“I don’t have a spiritual gift, I’m not worthy of one yet, but someday I hope...”
“I don’t care what the Bible says, I am God’s prophet for this church and He has revealed to me that...
The 10 Most Common Abuses of Spiritual Gifts:
Bewarewhenspiritualgiftsareusedasameansofmanipulation,power,or control in personal and/or church relationships.
Bewarewheneveranyoneclaimstohavetheabilitytogiveorbestowany particular gift if you follow their formula.
Beware when any particular gift is made a universal evidence of spirituality, salvation, or other spiritual blessing.
Bewarewhenthefocusofachurchservice,ministry,orreligiouseventison spiritual gifts and their manifestation rather than on the Giver of the gifts and His agenda for His church.
Beware of comparing your gifts with anyone else’s; it always leads to carnality.