Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last Week we learned that Seasons of Life are:
Beyond our control
Often Confusing
God has a purpose
Includes both good & bad times
You will reap in season, what you sow in another
We learned how to biblically deal with our Loneliness
Today let us altogether investigate the Bible how we can deal with our Insecurities
Personal story about my own insecurities in the past.
As a People-pleaser I had so much insecurities during my old life.
As a People-pleaser I had so much insecurities during my old life.
During my school days and worst was during my stint as a politician We cannot just simply ignore the season of insecurity because they are real We cannot just shrug it off under the carpet and pretend its not there Everyone experiences insecurity at times We can not go on pretending and not address it biblically (properly) Many people have identity crisis because they base their worth and value on all the wrong things The good news is, we don't have to live insecure lives because God's will for us is to be secure and not to live in fear The key to living secure life in Christ is knowing who you really are in Christ By truly receiving God's love for you And basing your value on who God says you are, not what others says who you are.
You are not what you do, you are how God has created you God's love for us is not because of what we do, but because of who we are to Him (God loved us first ) If it is because of what we do, we will never be truly secure and stable in our relationship with Him We have to take it by faith, which means we believe it before we see it
During my school days and worst was during my stint as a politician
We cannot just simply ignore the Season of Insecurity because they are “real”
We cannot just shrug it off under the carpet and pretend its not there
Everyone experiences insecurity at times
We can not go on pretending and not addressing it biblically (properly)
Many people have identity crisis because they base their worth and value on all the wrong things
The good news is, we don't have to live insecure lives because God's will for us is to be secure and not to live in fear
The key to living secure life in Christ is knowing who you really are in Christ
By truly receiving God's love for you
And basing your value on who God says you are, not what others says who you are.
You are not what you do, you are how God has created you
God's love for us is not because of what we do, but because of who we are to Him
If it is because of what we do, we will never be truly secure and stable in our relationship with Him
We have to take it by faith, which means we believe it before we see it
Is it a sin to be insecure?
Insecure per se is not a sin, but it can lead you to commit a lot of sin
Paul described insecurity as our confidence in the flesh
We know that our struggles is always our flesh against the Spirit ()
Dissatisfaction with God can lead us to sin
Justification from others and not from God (it’s an insult to our creator)
Justification by works and not by God (makes the holy sacrifice of Jesus useless)
Saul's Growing Fear of David
In we can find the accounts of Saul’s growing insecurities against David
But before we go to its details, let us first check out
What led Saul to his insecurities?
His disobedience ()
The Spirit of the Lord departed Saul ()
Evil spirit came upon Saul ()
What are the causes of King Saul's Insecurity?
Loss of Popularity (v.5) Jonathan his son, loved David so much like a brother that he made a covenant with him.
Saul's officers loved David
Loss of Cheers from the Crowd (v.7)
The women were singing cheering for David more than they did for Saul
His Anger against David (v.8)
His Fear towards David(v.
What are the outcome of Saul's Insecurities?
He started thinking bad agains David, his once trusted and loved officer (v.25)
He was even willing to sacrifice her own daughters because of his ill plans brought about by his insecurities
Many others in the Bible had their share of "insecurities"
9 Common Causes of Insecurity
Feeling Unloved or Unwanted
Leah, a wife of David felt unloved, so she decided to have a baby
Root cause of all Insecurities
Most people think they have to do something to deserve God's love.
Ironically, that was how they were taught in some other religions.
That they need to do these and that to qualify for God's love & salvation
Contrary to & .
Comparing yourself to others
In Jesus predicts his death for the 2nd time, His disciples started to compare themselves with each other and argued about it
A 2016 study out of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine surveyed 1,787 U.S. millennials and found that subjects who reported the most frequent use of social media had 2.7 times more likelihood of depression than those who used it less frequently.
A 2016 study out of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine surveyed 1,787 U.S. millennials
Millennials and found that subjects who reported the most frequent use of social media had 2.7 times more likelihood of depression than those who used it less frequently.
And found that subjects who reported the most frequent use of social media had 2.7 times more likelihood of depression than those who used it less frequently.
Appearance and Imperfections (external & internal)
In God called Moses at the burning bush but he was insecure because he was not eloquent and he was slow to speak
Acceptance by Others (fitting in based on other's opinion)
In Paul encouraged Timothy out of his insecurity being young)
Not Measuring up to Standards of Others (culture, society, media, etc.)
In Gideon didn't feel that he measured up to the standard of a high and mighty hero
In Ten of the twelve spies feared to enter the Land God has promised
Failures (fear of previous failures, bad decisions, wrong living)
In David's sins of failure haunted him
Tragic Incident or Circumstances (death, abuse, infidelity)
In Tamar was raped by her half-brother Amnon, and she felt insecure and lived in desolation thereafter
Getting significance in wrong things (job, gifts, talents, spouse, children, materials possessions)
In Saul got his significance from his power, accomplishments and praises of others, and when he lost these things, he became very jealous of David
How Do We Overcome our Insecurities?
Saul wasn't able to recover from his Insecurity but Moses did.
When God told Moses to throw his staff on the ground, he complied
His staff symbolizes 3 very important things
Identity (as a shepherd)
Though after surrendering his identity, income and influence to the Lord
And after witnessing miracles right before his eyes, Moses remained insecure ()
But, obedience made a huge difference between Saul and Moses
The ABC… of Defeating Our Insecurities
Align your expectations on how the Bible describes you to be
We are God’s masterpieces
Greek word poiēma (pi-ma) ποίημα
Believe in your heart that God truly loves you
God loved us first ()
Compare yourself to no one
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9