(1 Peter 5:1-4) Leading in a God-Pleasing Way
1 Peter • Sermon • Submitted
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· 33 viewsThis passage is one of the important descriptions of the New Testament office of Pastor. It is interesting because it does not include either the verb or title of teacher/preacher. It also interchangeably uses 3 titles for Pastor: Elder, Shepherd (Pastor), Overseer (Bishop). The Passage provides a clear call for Pastor's to shepherd the church willingly, selflessly serving as overseer's and examples.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Forbes Magazine Posted an article recently Titled: “These Three Leadership Flaws Are Killing Your Employees' Productivity”
Have you ever wished you knew how to be a better leader?
Forbes Magazine Posted an article recently Titled: “These Three Leadership Flaws Are Killing Your Employees' Productivity”
[These Three Leadership Flaws Are Killing Your Employees' Productivity, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2017/09/29/these-three-leadership-flaws-are-killing-your-employees-productivity/#41ca5e691f9b]
The 3 flaws were:
Lack of Emotional Intelligence
We all have had bosses who were cold, rude, and inconsiderate. There personality took a relatively peaceful workplace; and put everyone on edge.
Inability to Share Credit
Many of us have questioned the point of handwork, when our boss took credit for our ingenuity and hours of dedication.
Tendencies to Micromanage
Nothing drives me nuts more than a micro-manager. When someone is constantly second guessing you, questioning your work, and interrupting you for a status check. It makes you want to go crazy.
Let me ask you this?
Have you had a bad leader?
Have you ever wished you knew how to be a better leader?
Our text today, is all about leadership. Particularly Pastoral Leadership.
Now as we consider this text, I want us to keep a few areas of application in mind.
Obviously, the most direct is the role and responsibility of Pastors.
You may have heard this topic many times, but let your eyes and mind be afresh to what the text says.
The nature of Pastoral leadership is an important topic for a church. It is an important topic for Pastors. And it is an important topic for Pastor’s and Churches to have a Biblical understanding.
Further, may I suggest what is good Pastoral practice is often good business practice. We all have leadership responsibilities. We may not always have a title and authority, but none of us truly escape leadership.
Some of us are supervisors at work. Think of your workplace as a place to shepherd sinners who need Christ.
supervisors at work
Many of us are parents.
Parenting is really shepherding a child’s heart. Hence the name of the book by Tedd Tripp. So parenting in many ways is shepherding just like a Pastor shepherds.
I recognize we have a few college students this morning. Perhaps you are sitting here and going, I am just starting out. I am the newbie work and I have no children. Do not fret, you also have a leadership role.
We all are called to evangelize and disciple people.
The Great commission calls the church to evangelize and disciple the World. And each believer has a responsibility to that calling. We all should be evangelizing and discipling someone.
And how does that happen?
We Shepherd people. Which means each one of us are involved in shepherding.
The principles that make a Good Pastor are also what make good evangelism and discipleship.
So may this text this morning not simply be about what the Pastor can do and what the pastor cannot do,
but about how all of us can be better leaders inside and outside the church, with a title or without a title.
1 Peter 5:
1 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed:
2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;
3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
4 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.
Which means, so far as our leadership is Biblically Based,
As I have already suggested, we are all are leaders and shepherds.
Have you had a bad leader
Have you ever wished you knew how to be a better leader
We all lead in different ways.
Yet, even besides that. We all should be evangelizing and disciplings as others.
In a senses, that also is leadership.
And from this text,
PROPOSITION: We ought to lead in a God-pleasing way.
PROPOSITION: We ought to lead in a God-pleasing way.
TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT: And Peter gives us 3 Principles for how to Lead in a God-Pleasing Way.
TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT: And Peter gives us 3 Principles for how to Lead in a God-Pleasing Way.
The first principle of God-pleasing leadership is:
1. Remembering Our Commonality. ()
1. Remembering Our Commonality. ()
1. Remembering Our Commonality.
1. Remembering Our Commonality.
1 Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,
1 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed:
Peter, an Apostle, encourages elders by remembering what they had in common.
What could an elder possibly have in common with an Apostle?
(a) They are all elders.
(a) They are all elders.
The first commonality is they (a) are all elders, the Spiritually mature men of the church.
Though I am sure that was encouraging, what I find most interesting are the second two ways they are equal. It is interesting because we all have this in common.
(a) Are all elders
Though I am sure that was encouraging, what I find most interesting are the second two ways they are equal. It is interesting because we all have this in common.
Though I am sure that was encouraging, what I find most interesting are the second two ways they are equal. It is interesting because we all have this in common.
