Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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.8 - .9
> .9
! Christ's Purpose in Evangelism
*Acts 26:12-20 *God's Evangelistic Strategy
When Jesus looked into the future and predicted what would happen to his disciples, he said something very sobering, but also very encouraging.
He said (in Luke 21:12–13), /They will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake.
This will be a time for you to bear testimony.
The sobering thing here is the fact that, even though the cause of Christ will eventually triumph in the whole universe because he is alive and sovereign, nevertheless in the short run following Jesus will definitely mean arrest and persecution for some of his disciples.
The encouraging thing in these words is that God intends the persecution and imprisonments to be a strategic opportunity for witness to the truth of the gospel.
Luke 21:13—"This will be a time for you to bear testimony."
Imprisonment will interrupt your evangelistic strategy, but it will not interrupt God's evangelistic strategy.
Paul's Plans and God's Plans
Have you ever stopped to think how much of Paul's witness to Christ was given in circumstances he did not plan?
I'm not debunking planning.
It's essential.
Paul had very clear evangelistic plans.
That's obvious from Romans 15 and from the book of Acts.
The point I'm making is that God is the master evangelistic planner.
What he wants is people who wear the shoes of readiness to move with the gospel (Ephesians 6:15).
And once we are moving with a heart for lost people, there will be many interruptions and surprises—but none of them without evangelistic purpose.
/ "They will deliver you up to prisons and take you before governors and kings.
That will be a time for witness."/
In other words, always and in every circumstance—especially the unexpected ones, and the frustrating ones—be ready to bear witness to Christ.
*How Paul Got Before King Agrippa *
Our text today is taken from Paul's testimony to king Agrippa in Acts 26.
How did Paul get here?
How does it come about that an obscure, Jewish-Christian missionary has an audience with the king of all Palestine?
Well, it was not Paul's plan!
Two years earlier he had been arrested on false charges in Jerusalem.
At the time he got to give his testimony to the whole Jewish Sanhedrin, just like Jesus said he would—they will arrest you and this will be a time for testimony.
Then there was a plot against his life and so he was moved to Caesarea on the coast.
This time he gave his testimony to Felix the Roman governor.
After two years in prison in Caesarea, the new Roman governor Festus puts Paul before king Agrippa so they can hear what he has to say.
So the whole Jewish legal council, and three of the highest political officials in Palestine (Felix, Festus, Agrippa) all hear the gospel because Paul was arrested and imprisoned on false charges.
Surely the lesson we should learn from the words of Jesus in Luke 21:13 and from the way they were fulfilled in the life of Paul is that God has gospel purposes in all the set backs of our lives.
*The Lesson We Should Learn *
Are any of you in the midst of a two year set back today?
Anybody on a two year detour that you had not planned?
Don't fret as though God has no gospel purpose in it.
Trust his wisdom to allow what has happened.
And put on those shoes of readiness to move with the gospel ON THE DETOUR.
Don't take off the shoes of readiness thinking that detours don't have any gospel purpose.
Jesus said, "This will be a time for testimony!"
I see so much encouragement here for an exciting way to live your life expectantly under the providence of a sovereign God.
You get up in the morning and you pray and make your plan for the day.
But then you pray again and say, "Lord, I know that I do not control this day—what will happen to my car, who will call me at work, whom I will see at lunch, and a hundred other unexpected details.
Would you govern my day so that all its unplanned detours are spiritually valuable?
Help me to see divine appointments where Satan may only want me to see interruptions and irritations."
I hope you live your days with a sense of expectancy and readiness to move with the gospel of peace.
Paul is standing here before Agrippa by God's divine appointment after a two year detour in a Caesarean prison.
A few providential red lights on the way to Rome, and here he stands before the king of Palestine.
And Jesus says, the reason things like this happen is for a testimony.
And so our text today makes its point in two ways: its existence is a testimony to God's exciting providence and Paul's readiness with the gospel; and its content is a testimony to what Christ aims to accomplish in the process of evangelism.
* *
*Five Things Christ Aims to Do Through Paul*
Let's look at the content now and try to get a clear vision of the five things Christ told Paul that he aims to do through his life as a witness to Christ.
Every individual is not called to do exactly what Paul did—crossing cultures and planting churches and devoting full time to the gospel ministry.
But we saw last week that we are all to put on the shoes of readiness to move with the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15).
What our text today can show us is what we should expect and what we should pray for when we move like this into people's lives.
Paul begins to tell his story to Agrippa in Acts 26.
When he gets to that part of his story about meeting Jesus on the Damascus road, he tells Agrippa—and us—what Jesus said to him.
That's what we want to look at.
Verses 16–18, /Rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you from the people and from the Gentiles—to whom I send you to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
Here is what Christ aims to accomplish through the witness of his people.
This is what we should pray for with great confidence that we are praying according to the revealed will of God in Scripture.
To Go and Tell*
The first thing we need to see is that Christ aims for us to go and tell, not just wait or others to come and see.
This comes from verse 17: " . .
/. to whom I send you/."
From the first coming of Christ to the second coming of Christ the strategy of our mission is incarnation.
Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.
He left one place and went to another place.
He gave up the glories and comforts of his heavenly home in order to go where the people were and tell them about the Father.
And he said, "As the Father has sent me so send I you."
Faith Temple’s mission in Poetry must never be mainly a come and see mission.
It must be a go and tell mission.
Suppose that all of you had just arrived on the scene in Poetry as a team of tent-making missionaries.
You know what they are—people who will work at secular jobs to support themselves and their families and to penetrate a given population with the gospel.
And suppose that we all got together and said, Well, here we are, and we have no jobs yet and no place to live and there are many of us.
What should we do to reach this area for Christ?
I think the answer would be, Let's all go out and find jobs.
All different kinds of jobs all over the cities.
And let's pray and let the Spirit guide us to houses and apartments all over the cities and the surrounding suburbs.
Let's not all live together in one complex.
And let's not make a Christian industry.
But let's live among the nationals and get jobs where they work.
In other words let's develop a go and tell model of penatration instead of a come and see model of concentration.
Great idea!
Terrific strategy!
Well isn't it encouraging that that's just what God has already done.
We are a church of many tent-making witnesses to the gospel of Christ.
We don't live or work at church.
We live and work among the natives.
And that is just where God wants us.
That is the first thing Christ aims to do with his witnesses—cause them to go and tell, not just wait for others to come and see.
To Open the Eyes of Unbelievers*
The second thing Christ aims to accomplish in our witness is the opening of the eyes of unbelievers.
Verse 18: " . . .
/to whom I send you to open their eyes."/
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:4, "/The god of this age [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God./"
But Christ tells us in this text that he aims for this blindness to be healed.
He aims to give sight.
That's the goal of evangelism.
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