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To be a disciple is to make disciples

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Granger Missionary Church exists to glorify God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, community, service, and multiplication.

The Reality of Christ’s Position

Jesus has authority over heaven.
Jesus has authority over earth.
Jesus has authority over you.

The Urgency of Christ’s Commission

Connect | Grow | Serve | Go

The Sufficiency of Christ’s Presence.

MAKE DISCIPLES as you are:




Baptism is:
Identification with Christ
Entrance into the Church



In 1861, America found itself at the onset of what would be the great Civil War. The driving factor of this war was the freedom of men and women who were never meant to be slaves.
In November of of that year, President Lincoln eyed a sharp young soldier who had led the Regular Army to several important victories to become the next General-in-Chief of all the Federal armies of the North.
General George McClellan was well liked by his men. Nicknamed “Young Napoleon,” McClellan was known as the great organizer of the Union Army taking, as one author described, “a mere collection of regiments cowering on the banks of the Potomac. . . “ into one of the finest and most powerful fighting machines the Union Army ever saw.
With the authority of the president and the power of the army you would think General McClellan would have been able to take much ground for the North. Instead, under McClellan’s command the army essentially did nothing.
Michael Hyatt notes five reasons why General McClellan was so ineffective:
He hesitated to take definitive action. McClellan spent so much time preparing for action that he never really acted. The army spent an inordinate amount of time in drills and training.
In the later months of 1862, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was angered by General George B. McClellan's inactivity despite superiority in numbers over the Confederate forces. In the end, he wrote McClellan a letter consisting of only a single sentence:
"If you don't want to use the army, I should like to borrow it for a while. Yours respectfully, A. Lincoln."
2. He complained about insufficient resources. McClellan was tricked several times into thinking he as outnumbered by the Confederate Army and would wait until he felt he had enough resources.
3. He refused to take responsibility. McClellan looked at everyone else (even the president) as a reason for his inaction. He never owned his mission.
4. He abused the privileges of his position. While his troops were struggling in terrible conditions, General McClellan used his position to maximize his own comfort and pleasure - hosting dinner parties regularly and living in luxury.
5. He simply refused to obey. Even when given a direct order by President Lincoln, McClellan always attempted to find a way around obedience.
McClellan’s example is important because I believe it describes much of the church today in relation to the mission that Jesus gave to her to “make disciples.
Many in the church hesitate to take decisive action when it comes to evangelism and discipleship - deciding instead to work on preparation of a gospel life and never living that life where the gospel can make a difference.
In the later months of 1862, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was angered by General George B. McClellan's inactivity despite superiority in numbers over the Confederate forces. In the end, he wrote McClellan a letter consisting of only a single sentence:
"If you don't want to use the army, I should like to borrow it for a while. Yours respectfully, A. Lincoln."
2. Too often people do not engage in making disciples because they don’t have enough resources. They claim to not have the gift or they are unable to share the gospel well and so they don’t act.
3. Some simply look to others to accomplish the task. Walking with others in their mess to share and show them the gospel? That’s not for me.
4.Many in the church abuse their position as those who have been saved by Jesus through the gospel as they hoard the gospel while others are struggling.
4. He abused the privileges of his position. While his troops were struggling in terrible conditions, General McClellan used his position to maximize his own comfort and pleasure - hosting dinner parties regularly and living in luxury.
5. To not make disciples is simply a refusal to obey.
Matthew 28:16–20 ESV
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:7 ESV
Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.”
Jesus has risen from the dead and meets his disciples on a mountain that he had predetermined with them.
For Matthew, important things happen with Jesus on mountains. Sermon on the mount () - Jesus flipped the letter of the OT Law on its head explaining how the letter of the Law was to lead to the heart of the Law
Mount of Transfiguration () Jesus is glorified - giving authenticity to his mission on earth.
Commission on the Mount.

17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.

The natural response to an encounter with the risen Christ is worship. Notice, though, that some “doubted.” Maybe a better word would be “hesitated.”
- This is important for us to recognize: Some actually saw the risen Christ and STILL did not believe.

We recognize the claim of Jesus on the world and on us. (18)

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
This is the risen Christ. He has conquered sin and death. He is no longer voluntarily limiting himself to his pre-resurrection body.
All authority is his. In the Greek this word for “all” means all (pas). It actually shows up four times in our passage:
All authority
all nations
observe all teaching
with us always

“All authority” is given to Jesus:

in heaven

There is no greater spiritual authority than Jesus. His resurrected body proves Satan cannot own you. He speaks from God as God.

on earth

Jesus is Lord of all nations. There is no nation that can or will stop the spread of the gospel. There are no laws or dictators that can stop the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth.
The implication, then, is that Jesus also has all authority over YOU.

over you

This is what it means to be a follower of Christ. You don’t live for yourself anymore. He is your life. You have been bought with a price.
Hear me - Jesus is the authority in your job. Jesus is the authority in your family. Jesus is the authority in your marriage. Not you.
To claim Jesus as “Lord of your life” means he has a claim on every part of your life. We surrender to his will for our lives; he does not surrender to ours.
This means you go where he says to go and you do what he says to do, no matter the cost.
For some we need to stop right there. If you don’t acknowledge who Jesus is in your life, you will not do what he says to do with your life.
I believe many peoples’ anxiety, stress, and worry would be take gone if we would recognize claim of Jesus on our lives and let Jesus lead rather than fight for our own desires.
*When the church looks no different than the world than it is hard to say they follow two different masters. So many today are shopping for church the same way they shop for clothes or a car - what meets my needs, suits my tastes, makes me comfortable. They come to church expecting entertainment the same way they are entertained by the movies or a concert.
This is not the kind of church that God would have given his Son for; this is not the kind of church we will be.
in heaven
on earth
If someone has this kind of authority and power, you’d had best listen to what he is about to say.
over you

