Earth and God wants each and everyone of us to give something back. He didn't creep create all of us just to consume. He wants us to give back just chapter 2 verse 10 says God has made us what we are. What we are in Christ Jesus God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing that's why you were here. God has a plan for you to do a good work there you got here on Earth to put everything that you need in your DNA in your environment for you to do the work that he called in purpose and plan for you to do. What you want to do that if you're not in church. If not, if you're not a part, I mean there's exceptions to the rule sometimes people say hey, I was born to be a football player, you know, I was born in your tank was born and whatever but I bet you at some point in time. They have to get back to how did I get this and I get back to God Amen.
Sometimes I think if you love to cook you need to make start making meals for those or shut in.
That's giving. Here's what I understand who better to help a recovering drug addict and someone who fought that demon and found freedom. Hey, man. That's your job. So you can everybody can't witness to everybody if you've been through the tragedy of divorce. God can use you to comfort others who are experiencing that same heartbreak see possibilities are Limitless. But unfortunately, so is everybody's excuses. amen all pastor this why I came n so here's what I say if you been saved and you're not involved in any service or Ministry what excuse are you using? What's your excuse? What's the reason why it's all about you and not about anyone else. Does that make sense? Cuz I know how we know we have excuses cuz Abraham was old Jacob was insecure Leah was unattractive Gideon was poor David had an affair and all kinds of family trouble. Elijah was suicidal. Jeremiah was depressed. Naomi was a widow. The Samaritan woman have five failed marriages Thomas had Dalton Timothy was timid, but still God used each and every one of them in service. And he'll use you if you left a man. finally number 5 write down missions in Acts chapter 2 verse 47 with what it says all the while praising God and enjoying the Goodwill of all the people each day the Lord added to their Fellowship those who are being saved. UFC's mission is the same as Christ mission to seek and save the Lost. When you get saved Jesus adds you to his church. And therefore you have his mission and his mission becomes your mission. In church, we all have the same mission in the mission is to share the good news of Jesus and his Saving Grace to a broken world. You might fulfill your mission by sharing your testimony the story of how you came to Jesus or what he's done in your life. Someone else might carry out the mission by telling people the good news and explaining the sacrificial Death In His subsequent resurrection of Christ and what that means to the world. Maybe you accomplished your mission by simply inviting somebody to UCF. Letting them hear the good news.
See the church in Jerusalem group from 120 to 3000 in just one day. And by the time we got to ask chapter for the number had gotten up to 5,000 and by Acts chapter 6 there were too many to count because when people know their mission and they set out to do it it gets done. amen so I hope today that I've given you enough reasons to get up and Keep on going to church. I hope I giving you some reasons to share with someone who hasn't been in church for a while. I hope that family member that friend that co-worker who you know is going through something and is feeling isolated by themselves that you would invite them to church. because in church God has battleship the lonely And I believe UCF is a place to belong. It's not our job to judge. It's our job to introduce to Jesus Christ. Amen.
So here's the truth the church isn't something you attend at something you are.
When you understand what it means not to just go to church, but be the church you discover your likes pure purpose. You were made to be a member of this family to magnify his glory to mature and His Image and to minister his mercy and be a missionary of his grace. And so I challenge you. your next steps read Acts chapter 4 5 and 6 this week. pray for someone that you can bring the church. And then in order for you to grow sign up for growth group or volunteer to lead a growth group a man. Those are reasons why you should be in church and I give God a big hand of praise.
Amen, so we going to have D come up and you're going to tell him about amazing offer. amen
past Let the Church Say Amen
Pastor brought us a wonderful message today. And all we have to do is this obey the word of God.
God is the only one that can save us. No, we can we ship that beautiful home that we have that beautiful car. or whatever but When you leave here, you can't take it with you. But God what he said you can be absent from the body and present with the Lord.
Sza, what do it profit a man to win the whole world? And lose his soul.
So you happy down here, but one thing about it you got any. Come along the Lord side.
God loved us he made us and he loved us.
So if you want to come to be a part of the United Christian Fellowship now is the time
if you have one ready down on it on your fellowship card in this you can come now.
God is waiting he
So if you want to come this.
There's still room. Tomorrow is not promised to us. We just only right now.
I love you. And we love you. We love to have you with United Christian fellowship. If not, Pastor said he would find you somewhere. They would you like to go what as long as you apart of Jesus Christ.
So that's up to you.
So we have done what? God have required bus for us to do.
so now it's time to take a bow bow ties and offering. and United Christian Fellowship members we
trying to get us a building wouldn't it be nice to have your own building that you can come and whenever you want to You know in and if you did if you do that that mean that you have to tithe and give an offering the Lord want us to give him 10% of what we on if you are in $100 this week, then you ought to give him 10. We are trying to get out of offering to $3,500 a Sunday if we can get it a month. We need we need that we would love to see fine. But if we could get that, then we can be able to get us on building then we can be able to come whenever we want to. Instead of reading someone's building. But whatever God put on your heart that that you can do what you please do that because I don't know what you have in your pocket, and I'm not even concerned but God knows what you have. You know, he knows what he bless you with. So let us pray for this off of me before we receive it. What's your father we come now, and we come thanking you for this often even before we receive it. By the way. Yes, you will bless those that have and bless those that have not over as your father those that have not bless them the next time they would be able to participate in your giving father God. We love you and we praise you and Jesus name in. All I got is children said amen.
Now let us let us pray for this often that we have received. Operation for the week, We thank you for this offer and loved one in our Graves Our Father. We ask you to let it be used for the papers that it was taken in Jesus name in for his sakes. Amen.
Kay pasties
Hey man, come on. Let's dance and less than. Did I miss something? You know, I don't have no laughing enjoying cry and Tony I reach out to grab someone's hand.
So now do you have a little more idea why you should invite people to church and why you should be in church. Amen, all right to a couple of things before we close out in prayer. We are going out to Canvas the neighborhood. So I don't know if you're available. I want you to stay we're going to go out in 3 days and we're going to spend about an hour sharing our engagement cards with people to try to let him know we will let him know where we're at. And when buying the church the other thing picked up some we have some cards that that will that you can take with you and share with individuals about back to church on Sunday. They're little card. You can hide in your pocket it in and then spring it on individuals went in there. When you when you come in contact with people and the growth group tables. Please go out and sign up for groceries because we're going to start these in October and we want we want to make sure that we have at least 3 or 4 per class and no more than 15 or 20 signing up. Hey, man, did I miss anything? Got everything. Oh and refreshments for next week after we have our back to church Sunday. Please sign up to bring some refreshment and cuz we want to be a blessing to those who come they may not have been in church for a long time. And we want to show him the the the the the love of God the love of Jesus Amen. All right.
You sure okay. I was going to have Isaac closes in prayer and he said he wasn't ready. I keep getting closer to the microphone. You sure you want to play.
Dear Lord, thank you for everything you done. Thank you for letting us all get up this morning and thank you for letting us be on this world because he created the heavens and the Earth.
Alright, make sure that you if it's someone you didn't give a hug to please make sure you give give everybody a hug a man.
Oh, we have one more announcement. We got we have Elijah here and he's he's doing a fundraiser for his school and he'll be out there with his she the sign up. So don't you know he'll is he selling like coffee and hot chocolate and stuff. So please sign up a man. Please sign up and in blessed our little brother. Amen.