September 17th, 2017 - Worry

NotCommandments  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:42
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ME (Orientation Example-Sometimes I find myself wondering how to respond to situations in my marriage): Because, those who walked with Jesus, were pretty typical human beings, they had the same questions and struggles we did. But they saw something happen, they saw a man who died and then was alive. WE (Identification Example-I imagine you have found yourself in situations where you weren’t sure what to do either): Most of Jesus’ teaching centered on himself and the future. He told lots of parables. He gave us a new commandment: Love one another as he loved them. BOTTOM LINE (Reiteration-One sentence summary that is memorable): They were left with ODD assortment of commandments remembered by the Eleven These would fuel the movement for the first 20+ years. These commandments were impossible to imagine before the resurrection but were made possible by the resurrection. SLIDE: If Jesus was who he said he was – and now that he has risen from the dead, we know he is who he said he was – then, of course, we would follow his NotCommandments. SLIDE: Fear Not; Sin Not; Worry Not; Judge Not; Doubt Not So, suddenly, when they see a dead man alive, things he said don’t sound as extreme, making many of those other complex commandments make sense. They were more attitudes, approaches, and perspectives. Un-Commandments: Unusual. Uncomplicated. Unexplainable. TRANSITION (Get from Intro to God): Today’s Not Commandment might be the most difficult. GOD (Illumination Example-In a Christian Marriage we are to submit to each other; put the desires and needs of our spouses ahead of our own needs and desires): NEW-SLIDE: Matthew 6:25 “That is why I tell you not to worry… Can you really command that? I mean really, this is getting up in your business, right? So, brilliant. You should read this, Christian or not. Jesus KNEW something we know but forget. FIVE questions summarize Jesus’ teaching on this… NEW-SLIDE: Who of your by worrying can add a single hour to anyone’s life? Your life. Your children’s lives. Your parent’s lives. NEW-SLIDE: Who of you by worrying has probably taken a year off your life? Smoke too much. Drink too much. Sleep too little. (now I am preaching to myself!) NEW-SLIDE: Who of you by worrying is driving people in your life out of their minds? Yeah, not an easy question to answer, but a very important one. NEW-SLIDE: Who of you by worrying has upgraded your closet and reduced your grocery bill? No banks cash worry checks. NEW-SLIDE: Who of you by worrying has added value to what you value most? So, you finally got that car you have always wanted. The blue book value does not have a category to increase the value by the amount of your worry. So, if WORRY won’t contribute to your life and has the potential to shorten your life… NEW-SLIDE: Matthew 6:25 “That is why I tell you not to worry… Okay, we could just stop there. NEW-SLIDE: “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Goes right to the heart of the matter, we are going to talk about that in a minute. Picks his audiences concern. For us: Job, money, grades, retirement, health, kids having kids, friends’ marriage, etc. NEW-SLIDE: Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Can I ask you a question: Isn’t your life MORE than what you worry about? Your life is NOW. Not tomorrow. Besides, there are people all around the world who would LOVE to have your worry. NEW-SLIDE: 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? This is a command by the way. Unlike birds, we can prepare for tomorrow. We have less reason to worry than nature. NEW-SLIDE: 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? If not, then life is not about all the stuff. Another FUTURE, worry. NEW-SLIDE: 28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, FUTURE clothes. NEW-SLIDE: 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. And after this, Jesus makes up a term, it is not really paired anywhere else in scripture. NEW-SLIDE: Why do you have so little faith? You little faithers! The core of the problem is that we do not TRUST. We do not TRUST that God is waiting on us tomorrow. Which is strange, because each Christian would probably say, I am trusting him with my life after death. And when people die, we say they are in a better place, we trust God for that. But we don’t do that, we DRAG the UNKNOWN of tomorrow into today. Sometimes we DRAG the UNKNOWN of heaven into today. NEW-SLIDE: 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ Trust and do not worry. NEW-SLIDE: 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, Seek diligently, are consumed with, everyone else. Nations, gentiles. Those who are not loyal to Yahweh. NEW-SLIDE: but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Do you believe that? He gives us an alternative. NEW-SLIDE: 33 Seek… Same word that of the unbelievers… Seek diligently, are consumed with. Others seek that which cannot ensure, you however, seek… NEW-SLIDE: the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Seek any way to be loyal to God, believing loyalty is everything. NEW-SLIDE: 34 “So don’t worry about What Jesus is about to do, is brilliant. He is going to re-label everything that you are worried about into a single word. NEW-SLIDE: tomorrow, Jesus would say that you’re not really worried about bills, or kids, or parents, or health. You are worried about TOMORROW. NEW-SLIDE: for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Why SMUGGLE tomorrows trouble into today’s trouble. Jesus RECOGNIZED LIFE IS HARD. TRANSITION (Get from God to You): SLIDE When you’re tempted to borrow from tomorrow, look for a way to participate with God today. YOU (Application Example-Next time you aren’t sure what to say or do, ask yourself this question, “How can I put the needs of my spouse ahead of my own in this moment?”): Jesus is saying, don’t worry. Your heavenly father is with you today and he will be waiting on you tomorrow. Two questions for the Christians in the room: SLIDE: What would happen if you Believed that? God’s waiting on me tomorrow with what I need for tomorrow. God’s got it. He knows and he will be there for you tomorrow. (hopefully in the form of a Christian who is doing what they are supposed to. QUESTION 2… SLIDE: Why Not believe that? Absurd, not sure it will work, not sure God will come through. If you won’t trust God, will you TRUST WORRY? You know worry does not work, so why not trust God. SLIDE: Begin your day by declaring your trust. It is a way to seek first God’s kingdom. Before worry starts talking, you start trusting. Read Matthew 6:24-34 straight through. Worry about food, clothes, is closely linked to envy, for what others have that you do not. And there is nothing quite as damaging to the soul as envy of others. CONCLUSION (Example-In a Christian marriage, submission is generally the best decision): SLIDE: Re-label your worry - Tomorrow When worry raises its voice, say: “I am worried about tomorrow. God knows what I need tomorrow.” REPEAT. WE (Inspiration Example-Imagine what would happen in our community if all of us began to model that kind of mutual submission before our friends and neighbors.): COMMUNION:
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