The Nine Manifestations of the Spirit
The Nine Manifestations of the Spirit
Pastor Keith Hassell
Foundation Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
I. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all
A. Manifestation (Greek: “phanerosis”): The visible manifestation or evidence of the Spirit’s activity
II. The nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit
A. Word of wisdom: A spiritual utterance at a given moment through the Spirit, supernaturally disclosing the mind, purpose, and way of God as applied to a specific situation.
B. Word of knowledge: A supernatural revelation of information pertaining to a person or an event, given for a specific purpose, usually having to do with an immediate need.
C. Faith: A unique form of faith that goes beyond natural faith and saving faith. It supernaturally trusts and does not doubt with reference to the specific matters involved.
D. Gifts of healings: Healings that God performs supernaturally by the Spirit. The plural suggests that as three are many sicknesses and diseases, the gift is related to healings of many disorders.
E. Working of miracles: A manifestation of power beyond the ordinary course of natural law. It is a divine enablement to do something that could not be done naturally.
F. Prophecy: A divine discourse on behalf of the Spirit, an edifying revelation of the Spirit for the moment (14:3); a sudden insight of the Spirit prompting exhortation and comfort (14:3).
G. Discerning of spirits: The ability to discern the spirit world, and especially to detect the true source of circumstances or motives of people.
H. Different kinds of tongues: The ability to speak supernaturally in a language not known to the individual. The plural allows different forms, possibly harmonizing the know spoken languages of Acts 2:4-6 and the unknown transrational (not irrational) utterance in Corinthians, designed particularly for praying and singing in the Spirit, mostly for private worship.
I. Interpretation of tongues: The ability to render the transrational (not irrational) message of the Spirit in other tongues meaningful to others when exercised in public. It is not the translation of a foreign language.
III. One and the Same Spirit
A. Works all these things
B. Distributing to each one individually as He wills
IV. The body
A. It is one body
B. It has many members
C. All of the members of that one body are one body
D. The Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ
1. Baptizer: Holy Spirit
2. Medium: The body of Christ
3. Purpose: Function within the body
E. The body is not one member but many
F. Every member is important
1. It is wrong to discount one’s own importance in the body
2. It is wrong to discount someone else’s importance in the body
G. Every member is needed
H. God has SET the members in the body just as He pleased
I. We should bestow greater honor upon those members that have less visibility
J. We should make sure that there is no schism (division) in the body
K. The members should have the same care for one another
L. The members should suffer with those members who suffer
M. The members should rejoice with those members who are honored
N. God has APPOINTED or SET these in the church
1. Apostles: Pioneer and establish kingdom foundations
2. Prophets: Confirm and establish kingdom foundations
3. Teachers: Establish doctrinal foundations
4. Miracles: Confirm foundations with supernatural evidence
5. Gifts of healings: Confirm foundations with supernatural healing and restoration
6. Helps: Ministries that help establish the ability of the church to carry out its work
7. Administrations (governments): Elders & deacons
8. Variety of tongues: Supernatural communications
O. Not all members are the same
P. We can earnestly desire the best (for the body) gifts.
Q. There is a way of excellence: The way of love