(b) We are all Witness’s of the Suffering of Christ.
(b) We are all Witness’s of the Suffering of Christ.
The second commonality is that they are all fellow (b) witness’s of the suffering of Christ.
The most preimment doctrinal truth of the church is that Christ died for our sins.
His suffering on the cross redeemed us from slavery in sin to a new life empowered by God.
Thus, upon belief in the Gospel we become co-witnesses of the Good News - the Suffering of Christ.
With that in common - are any of us really better than the other -
OR are we all sinners saved by the Grace of God.
(c) We all will be glorified.
(c) We all will be glorified.
The Third commonality is that we all will be glorified.
There are perhaps many riches of Christ that we will share in.
But nothing so important, so needed, and so amazing than how God in a twinkling of an eye will transform us into sin-cleansed, disease-cured people.
We will be restored to the way humanity was before the sin of Adam and Eve.
Again, with that in common - are any of us really better than the other
OR are we all sinners glorified by Grace.
The First principle of God-pleasing leadership is that I am no better than anybody else.
When we consider that we are all equally needing and equally blessed in Christ; than how can we logically or morally justify attitudes of haughtiness, arrogance, and superiority.
May I say,
Whether we are an apostle, an elder, or the flock - we are all equal in Christ.
No leadership position is there because of superiority, but by God’s will through God’s Grace.
As I shepherd and as you shepherd the flock God has given you; may we remember our commonality in the Gospel.
The 2nd principle of God-Pleasing leadership.
2. Maturely Care for your flock.
2. Maturely Care for your flock.
2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;
1 Peter
Notice the 3 descriptions of a Pastor:
Notice the 3 descriptions of a Pastor:
(a) Elder - the spiritually mature of the church.
(a) Elder - the spiritually mature of the church.
Pastor’s are called elders in v. 1.
Elder has the idea of a mature leader in the community.
Both Roman culture and Jewish culture had the idea of Elders who lead communities.
They were often older, but the real emphasis of the title and the word is on their maturity.
And with that maturity came the position and authority to lead the community.
Pastor’s are elders in the sense that they should be the Spiritually mature.
And because they are Spiritually mature, they also gain the position and authority to lead the community of believers.
I say that carefully because I am the youngest person on the membership role.
Certainly, Pastor’s are not always the Spiritually mature (we are sinners too, and capable of great sin),
but a Pastor should be able to be counted as one of the Spiritual mature believers of a community.
(b) Shepherd - A tender of sheep.
(b) Shepherd - A tender of sheep.
In you leadership, may I encourage
But the Pastor is not only an elder, but also a shepherd.
V. 2 tells us“shepherd the flock of God that is among you”
Peter gives a common imagery of the Pastor and the church.
The Pastor should be seeking to serve as a Shepherd of Sheep.
Of Course this is an under shepherd position - paralleling the chief shepherd, the Good shepherd, and God’s overall working our lives.
pictures this idea.
A Psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Just like a shepherd who tends to sheep, Biblical Pastoral leadership involves sacrificially caring for the body of Christ.
This term stresses the Pastor’s job to protect, guide, provide for, warn, encourage, admonish, feed, and overall tend for the members of the church.
I admit that myself, friends in ministry, and Pastor’s to often fail to shepherd this way. But if we are truly seeking to please God - we will shepherd people.
As we consider what this means,
I recently comment
I wonder how comparable the one another care ministry that God has commanded matches the metaphor of a shepherd.
Pastor’s shepherd, but pastors are not the only shepherds of the church. In a sense we are all sheep and we are all shepherds.
(c) An Overseer - the Administrative Superintendent of the Church.
(c) An Overseer - the Administrative Superintendent of the Church.
The Pastor ought to be an elder, a shepherd, but also an overseer.
How does a Pastor be an elder and a shepherd, he oversees the church as a shepherd and elder of the church.
Understand, the integrated, dependent relationship of these terms.
2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;
The Pastor is an overseer.
The Word “overseer” or “oversight” carries the idea of an Administrative superintendent over the church.
This is the same word used to describe Roman commissioners, inspectors, foreman’s, and superintendents.
The Pastoral should have real administrative leadership over the ministry of the church.
Now many congregations and believers cringe at the idea of the Pastor overseeing the ministry.
I mean, do you know what might happen if we agree to the recommendations of a Pastor.
And so in many churches, the congregation fights for authority with the Pastor.
CLARIFICATION: Now to clarify, this term does not negate the final decision making of the congregation. As we compare Scripture with Scripture, we find the congregation made the final decision. But may I say our best examples of this show the congregation making the final decision in agreement with what the Pastor proposed.
