Prepared for Mission

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Would Christ command us to accomplish something for which he has not prepared us?
If he has prepared us to accomplish something, what is that preparation?
If we have been prepared for this fulfillment and we are not accomplishing it, what does that say about what we have been equipped with?
Every year, the students take a trip for which they are given preparation. When we used to take the Jr. High, we would collect the spending money that their parents would give to them. We would divide them into separate white envelopes....Why? Without fail, if the students had all of their money they would spend the funds on things for which they were not intended to spend the funds on and no accomplish the task for which they had been enriched.
The setting: Galilee, the 11 disciples
The setting: Galilee, the 11 disciples
The conflict: Seeing - some worshipped and others doubted
The climax: Jesus declares his authority
The resolution: the Great commission
The new setting: His abiding presence [whereas before he'd left and now returned...]
Proposition: Because we as believers have been unequivocally prepared, we must be unhesitatingly committed to the commission of our King!

Why did we need to be unequivocally prepared for our King’s mission? (v. 11 - 15)

There is a competing motive
Of interest, money was enough for them to report falsely. What would be motive enough to report truthfully? It can only be Jesus (, )
There is a contrasting report to this Of interest, money was enough for them to report falsely. What would be motive enough to report truthfully? It can only be Jesus (, )
Chief priests are paying the soldiers to lie about Jesus' resurrection (v. 11 - 15) - paying to "report" - of interest because Jesus is going to commission them to report something quite contrary to this.
- the end of the prior chapter shows the effort of the chief priests to stop any Resurrection Day conspiracy.
There is a competing message - There is a contrasting report to this
Know and believe the futility of all other competing motives and competing messages.
As an unbeliever, you must know that money has a way of deceptively calling us to slavery. We think that, if we can just get the raise or the job, then all will be fine.
For the believer, the messages you believe can often be seen NOT by what you say but by the decisions you make and the life you live.
We needed to be unequivocally prepared because we live in a world full of competing motives and competing messages...

How are we unequivocally prepared for our King’s mission? (v. 16 - 18)

There is also a contrast of authority between the authority seen by the Pharisees/Pilate and that of Jesus Christ.
There is a full scope of Christ’s authority
“It is not Jesus’ authority per se that becomes more absolute. Rather, the spheres in which he now exercises absolute authority are enlarged to include all heaven and earth, i.e., the universe.” Carson, D. A. (1984)
Carson, D. A. (1984). Matthew. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Matthew, Mark, Luke (Vol. 8, p. 594). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
What is the mission for which we have been unequivocally prepared? (v. 19 - 20)
This passage shows that the lineage of King David is fulfilled in King Jesus; and as with all kings, this position is united to authority. Here is King Jesus declaring his indisputable authority, calling his followers to display their faith through propagating the gospel of the Christ's kingdom!
Be so convinced of the Person and work of Christ that you cannot see your life as distinct from His mission!
You must believe the magnitude and scope of Christ’s authority, if you will joyfully go on mission for the King!
You must see hesitancy to obey as a questioning of the scope of Christ’s authority (v. 17 - 18).
We needed to be unequivocally prepared because our world is full of competing motives and messages....
We have been unequivocally prepared by the universally authoritative command of our King....

What is the specific mission for which we have been unequivocally prepared? (v. 19 - 20)

As they go, they are to teach (v. 19)
Clearly, this chapter is filled with multiple points emphasizing the fact of going, telling, reporting, showing...etc (6 x's) , , , , , .
They are to teach all nations, as they go intentionally to all nations (v. 19)
They are to immerse them as evidence of their covenant with the Triune God. Evidence that: (Ephesians 1)
The Father is the one who willed their salvation
The Son accomplished their salvation
The Spirit sealed their salvation
They are to make disciples

3479 Under Orders

Dr. Wilder, a dynamic missionary leader in India, was dining with three naval officers. During the course of the conversation one of the officers remarked, “Why don’t these missionaries stay at home and mind their own business?”

Dr. Wilder replied, “Suppose you were ordered to take your battleship to Constantinople tomorrow, would you choose whether to obey or not?”

The officer retorted, “If we are ordered to go, we must go, even if every ship is sunk and every sailor killed.”

“Quite right,” said the missionary. “I have orders from the divine government: “Go and preach the gospel to every creature.” ”


Because we have been unequivocally prepared, we are to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples!
Have you been prepared for this mission?
If you have been prepared for this mission, have you honestly seen your life fulfilling this mission?
Who has received the gospel as you lived life?
Who has received the gospel because you are intentionally going?
Are you involved in giving to missions?
How can you claim to admit that you’ve been prepared for mission but are not even willing to be involved in reaching others in this small way?
Are you actually on the mission for which you’ve been prepared?
Have you even made it a priority to be a part of what is happening in the mission’s conference?
Let’s be a people who are on the mission for which we have been unequivocally prepared!
Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations 3482 Livingstone’s Supporting Verse

3482 Livingstone’s Supporting Verse

Speaking at the University of Glasgow in 1896 David Livingstone said: “Would you like me to tell you what supported me through all the years of exile among a people whose language I could not understand, and whose attitude toward me was always uncertain and often hostile? It was this: “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” On these words I staked everything, and they never failed.”

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