Without Excuse

Without Excuse  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:44:33
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4 Without Excuse Vision 2017: Let Without Excuse Romans 1:20 Introduction: Remember, God is full of grace & mercy. I. Without Excuse A. Did Mama ever say something similar to you? a. That usually meant, no matter what you try to explain, there WILL be consequences. b. Here it literally means, “that which is inexcusable.” c. ACE School teaches an excuse is just a thin skin over a lie. B. From the very beginning humanity made excuse for their failures & pointed fingers at others. As a result, Adam & Eve were removed from the Garden of Eden losing that Divine communion they had so often enjoyed. C. God is not a big monster sitting somewhere in the universe hoping to catch you doing something wrong, then ZAP you to death! a. He is merciful. He is holy demanding holiness, not perfection from His children. b. Father is the One who said, “All have sinned.” He understands human nature. That’s why from even before the foundation of the world Christ was appointed to be the substitute in the judgement of wrath intended for us. Hebrews 4:16 (BIBLE) II. Approach His Throne of Grace Being without excuse, He offers you the opportunity to “Approach His Throne of Grace.” Some might look at the LORD & say, "Wow, You are really closed minded!" Yes He is - Jesus is the only way to salvation, there is none other name. Yes He is - There is no other God beside Him, He is a jealous God. Yes He is - Only the Redeemed will enter Heaven. Yes He is - Only those who reject Christ will be cast into outer-darkness. Yes He is - Remember the application: Knowledge Leads to the Glory of God. A. Knowledge a. The Word says the "invisible" qualities of God are clearly seen through His creation. Those who reject God are without any defense or justification. The majesty of creation yells, I have a Creator the Big Bang and the Big Bang was the voice of the One and only God who sits on His throne overseeing His creation. aac b. The Word declares, "How can you NOT see the hand of the Almighty in creation?" It has taken man 6K years to learn what they know and all they know only equals a speck in the universe that is without end. Man will never discover the end of the universe because there is simply not one. That is how big God, Creator is! c. NOTE: They knew, had knowledge of God, they didn't glorify Him. It doesn't matter what you "think." Or what you "know." If your knowledge doesn't lead you to glorify God. 1. Some obviously believe they can reduce God to an image or statue which is more manageable for them. "God" becomes more controllable, less powerful, not as offensive, not so much in "My space." 2. The rejection of God as God only darkens the mind, bringing confusion & causing those who think this way to become utter fools. B. Wrath a. The wrath of God: We sometimes object to the idea of the wrath of God because we equate it with human anger, which is motivated by selfish personal reasons or by a desire for revenge. We must not forget that the wrath of God is completely righteous in character. From <https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/romans-1/> 1. This wrath is not for God to simply punish sin or inflict punishment on sin, it contradicts His character. 2. What are you saved "from?" If there is nothing to be saved "from," then why be saved? If you don't feel there are absolutes in this life, then why be saved? If you feel the beliefs & philosophies of this world are correct then why be saved? If you think all religions are correct or you are to find your own way to God or there is no heaven or hell… Then why be saved? b. This wrath of God was poured out on Jesus on the cross of Calvary nearly 2,000 years ago. He was substituted in your place, but your responsibility is to accept His wonderful gift of salvation from that wrath. C. Listen a. When you recognize there is a Holy God. A Jealous God. God who hates sin but not the sinner. God who gave His only Son that you might be saved. A God who will pour out His wrath but wants you to be saved… Then it is time to listen! b. In less than five minutes of death without Jesus as LORD of your life, you will experience horrific, egregious pain, suffering & agony beyond imagination called hell. 1. A place where the fire is never quenched, the worm does not die & the screams of horror because there is no exit. 2. c. This is one important reason the Word should be preached in love & truth, as Paul says in Romans 1:17This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. 1. God wants you to be saved. God wants your family & friends to be saved, to be made "right" in His sight. 2. III. God’s Grace A. We become like the god we serve… You serve the gods of this world, then you will become like the gods of this world. When you become like the god you serve, you will reap the rewards of that god. B. Always remember - By Grace you are Saved - His Grace is Sufficient. a. He floods the soul with grace, Niagara's of mercy endlessly flow across the desert life. b. God sent Jesus to save the "world" that's you, that's me He was not sent to condemn the Holy Spirit is here to convict of sin. C. The reason we can do this is because of the resurrection of Christ. - He asks us to: * Repent * Live by Faith * Be Baptized * Be Filled with His Spirit Conclusion: PRESENT THE GOSPEL FOR SALVATION – EVERY WEEK – AND THE NEED TO COME FORWARD IN PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE OF CHRIST  2017 September 17 AM
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