We obey the command of Jesus to make disciples. (19 - 20a)

Matthew 28:19–20a ESV
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matt 28
Because of his authority, Jesus gives a command.
One imperative verb - “Make disciples.”
Going, Baptizing, Teaching are all participles that further explain how to carry out how we are to make disciples.
Going, Baptizing, Teaching are all participles that further explain how to carry out how we are to make disciples.
What is a disciple?
Luke 9:23–24 ESV
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
To follow Christ, to be a disciple is to be:
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- Intensely devoted to the person of Jesus (“come after me”)
Context is the confession of who Christ is.
Context is the confession of who Christ is.
- Intensely devoted to the place of Jesus in your life. (“deny himself”)
To deny oneself is to give something else the place. It denotes submission to Christ.
- Intensely devoted to the purpose of Jesus (“take up his cross”)
Taking up a cross implies suffering but not random suffering, suffering for the cause of Jesus, the mission
- Intensely devoted to the transformation in Jesus (“follow me”)
You can’t lead someone to someplace that you are not willing to go yourself.
Making disciples involves both intensity and intentionality. We are to be disciples intensely devoted to Jesus and his mission, and we are to be intentionally making disciples.
If you are not leading others to follow Jesus then you are not fully following Jesus yourself.
One of Satan’s biggest ploys (at least in America) is to keep Christians casual and complacent. illust – Screwtape Letters?
If he can persuade Christians that one hour a week is sufficient to be a fully functioning member of the Body of Christ then he has crippled the Body.
A disciple is someone who is intensely devoted to following Christ. Making disciples involves intentionally walking with others as they follow Christ.
If he can keep Christians focused on satisfying their own comforts and “spiritual needs” he can distract them from the 2.8 billion people around the world who have not even heard the name “Jesus” and slow the mission of God.
If he can fool Christians into thinking that following Christ is something that we “fit” into our lives instead of something that consumes our lives, then he has succeeded in compartmentalizing the Christian walk.
If he can succeed in causing the Christian to believe that helping orphans and widows, visiting the sick, and reaching the lost is somebody else’s job, anybody else’s job, then he has shrunk the army of God into confused ranks.
This command is surrounded by three participles that tell us how to accomplish it.

“Make disciples” as you are:

You are commanded to make disciples. The question is not “Will you make disciples?”, the question is “How are you making disciples?”
The goal of your life is to bring glory to God. The mission to accomplish this is by making disciples.
Being a disciple was always intended to lead to making disciples.
Matthew 4:19 ESV
And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Jesus never said to follow him so they might be nice rule-followers.
This command is surrounded by three participles that tell us how to accomplish it.
Going, baptizing, teaching


This is evangelism. Whatever your Whatever your job, talent, skill it is to be leveraged for the gospel.
Illust - I will have a hard time reaching certain people, but you may work with them, have coffee with them every day.
Evangelism is not the job of professionals - it’s the call of every Christ-follower.
Do you have the name of one person in your sphere of influence who does not know Jesus?
Pray: for an opportunity to speak to them about Jesus, for the courage, for the words.


Baptism is:
Identification with Christ
Entrance into the Church
Bring them into the community of God.
Have you been baptized? Take the next step with identifying with Jesus.


We are to be teaching “to obey” - which means we are with them enough to know if they are obeying.
Teaching them to:
Study Bible
Make disciples
If someone walked up to you today and said they would like to
This is why we say we walk together to take the next step in a Jesus-first life.
Baptism is:
Identification with Christ
Entrance into the Church

We depend on the presence and power of Jesus to accomplish the task. (20b)

Matthew 28:20 ESV
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Jesus entrusts us.

Illust - There are certain tasks that Christine does not leave to me. (pick out clothes for picture day, take the boys to the army/navy store)
Think about it. The risen Christ left
There is no Plan B for the spread of the gospel.
God did not say that if we were unable or unwilling to accomplish the mission, he would come and take over the job of evangelism.
Jesus equips us.
Jesus entrusts us.

Jesus accompanies us.

The promise of Jesus to be with us on mission guarantees we have his authority as we go.
Illust - being “on a mission alone” - my first rollback pickup
*We will never be more hungry for the presence of Christ than when we are in great personal crisis or great spiritual mission. We run to Jesus when faced with great trial or great risk.
*You are safer risking everything for Jesus than you are holding everything for yourself.

Jesus equips us.

Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, equips and empowers us to make disciples. The Spirit works on the hearts of people to prepare them for the gospel
You have everything you need - why wouldn’t you?


Church family, we are in a war fighting for the freedom of men and women who were never meant to be slaves. What will be your next step? The church was not meant to hesitate.
The church must no longer be satisfied with trying to become polished people in a pretty building, instead, the church must understand it’s destiny, it’s mission to be a movement of passionate disciples transforming their families, communities, and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Anything less is an embarrassment, a failed mission, and so much less than what Jesus called us to. 
The church must no longer be satisfied with trying to become polished people in a pretty building, instead, the church must understand it’s destiny, it’s mission to be a movement of passionate disciples transforming their families, communities, and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Anything less is an embarrassment, and less than what Jesus called us to. 
It all begins with your next step.
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