Why Go To Church?

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“The Christian Church is the one organization in the world that exists purely for the benefit of non-members.”  Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple


“Worship is our response to God’s Grace and Love.”    Phil Taylor

“Separating the bread & cup from the basin & towel is the great sin and heresy of the Church.”    Phil Taylor


“It is unnatural for Christianity to be popular.”    Billy Graham


“The Church is an unfinished and constantly changing organism which gathers to remember Christ, thereby changing the present and altering the future by being Christ for the world and recognizing Christ in the world.”    Phil Taylor

“If most of us really understood the significance of Baptism, we would certainly be more anxious about the water being poured over us.  The same is true of the Eucharist…once we understand the real significance of what we do as we eat the bread and drink the cup, it weighs heavy on our soul and we won’t do it casually.”    Phil Taylor


“Why is it that we cry at funerals and rejoice at Baptisms?  Possibly it is because we are not the ones being buried or Baptized.”    Mark Twain


“Worship is not part of the Christian life; it is the Christian life.”    Gerald Vann


“ A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.”    C. S. Lewis


“What matters in the Church is not religion but the form of Christ, and its taking form amidst a band of sinners.”    Dietrich Bonheoffer


“Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, nourishment of mind by His truth, purifying of imagination by His beauty, opening of the heart to His love, and submission of will to His purpose. And all this gathered up in adoration is the greatest of human expressions of which we are capable.”  Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple


"We must worship God and we must always guard against 'worshipping worship".  Anonymous

"We have not been called to worship Jesus; we have been called to follow Jesus."  Verna Dozier in the book, The Dream of God


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