Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I won’t be speaking.
Today, I use this opportunity to preach and pay tribute to my mentor, father in the faith and even in life.
He has counseled me, rebuked me, taught and encouraged me.
Story - my conversion, Teacher Jaipaul.
Pastor teaching teen SS.
Bruce Lee -“Give recognition where it is due.”
In two weeks, we will have a great celebration of Pastor’s ministry.
If we were at the Grammy’s, we’d give him a Lifetime Achievement Award but in his case, he wasn’t just doing a performance.
In two weeks, we will have a great celebration of Pastor’s ministry.
I won’t be speaking.
Today, I use this opportunity to preach and pay tribute to my mentor, father in the faith and even in life.
He has counseled me, rebuked me, taught and encouraged me.
I won’t be speaking.
Today, I use this opportunity to preach and pay tribute to my mentor, father in the faith and even in life.
Story -
HS studies
my conversion
Teacher Jaipaul.
Pastor teaching teen SS.
He has counseled me, rebuked me, taught and encouraged me.
Story - my conversion, Teacher Jaipaul.
These verses of the great apostle Paul are very applicable to Pastor and Sister Shirley.
These verses of the great apostle Paul are very applicable to Pastor and Sister Shirley.
Background: This letter was written by the Apostle Paul while he was in prison in Rome, awaiting execution.
Paul was martyred during the reign of Nero around 64-67 AD.
Facing imminent death, Paul encourages his mentee Timothy to carry on the ministry.
He tells Timothy to continue in ministry - Fight the good fight of faith; be diligent, study, preach the Word, be brave.
Born in the city of Tarsus about AD 9, highly educated,.
Tarsus was also the seat of a famous university, higher in reputation even than the universities of Athens and Alexandria, the only others that then existed.
· Tarsus was also the seat of a famous university, higher in reputation even than the universities of Athens and Alexandria, the only others that then existed.
Paul studied under the famous Gamaliel I ().
The Mishnah mentions Gamaliel I frequently.
Gamaliel was listed among 13 great rabbis whose deaths marked the decline of Judaism: “When Rabbi Gamaliel the Elder died, the glory of the Law ceased and purity and abstinence died.”
He describes himself as one
Extremely devout, religious fundamentalist and extremist.
As to zeal - a persecutor of the church.
“circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews, a Pharisee” ().
Extremely religious man, religious fundamentalist and extremist.
As to zeal - a persecutor of the church.
Witness to the death of the church’s first martyr Stephen.
“And Saul approved of his execution.”
Thus Paul was probably in his thirties when he, with authorization from the chief priest, began to imprison believers first in the synagogues of Jerusalem and then later in Damascus.
Perhaps Paul’s clearest description of persecution is found in
On the road to Damascus, Jesus met with him.
He went on four Missionary Journeys, preaching the gospel of Jesus relentlessly as the fire of God burned in his soul, planted numerous churches in various provinces.
: 18-
He went on four Missionary Journeys, preaching the gospel of Jesus relentlessly as the fire of God burned in his soul, planted numerous churches in various provinces.
He became the most influential leader in the early Christian Church, writing about half the books of the NT.
He laid the foundation for much of the theology of the church.
Now he lying in a jail knowing that Nero has planned his death and pens one final letter to Timothy.
Paul sees his life as being a sacrifice, a libation, a drink poured out as an offering to a deity.
a drink poured out as an offering to a deity.
In the OT , when the worshiper presented a food offering of a lamb or bull, he was to also offer a grain offering and pour out a drink offering.
Paul was saying he was the drink offering poured out as a sacrifice unto God.
He saw his life and the lives of other believers as living sacrifices unto God.
1) I have fought a good fight.
The Christian life can be viewed as a journey a pilgrim sojourns, a marathon an athlete runs and a fight a soldier engages.
In this pilgrimage, you have to endure to the end.
In this marathon, you have to keep your eyes on the prize.
In this fight, you have to engage the enemy of your soul.
Paul says, I have fought a good fight.
There are many battles raging in the world.
North Korea fighting for supremacy.
Islamic militants physically fighting with the use of violence and bloodshed to propagate their ideology.
Women fighting for rights to abort babies
Liberal groups fighting to make gender change acceptable and normalizing deviant sexual behaviour.
People fighting to save whales and threatened species.
There are certain battles God will call on us to fight that are good
fight to end slavery
fight to end racism
fight to end human trafficking
Paul said I have fought a good fight.
You have heard in raising children, you have to “pick your battles”
In life I say - Pick your fight.
What are you fighting for?
Is it for something that is valuable?
Is it for something eternal?
IS it something that will make a difference in the life of a child? a family?
a society?
The best fight is the fight for God.
But is not a physical fight, a carnal fight.
@ cor. 4: 4
What are you fighting for?
What are you expending your energy behind?
What are you fighting for?
2) I have finished the race
How many times you have started a project and left it half-way done?
In the New Year, we make many resolutions but run out of gas pretty soon.
I suppose the period with the greatest registration for gym membership is the first few weeks of January.
Same for Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers.
Right here in Ch 4, we read
In , we read of Alexander and Hymeneaus who have shipwrecked their faith.
Pastor has always admonished us to “Stay the Course.”
I heard those words at a very difficult time in my life.
It wasn’t sweet to hear then but what I needed.
24: 12-1
Pastor has always admonished us to “Stay the Course.”
I heard those words at a very difficult time in my life.
It wasn’t sweet to hear then but what I needed.
My story.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9