Sundays on the Way
Sunday’s On The Way!
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: Mark 16:1-7
JESUS IS ALIVE! On Easter Sunday we remember:
· That the CROSS was not in vain
· That our FAITH is not in vain
· That our WORSHIP is not in vain
· That our WALK with God is not in vain
· That our WORK is not in vain
· That our WARFARE is not in vain
· That our WAITING is not in vain
· That our WEEPING is not in vain
· That our PREACHING is not in vain
· That our WARNING is not in vain
· That our HOPE is not in vain
I. What are you going through? (Family, marriage, kids, job, finances, health, death of a loved one, loneliness, depression, etc.)
II. It may seem like Friday night (Hopelessness, despair, disillusionment, defeat, death, “Its over!”)
III. Remember, Sunday is on the way! (Victory, answer, breakthrough, resurrection power)
IV. What TO DO between Friday and Sunday:
A. Resist fear
B. Remember it is a test (Peter was sifted)
C. Resist the temptation to join the crowd (Peter did to hide)
D. Stay connected to other believers (disciples were scattered)
E. Identify with Christ even when you don’t understand (Peter denied Christ)
F. Hold on to hope!
G. Remember that God has not given up on you (Judas vs. Peter)
H. Hold on to your faith (Jesus prayed for Peter not to lose his faith)
I. Remember God’s promises (Rom. 8:28)
J. Praise Him! (Remember that Sunday is on its way!)