Pulling in the same direction: Finances.
Church God's Way • Sermon • Submitted
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· 23 viewsEvery member is responsible of contributing financially to the church.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Read Acts 2:44-47
This is the fourth message on the series “Church God’s Way”. The first one was a general message about the characteristics of the newly born church as described in the book of Acts; the following (2-3) about pulling in the same direction in the areas of evangelism and service; and this one about a crucial area required for growth (individual and corporate): finances!
This is the fourth message on the series “Church God’s Way”. The first one was a general message about the characteristics of the newly born church as described in the book of Acts; the following (2-3) about pulling in the same direction in the areas of evangelism and service; and this one about a crucial area required for growth (individual and corporate): finances!
I have not known a Hispanic church that it does not cry about the scarcity of their finances. I am not saying that there are not some that have abundantly, but the majority have great needs.
If we want our church to grow, we must constantly share the gospel and faithfully support the financial needs of the church. This will be easier if we understand that it is:
Every believer’s responsibility.
Every believer’s responsibility.
“And all those who had believed...” 2:44
Have you believed? It’s your responsibility then! Why?
We all are part of the family.
We all are part of the family.
When you believe, you become a member in the Body of Christ. As in any body, every member must exercise a function to help the body to function well.
At the moment you believe, you become a member of God’s family. In every good family, it is expected that all members contribute to the welfare of the family. As long as the children do not receive any income, they must contribute in other ways: taking the garbage out, washing dishes, cleaning, mowing the lawn, etc. But as soon as they receive money, we must teach them to contribute to the family expenses. Some might say, “How cruel!” No! cruel is not to teach them to contribute to that society that feeds them and take care of them. Cruel is to make them parasites or freeloaders.
We all are stewards of God’s riches.
We all are stewards of God’s riches.
“not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own...” 4:32
Those who attended the baseball game a couple of weeks ago, listened to those famous and wealthy players tell the audience that they are not owners, but stewards of God’s riches. That all they have belongs to God.
The N.T. believers were also clear that they were only stewards of God’s money. No one claimed ownership! Everything belongs to Him.
Many forget that, one day, the owner will come back and make the stewards accountable to Him. On Thursday, a teacher called me to consult about the parable of the stewards. Let’s take a look at it!
Read Luke 12:41-48
Some observations about the unfaithful steward:
1- He did not believe that the owner was coming soon.
2- He mistreated and spent on himself the trust.
3- He was severely disciplined. “will cut him in pieces” Lit. “cut in half”.
4- The more you know and do not do, the more severe discipline.
What kind of discipline could the Lord apply to us if we are unfaithful stewards? .......
Giving must be in proportion to our income.
Giving must be in proportion to our income.
“and were sharing them with all” v. 45
Everyone putting his portion.
Everyone putting his portion.
It should not surprise us that they were so willing to give. Why? Because God had changed their heart and giving was something they had learned from childhood.
Following the commandment “you will teach these things to your children”, every good Jew taught his about giving tihtes. was part of their life:
‘For every tenth part of herd or flock, whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the Lord.
Lev 27:32
Tithe is a proportion! The tenth of something.
The command to tithe shows God’s justice. Establishing an specific amount would be unjust because not all have the same. But a proportion, a percentage (10%) is just because all can give it regardless of their financial status. If you have little, you give little; if you have much you give much. In God’s eyes, the rich that tithes gives the same as the poor that tithes.
Every believer is expected to put his sandstone into the pile. Everyone is expected to tithe!
The believers went beyond tithing, they were generous!
Being generous with the Lord.
Being generous with the Lord.
And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.
If the owner of the company tells the treasurer, “I want you to write a monthly check of so much to any given organization”, Can the treasurer refuse to give it? Absolutely Not! If he refuses, What will the owner do?
Being generous with the Lord.
Being generous with the Lord.
“they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all,” v. 45
They were recipients of God’s grace. They had received salvation and joy. They had understood that having more will not made them happier and the meaning of “freely you received, freely give” () and that the more they gave the more they would receive:
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
There is more meaning in life in giving than in receiving. Having more will not make you happier, but giving more will do it.
There is more meaning in life in giving than in receiving. Having more will not make you happier, but giving more will do it.
God will bless a church where the members are touched by those in need and are willing to help to fulfill the need.In a church where all give, there are not freeloaders or parasites. A body that has parasites is not healthy!
Trusting in our leaders.
Trusting in our leaders.
Designated as the administrators.
Designated as the administrators.
Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.
1 Cor
“Oikonomos” (economist) is one that administer the assets of a house.
God has placed the responsibility of handling well the assets of His church on the shoulders of the leaders, mainly the pastor, elders, and deacons.
They are worthy of trust.
They are worthy of trust.
For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need.
What is implied in “at the apostles’ feet”? Trust! In a sense, they were saying, “Do as you consider convenient to the church. We trust you.”
Nowadays, some call themselves apostles, but often they do not do what is convenient to the church, but to their own pocket. They are not worthy of trust and usually accused of illicit enrichment.
That’s why you must be a member of the church. As a member, you will know exactly how much the church receives, how much is spent, and how is spent.
That’s why you must be a member of the church. As a member, you will know exactly how much the church receives, how much is spent, and how is spent.
The Lord requires that pastors be above reproach as administrators:
For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain,
Titus 1:7
In the N.T. you do not see any of the real apostles being accused of stealing the church money or becoming millionaires. They were honest and not fond of sordid gain.
In the N.T. you do not see any of the real apostles being accused of stealing the church money or becoming millionaires.
If the Lord commands you to give at least the tithe to the church, if your church has needs, and if you see transparency in how the money is spent, What stop you from giving?
Who is the main beneficiary if you give? It is you! Because the Lord will reward your obedience and will give you more. Who is the second beneficiary? It is your church, and therefore your family will be blessed if the church has enough to cover its needs.
Let’s pull the rope of finances together! Let’s start giving as the Lord requires!