Is that because the Pastor was strong arming the congregation.
Those examples show a Pastor, who served as an elder, a shepherd, and overseer of the church making a God-pleasing recommendation to the congregation. And on their own free-will choose to agree with him.
I am not going to pretend that I am always going to agree with you and your are always going to agree with me.
But my hope is that I will serve as an Elder, Shepherd, and Oversee out of a love and response to Christ.
And you, as the congregation will allow me to function, even as a reforming sinner, as an elder, shepherd, and overseer - so that to the best of my ability, leaning upon the wisdom of Scripture, can make God-pleasing recommendations - of which because they are God-pleasing you choose to accept.
Understand, the give and take dynamic here. A New Testament church should be Pastor Lead-Congregationally governed.
And understand what messes it up.
When the pastor sins or serves in a selfishly way - the God-established pattern breaks down.
When the congregation sins or serves in a selfish way - the God established pattern breaks down.
May we all strive to please the Lord by serving one another in a Christ-Exalting God-Glorying way.
Now, in this second principle I have encouraged us to consider the direct application this has to our church decision making.
But may I also say there are great principles we all should be applying in order to lead in a God-pleasing way.
You want to please God, strive to be mature. You may not be an elder, but true leadership requires us to be Spiritually mature.
You want to be better supervisor - Put away your sin, love as Christ loved, because you love God.
You want to be a better parent - Put away your sin, love as Christ loved, because you love God.
You want to be better at evangelism and discipleship - Put away your sin, love as Christ loved, because you love God.
Maturity is an essential element in leadership.
Further, if you want to please God in leadership - shepherd people.
How different would it be that instead of being an uncaring, uncompassionate, rude boss,>>> you instead shepherd the employee’s that work for you leading them to the Great Shepherd.
How different would it be that instead of being a selfish, uncaring parent, frustrating your children>>> you instead shepherd your children leading them to the Great shepherd.
How different would it be that instead of being self-absorbed, uncaring being in this world>>> we shepherded those God brings into our lives leading them to the Great Shepherd.
You want to transform life?
You want to help grow our church?
Then strive for Spiritual maturity and shepherd people.
How different would our lives and our churches be if we truly imagined what it would be like to strive for maturity and shepherd others.
The 2nd principle of leadership - Maturely Care for your flock.
The 3rd principle for God Pleasing Leadership -
3. Character Matters.
3. Character Matters.
What is Character?
Character is the heart values that drives what you are doing.
This is why the best way to know someone’s character is to to know what they do when no one is looking.
Or to see what they do when they know what is right is against what is normally done by everybody else.
Character matters because it is character that makes me decide to take the hard road of obedience rather than the quick pleasure of sin.
It is character that makes us resist the flesh rather than enjoying the enslavement of sin.
Now our text only mentions what good character ought to be. It doesn’t mention how we gain Character.
So let me say this,
Character is created in the purification of mind through the Gospel of Christ. You got a character problem it is because you have not purified your mind with the Gospel. It is only by looking to Christ that we can have character that is pleasing to God.
So what Peter tell us about the Character of a Pastor.
3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;
3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
(a) He serves willingly
(a) He serves willingly
Pastor’s should not shepherd because of social gain or financial pressures. Thus, we do because we have no choice.
ILLUSTRATION: I once heard a pastor who said he got into ministry because he couldn’t find a job.
May I say that is a terrible reason to be Pastor.
Pastor’s ought to willingly serve because the desire to do what God has willed them to do.
They are not shepherding because they need job; they shepherd because they love God and believe it is his will for them to do so.
ILLUSTRATION: I heard once put this way. Good Pastor’s aren’t pastors because they couldn’t do anything else with their life.
Good pastor’s could have made good money with Good benefits doing a lot of other things; but they choose to Shepherd because they Love God and His people.
This is especially true when I consider some of the best known Pastor’s in our day.
Likewise, all of us should be maturely caring for the flock not because we are guilt tripped, it’s social required, or I get something out of it.
We all ought to be shepherding people because we love God and he wills it.
It is not that you cannot find a more materially valuable way to spend your time, but you love God and so you shepherd those God allows you to have oversight over.
Further, the Character of a Pastor should be
(b) He Selflessly Serves For God
(b) He Selflessly Serves For God
Pastor’s should not be serving for what they can get out of it.
Pastor’s at times may enjoy social or financial benefits for being a Pastor.
But that Should never be the reason he serves.
He should be selflessly serving.
But why should be eager selflessly serve?
