Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Every one of us needs to be reminded of things in our life - even things that we would think we would remember!
Yesterday, I had the privilege of officiating a wedding for one of my best friends growing up.
As I prepared for the ceremony, and specifically to organize the rehearsal, I kept having to ask Lizzy, “How did this go?
What order did we do this in?
Who stands here?
When did this happen?”
She was not completely thrilled that I didn’t remember that special day with perfect clarity - but that is because I was so focused on her beauty, right?!
The truth is, we are forgetful people.
We need to be reminded, and we need to take specific action to remember things.
In Luke’s account of when Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper, He said “Do this in remembrance of Me.”
Today we will observe that supper, and we will do it to show the Lord’s death until He comes - proclaiming to everyone that Christ died for sinners.
But we will also do it, to renew again in our own memory, the love and sacrifice of God our Savior.
Here in , Paul is giving one of those reminders.
is specifically about how the Church is supposed to behave itself in a sinful world - how they are to purport themselves while surrounded by evil men.
This is an incredibly practical passage, that shows our conduct toward people.
It is also a reminder, in verse 3, of where we came from!
led astray
slaves to various passions and pleasures
passing our days in malice
hating one another
Paul Reminds Titus, and the people of Crete where Titus was ministering, who they were - and he also reminds us who we were.
We must be reminded who we were - and this happens all throughout scripture - but Paul moves very quickly from reminding us of who we were, to reminding us of what God has done.
Verse 4 starts with the conjunction “but” - it makes a clear transition.
It is almost like a “that was then, this is now.”
What follows in the next verses is a beautiful, doctrinal treatise of what God has done in saving us.
It reminds us that none of it is our work, and points us to the wonderful outworking of the Triune God in redeeming mankind.
And it reminds us that it initiated out of the kind, merciful, benevolent love of God for mankind.
Christian, do not forget the goodness and loving kindness of God that brought your salvation.
John MacArthur says this - “In this short passage, Paul sweeps across the glorious truths of salvation, every facet of which is sovereignly initiated and empowered by God alone.”
The reason that we, as believers, are radically different from the way we were, and from the way the world is now, is because of God’s work in salvation.
In this passage, Paul speaks of:
God’s Kindness,
His love,
His mercy,
His washing of regeneration,
His renewing by the Holy Spirit,
His son Jesus Christ our Savior,
and His grace.
In framing this, quickly I want to see
The Character of God in salvation
The Work of the Trinity in Salvation
The Benefit of Man in salvation
The Character of God in Salvation
The Character of God in Salvation
Vs. 4
In this passage, Paul speaks of the difference maker between our former state of sinfulness and our current state of salvation as being the appearing of the “goodness and lovingkindness of God.”
Paul speak
That passage in Romans highlights the real issue at hand - we, who practice evil by nature, are deserving of the judgment of God.
There is no one exempt from that state, and God is justified in His wrath, because He alone is Holy.
But He does not only display wrath, but as Paul says there “God’s kindness leads you to repentance.”
We are in need of repentance, and God has displayed His goodness and loving kindness in Christ to bring us to repentance.
The Work of the Trinity in Salvation
We say, rather succinctly, that “God has saved us.”
But wrapped up in that little statement is the distinct, yet unified work of the three persons of the Trinity.
Verse 4 reminds us of the loving kindness of God our Father.
In Verse 5, however, Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit at work in us.
And finally, Paul speaks of this all being poured out to us in Jesus Christ our Savior.
Our salvation is totally a work of God.
The Love and mercy of God the Father, the Sacrifice of Christ to atone for us, and the regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit - we see the three persons of the one Glorious being of God at work.
The Benefit of Man in Salvation
This can be summed up very well in another passage in Titus.
We have received salvation by God’s work.
We have received His love, His mercy, His Grace, His regeneration, His renewal, His justification, and we are made heirs to the hope of eternal life.
All by His work, all for His glory.
This is what we are to remember.
Today, as we observe the Lord’s Supper, we are doing it in remembrance of Him - in remembrance of what He has done, and we do it to show His death until He comes.
And we do it, as Paul said,
And with that, we say, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9