The Result of the Resurrection
The Result of the Resurrection
(What the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ means to Us Today)
We can not understand the Crucifixion of Jesus, without an understanding of the Resurrection.
We can not understand the Resurrection of Jesus, without an understanding of the nature of the fall of Man.
We can never get a grasp on the fall of man until we understand what happened on the cross.
Each event is interwoven with the others.
On the cross Jesus incurred what had already occurred in Adam. So we can not understand what happened in Adam until we understand what happened in Jesus.
God made Jesus to be sin for us. He who knew no sin, became sin, that we might be made Righteous. He came into this world, allowed God to impute into him the sin of a fallen race, so Jesus incurred in His body, what occurred in Adam when he died.
We must get past the theatrical aspect of the passion and see the indignity of DEATH.
I. Our Death in Sin. 1 Cor 15:42-44
In 1 Cor. 15-45-49 Paul tells us that only two men have ever died because of sin.
Romans 5:12
Adam-Sin-His Death = Death past to all future men. (All future men lived in a state of Death) No Death has occurred since Adam.
Death can only occur in the presence of Life.
Where there is no life, Death can not occur.
So a state of death can exist when no death has occurred, but no death can occur where a state of death already exists. The nature of death is the forfeiture of life. Adam forfeited for all mankind, Life! Adam died in the death of Gods created. A spiritual death, the forfeiture of Eternal Life. (What does this tell us) Eternal life is not a place, it’s not Heaven, it’s a person.
Genesis 5- gives us future of fallen Man.
Every Man, every woman has been born physically alive, spiritually Dead.
An soul lead by the flesh, spiritual dead, without exception!
By nature, alienated from God, dead in trespasses and sin and having our understanding, our access to the knowledge of God darkened because of our ignorance caused by the blindness of our minds.
Our souls, because of our blinded minds were severed were severed from the only one who can enlighten us and allow us to understand, and give us a spiritual confidence that enables us to understand spiritual truth. So physical man does not receive the knowledge of God, it seems foolish to him. He can not understand it.
The knowledge of God is delivered to us spiritually, understood by us spiritually, and the physical man is spiritually DEAD.
Eph 5:14 “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give you light.”
The Sleeper = Dead in Spirit. Dead as in a state that was never alive.
We have a soul and can function, but our spirit is separated from his Spirit because our spirit is asleep and our spirit has no way of communicating with the Spirit of God. The Human spirit in regard to its original function is dead. The first act of the Holy Spirit is to awaken the spirit and initiate contact using the mind for the first time for its original purpose! The Holy Spirit wakes the human spirit up to the fact that it is dead. He then shows us the way to the one who came to this world to provide the dead with its only cure, LIFE! Not just alive, but The life which Adam was originally created for.
Nicodemus was told, You must be born again, He said how can I reenter…
Jesus said, No…., you must receive from God the life originally intended for you! Though man is physically alive, he is spiritual dead. Nicodemas you need Resurrection! Until we recognize the need for our resurrection. We will never understand the crucifixion. Jesus made the resurrection possible.
How by removing The Sin. We are tarnished by sin. The cross removes the tarnish. Hebrews 9:26 he has appeared once for all at the end of the age to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
He bore our sins on the cross. He suffered, the just for the unjust. Allowed himself to be wounded for our sin. . The cost, the wages of sin, laid upon Jesus. Through his wounds we were healed.. The Tarnish is gone. The redemptive act Complete!.
On the cross Christ laid down his life. A life which he alone since Adams fall possessed. The life of God, THE BLOOD!
His life of which blood is the symbol, was the life that man was originally created for and of which Jesus possessed, being miraculously conceived, as Gods incarnate son. Born in Bethlehem, of a virgin girl. That, is the life laid down, the second man, paying the price for redemption.
The cross was not a theatrical performance for all to see, for God it was business. God sent Jesus for our Sin. God had no choice but to remove his presence from Jesus, to remove the oly Spirit so the redemptive act could take place. The same way he removed his Holy Spirit from Adam the day the first man died.
Jesus was the substitute on which God placed every vile sin ever committed or to be committed. They were paid for in full when he died.
We were Redeemed, Re-demption = purchased back.
So that we might be justified.
Justified- JUST-IF-ID never sinned.
Jesus died JUST-IF-HED committed all my sins.
Reconciliation to God, Re establishment of Peace between guilty sinners and a holy GOD for Mans sake. God says the moment you trust me I remember your sins no more.
That is Redemption.
II. Our Eternal Life in Jesus
1 John 5:12 God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who has not the Son of God has not life.
Colossians 3 (The “eternal” Life)
So now we are tarnish free, redeemed, but never confuse being redeemed with being born again. Many Christians do, not on purpose, but they don’t know any better. We lump it all together, Conversion, saved, regeneration, born again, reconcilliation, redemption, all the same.
When we say born again, its not Redemption.
When we say, redemption its not born again.
It is true that since Pentecost redemption and New Birth take place simutaniusly in time. Each act indivisible and inseparable from the other. You cant be Born again without being redeemed and vise versa.
But just because they are indiviasable we cant confuse one for the other.
Redemption required Jesus to die for our sin.
New Birth, regeneration requires the life of Jesus in us.
- so how are they given one in the same, one demands His death, one demands His life.
- If Redemption requires his death 2000 years ago and regeneration demands his life in us today, then something must have happened in between his death, then, our redemption, and his life in us now, regeneration.
What, He Rose from the Dead. THE RESURRECTION!
He died to remove sin.
He lived to cause new birth through regeneration.
By living in us God can share with us His Holy Spirit to interact, with our spirit and allows His Holy Spirit to live and operate in us. Guiding our soul by teaching our minds, directing our will, so that His energy will flow and His Divine nature will be revealed by what we say, and what we do.
That is called Sanctification!
III. Our Redemption, Regeneration, Sanctification.
>>When God died for you in sin, Redemption.
>>When he rose from the dead, came by the Holy Spirit to indwell your soul, Regeneration
When you allow Him within your soul to have access to your spirit and to live His life clothed with humanity, Sanctification!
Our Redemption cleansed of sin, Our Regeneration new birth, Our Sanctification all eternaly linked and made possible by one event in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
The Sin removed, the power flows, His glory revealed. His purpose becomes
Our will.
The result Romans 8:1,2 . Mark it, Read it, believe it , live it!
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in
Christ Jesus. 2 For the Spirit of life, in Jesus Christ, has set us free from sin and death.
We are now ETERNAL Life