Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
I will round up with this teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit Today, under the sub topic: The baptism of the Holy Spirit - Through the help of the Holy Spirit, I will labour to show us how we can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
these 3 things i will try to accomplish today:
explain the concept of the baptism of the Holy Spirit
take the upper room as our case study
tell you what you need to do
The concept of baptism of the Holy Spirit.
mat 3:11-12: ; luk 24:49; joel 2:28;
John the baptist in mat 3:11 said something:
The greek word baptizo, from which we get the word baptize and baptism, simply means to dip into, to plunge into, or to completely immersed in water… in the new testament the word was used and understood to mean,
mat 3:
John compared water baptism to the baptism of the Holy Spirit: we have to pay attention to the word used by John here: baptize is a simple greek word transffered into the english language by bible translators: with the root word being - “baptizo,”
- According to John, Jesus would be the baptizer in the Holy Spirit.
According to John, Jesus would be the baptizer in the Holy Spirit.
John compared water baptism to the baptism of the Holy Spirit: we have to pay attention to the word used by John here: baptize is a simple greek word transffered into the english language by bible translators: with the root word being - “baptizo,”
John compared water baptism to the baptism of the Holy Spirit: we have to pay attention to the word used by John here: baptize is a simple greek word transffered into the english language by bible translators: with the root word being - “baptizo,”
The root word simply mean to “dip something into water or a liquid, to completely submerge it under the liquid”
Baptism in the new testament was understood to be by complete immersion in water.
Those who went to be baptized by john in the Jordan river were simply dipped into the water until they were completely covered with the water - Apostle Paul, explained the spiritual Science behind this simple act of obedience to the commandment of the Lord as meaning being burried together with Jesus in his death : When you bury a man, you put them under the ground completely.
To be baptized in the Holy Spirit can mean to be completely overtaken by the Holy Spirit, to be drenched in him like a water.
Jesus made a profound statement in luke 24:49
According to Jesus, to be baptized could simply be conceptualized as being endued with power from on high.
the baptism of the Holy Spirit, is the coming upon of the Spirit on us, meaning that we come under his authority.
here, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was foretold by the prophet Joel as meaning: “God pouring out his Spirt upon us”
to be baptized according to peter is to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
to simply accept what God offers to you.
When you become baptized in the Holy Spirit, it means that the Spirit of God has come to dwell in your heart.
2. The case study of the upper room: act 2:1-4
who were those people that God baptized first in the upper room?
they were disciples of Jesus Christ - we can also refer to them as obedient believers: “they are those who were living in obedience tot he instruction of their master.
Jesus said: don’t leave Jerusalem, and they stayed” act 1:4, luke 24:49
The were People in Accord: none of them was distracted, they were united in purpose… as you are seated here right now, is your heart here?
are you really in agreement with what we are doing here or you are just faking it?
— the glory of God will never manifest anywhere there is no unity, unity always attract the presence of God.
remember the dedication of solomons temple:
- how many priest were there?
120: how many people were at the upper room?
they were priests, and in the new testament they were disciples
- the 120 priests were in unison, meaning they were united as one person
- the 120 disciples were in accord, united as one person
what happened to the 120 priests? the glory of the Lord filled the house of the lord
what happened to the 120 disciples?
the Holy Spirit came down on them...
3. The here and Now?
Peter gave us, what I can call steps to baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Repent and be baptized: repentance from sin and dead works, and the first baptism that he mentioned here, is simply the water baptism - this step is necessary for believers to publicly identify with the Lord Jesus Christ.
and two, to obey the commandment of the Lord.
Foremost: There is need for your sins to be forgiven first of all.
clearly what peter is saying is simple: “an unbeliever can not be baptized in the Holy Spirit” you can not be living in your sin and think you will receive Holy Spirit “this gift is promised to only believers - it is one of those promises of the scripture that is limited by identity”
And Ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost: Two words are immediately clear in Peters statement: 1) you shall receive 2) the gift of the Holy Ghost:You are to simply take the delivery of a gift that is being offered to you by Jesus Christ… You are not to work for it, you are simply to desire him and ask the right person for the gift - he is offered as a gift, simply position yourself to receive him into your heart:
Finally, Peter said: the promise include you.
in case you are wondering whether or not the baptism of the Holy Spirit is still happening today… peter said, as long as God is adding people to his kingdom, he will keep pouring his spirit on them.
KJV 190039 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
in case you are wondering whether or not the baptism of the Holy Spirit is still happening today… peter said, as long as God is adding people to his kingdom, he will keep pouring his spirit on them.
F. Baptism of the Spirit: being drenched by the Spirit.
The Greek word baptizo means to dip, to plunge, usually with reference to water.
2. Baptism in the New Testament was understood as immersion in water.
3. Thus when the Spirit fell on the disciples they were ‘drenched’—I liken it to a person in a powerful rainstorm without an umbrella!
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