I think the answer is because he serves because of his love for God.
He is eager to shepherd the people who lives are a mess because he loves God. Thus, he is eager to do what he gains nothing out of.
Instead, he ought to serve because he
Likewise, we all ought to eagerly selflessly shepherd the flock given to us because we love God. A good leader does what he does because he loves God; not because we get something out of it.
When I was in the Navy I found many people eager to do enormous work; so long as it benefited their career.
But ask them to do something that didn’t benefit their career.
And you my-swell have asked them to climb Mt. Everest.
It was to much of a burden.
For self-gain, we can do great things for others. But a leader with true character, eagerly serves because of God even if that means great personal sacrifice.
Finally, God-pleasing leaders serve as examples.
(c) He serves as an example.
(c) He serves as an example.
We all have heard slogans such,
“You want change; then be the change”.
I don’t know if I often agree with popular slogans, but this one is actually supported in Scripture to be true.
There are many things Pastor is and does, but perhaps one of the most important is that he is an example to model.
The Forbes magazine said that micromanagers ruin work places. And just like secular bosses, Pastor’s can be overlords.
3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
Yet, how does real shepherding happen.
Is it by demanding your way?
The minute we are only demanding our way; we have stopped shepherding. Certainly there are truths to stand on; but rare is it that we actually shepherd a person by demanding our way. It is by teaching, encouraging, and as our text indicates, demonstrating by example - that we actually shepherd.
One of the greatest shepherding tools a Pastor has is his example.
Admittedly, that is scary because I am a sinner just like you.
ILLUSTRATION: Yet, there is saying. Ministry is not taught; it is caught.
In other words,
You can stand up and teach the most brilliant lecture ever heard.
- You make Spurgeon look like an Amateur.
- Paul is taking notes from you to write in his next Epistle.
Yet often, the greatest way a shepherd can protect, guide, provide for, warn, encourage, admonish, feed, and overall tend for the members of the church; is by living it before them.
Character matters because it is character that makes me decide to take the hard road of obedience rather than the quick pleasure of sin.
Now, I say that bodly because of this text,
but cautiously recognizing the tall order that means.
My hope to greater and greater degree,
is that I can tell you to pick up your cross and follow me;
not because of my perfection or brilliance
but because I am picking up my cross and following Jesus.
And again, what is true of Pastoral character ought to be true in your shepherding opportunities.
If someone was to follow how you live before God; what would that example teach?
Could someone catch the heart beat of NT ministry from watching you?
God pleasing leadership means you are an example of character; worth following.
So notice the Character of God-pleasing leader.
A God pleasing leader:
(a) serves willingly
(b) Selflessly Serves For God
(c) Serves as an example.
So According to Peter, what does Pastoral leadership look like?
PROPOSITION: We ought to lead in a God-pleasing way.
So According to Peter, what does Pastoral leadership look like?
A Broader question,
According to Peter, what does God-pleasing leadership look like?
Recalling what Peter has told us in this Passage:
PROPOSITION: We ought to lead in a God-pleasing way.
TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT: And Peter gives us 3 Principles for how to Lead in a God-Pleasing Way.
3 Princi
1. Remembering Our Commonality. ()
(a) They are all elders.
(b) We are all Witness’s of the Suffering of Christ.
(c) We all will be glorified.
2. Maturely Care for your flock.
Notice the 3 descriptions of a Pastor:
(a) Elder - the spiritually mature of the church.
(b) Shepherd - A tender of sheep.
(c) An Overseer - the Administrative Superintendent of the Church.
3. Character Matters.
(a) He serves willingly
(b) He Selflessly Serves For God
(c) He serves as an example.
But Why should we do this?
Peter continues to remind us of the eternal rewards that can be earned in this life.
4 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.
The Reward of Biblical Leadership.
This is not the only reference to a crown.
There is the crown of life found in .
Crown of Righteousness in .
Crown of Rejoicing in .
What reward do we have for serving God and shepherding people in this life?
We receive crowns in which, according , we will cast at the throne of Christ declaring how great of salvation we have received through the power, and the might of Jesus Christ.
To ta
That may seem unimportant to our material-driven culture; but also remember that event will be one of the greatest events in human history.
What a great reward to be able to participate by actually having a crown to cast before Christ.
When we think of it in terms of human history; suddenly that makes being able to throw a Yankee Ball cap in Yankee Stadium with 30,000 fans cheering because they won the world series - seem like nothing.
Suddenly having a crown to cast at Jesus feet sounds like a grand reward.
May we leave here today,
Looking at how we can shepherd people with God-pleasing leadership.