Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I love this story.
It is a story that reflects the human experience and more so the Christian experience.
Chaos surrounds us, it’s waves batter the boats of our lives.
We fear our lives will be capsized in all this chaos.
Like the disciples we run to Jesus, who is at rest and peace in our chaos.
“What are you doing Jesus?
How can you be so relaxed and chill?
We are all about to die!”
After Jesus calmed the storm he turned to his disciples and asked a pointed question, I fear he often asks me.
“Why are you afraid?
Do you still have no faith?”
My life is in chaos and you want to know why I am so afraid?
You want to know if I still have no faith?
My wife is leaving me, I have lost my job, my child is addicted to drugs, my life is a chaotic mess.
And yet he still asks that question.
“Why are you afraid?”
With a question like that we have to ask; is there a way in which we as followers of Jesus can live in peace in the midst of the chaos, the storms?
I think the Scriptures give us a resounding yes! Yes, we can and are called to live in peace in the midst of our storms.
But how?
Phil 4:
Paul tells us that when our lives are are surrounded by a hurricane of chaos we must fix our thoughts.
When the waves of chaos threaten to sink our lives we must fix our thoughts on what is true and not just emotional.
We must fix our thoughts on what is awe inspiring , majestic and deserving of honor, we must fix our thoughts on what is true and just, fair and equitable.
We must ponder on what is pure, holy, innocent and not vulgar.
We must fix our thoughts on what inspires and invokes love.
We must fix our thoughts on that which is admirable.
You see what you focus on will surround you.
I am reminded of the story of Peter walking on water.
Out in a boat in the midst of a sea, the disciples see what they think is an evil spirit.
Fear and chaos fill the hearts of the disciples.
In this setting Peter calls out and says “Lord if that is you, call me out to you and I will.
Jesus calls out to Peter.
In this beautiful story Peter placing his focus on Jesus steps out of the safety of the boat and onto the chaos of the sea.
As he places his thoughts and sight on Jesus he is surrounded by peace as he walks on the choppy waves of the sea.
And then Peter looks at the chaos.
His attention, his thoughts are pulled from Jesus towards the chaos that surrounds him, the danger, the fear.
His thoughts are no longer fixed on truth, honor, justice, purity, love and that which is admirable but on chaos.
No longer able to walk through the chaos he then sinks into it.
We do the same.
Jesus calls us to walk in the midst of our chaos.
His promise is peace and overcoming this chaos if we will just set our thoughts on him, and all the good things that come from him.
When we fix our thoughts on the chaos we are over taken by that chaos and shortly become a part of the chaos.
But if as Paul tells us, we fix our thoughts on God and the good things that come from God truth, honor, justice, purity, love and that which is admirable nit only will be have peace within our selves but, we will become peace makers.
You have been given the power to have peace in the midst of the storms of chaos but, you have also been given the power to bring peace, to say to the storms “Peace, be still.”
If only we will fix our thoughts so, our lives will be ordered by the peace of God.
Stop living in anxiety, fear, chaos.
Fix your thoughts and start living in the peace God has promised all of his children.
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9