A Weeping Decent
Sermon Tone Analysis
Parade Part II
Parade Part II
Jesus had organized this parade Himself, and He did it for a purpose.
(Slide) To show He is the Messiah they were looking for - to fulfill the prophesy of Zech9:9 and enter the City as prophesied
(Slide) To force the Jews to do something with Him - Jesus hour had come it is time for Him to be glorified and the Jews wanted to wait to arrest and kill Him until after the Passover, and Jesus was to be the Passover lamb not just for the Jews but for all who would believe
There is another reason too, to this point descending down into Jerusalem it is Jesus, His disciples and followers following, not the unbelieving Jews. This was also an invitation for the unbelieving to come to repentance and believe before it was too late. Jesus was about to prophesy of the destruction of the temple in very descriptive way. While the people were rejoicing Jesus is weeping as you will see in this passage, but to keep it in context we need to read the entire section again.
(Slide) Please turn to pgs.115-116 in Story book and then we will be in Lk19:41-45
Some reminders of the journey.
There was the little man who became big (19:1-10)
Parable about stewardship (19:11-27)
King, kingdom and results (also 19:11-27)
(Slide) So now in looking again what do you see, notice? - each time we read scripture we can learn or pick up more information as we go. That is why the question again today. This is a great way to study the scripture is to read a passage through, then read it again slower, then again slower in breaking down each verse, defining any words you don’t know the meaning of.
(Slide) A few leading questions to get us to our verses today.
(Slide) What did the Lord need in this passage (vv.30-31; 34)? - colt, he needed the parade too, but that is not in the scripture answer, we started to discuss that last week and will continue on this today.
(Slide) What were the people doing (v.37)? and why (answer is in v.11)? - the people were praising God joyfully because they had seen what He had done and expected the kingdom of God to appear immediately
(Slide) What is Jesus trying to say to them (v.40)? - I have always made myself known and even nature will proclaim me if you don’t
(Insert a picture of view from Mt. of Olives to Jerusalem)
What a view isn’t it. From the vantage point they could see all of Jerusalem, the temple the businesses the people and then there was a different view too.
(Slide) Looked within: Saw hardened hearts filled with hypocrisy
(Slide) Looked ahead: Due to other facts now sees the future and the destruction of Jerusalem.
(Slide) Looking back - Missed, wasted opportunities
(Slide) Looking within - spiritual ignorance, missed time of visitation
(Slide) Looking around - lots of religious activity, but hearts far from God
Slide) Looking forward -Saw judgment coming because of hardness of heart
So now let’s take some time and start breaking down, looking at this very significant passage, there is much to glean from it.
(Slide) Look at (v.42) there are some significant statements, can you pick them out?
(Slide) If you had known this day - what day? The day prophesy of the coming messiah would be fulfilled.
(Slide) Things which make for peace- Jesus is the way of peace and they did not see it so . . .
(Slide) They have been hidden from you. - these things, the truth has been hidden from them because of their hardness of heart, their hypocrisy, their ignorance.
No wonder Jesus wept!
Here is this parade outside the city on a borrowed donkey, some clothes on the road and a chant for a king, though they did not understand yet.
We could join Christ in weeping. Jerusalem is a symbolic picture of any town USA or anywhere else. - we know the way that makes for peace, on heaven and on earth and many have hard hearts and not willing to hear the Good News. For our unsaved friends, family there is a solution if they would be willing to see it. Jerusalem did not see it so we should not be surprised people don’t see it, or don’t want to see it today.
Parades oftentimes honor people, this one was honoring Jesus, eventhough He organized this parade himself. But as a parade honors someone, or some accomplishment it is also the door to being discarded too. I think I mentioned before.
(Slide) Judas is about to discard by betrayal
(Slide) Peter is about to discard by denial
(Slide) People are about to discard by saying “crucify Him”
So this parade was to prove, this parade was to show the discarding but it was also for the disciples to show them what He taught them was true. It was for the crowd to offer another opportunity to turn to Him. This historic parade is for you and me to remember what He did for us, and it is for the unsaved to show what He did is for them too if they would believe.
(Slide) This parade ends in prophesy so let’s look at (vv.43-44)
“For the days will come upon you when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you, and surround you and hem you in on every side,
and they will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”
(Slide) Bible trivia question, what days did Jesus mention (v.43-44)?
AD70, where Rome will lay seige against Jerusalem for 143 days , they will kill about 600,000 Jews take others captive, destroy the city, destroy the temple
Jesus wept as He looked; knowing the people would reject Him.
He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.
“But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’
They did not want this man to reign over them.
God gave them the signs
‘The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
the blood was a sign
“So it shall serve as a sign on your hand and as phylacteries on your forehead, for with a powerful hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt.”
the markings, the phylacteries were so they would not forget
“This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
There were more signs for them too, the death, burial and the resurrection. Still they did not believe and then came the judgment of AD70.
For he knew that because of envy they had handed Him over.
He is heading toward the cross, the time He would be handed over to fulfill the Fathers plan of salvation.
Man handed him over because of envy, God handed Him over because of love, Jesus did exactly as He said, He laid down His life.
We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
We too should lay down our lives for others.
As Jesus wept at the end of the parade He set up, we too should weep for those who are ignorant, envious or foolish so they don’t miss the final call.