The Return of Jesus Christ Part 2
The transfiguration event most powerfully and dramatically demonstrated that Jesus was the true glory of God, though veiled while he walked in flesh on this earth. The two comings of Christ, the first in humility robed in flesh and the second in glory robed in light, are the two great themes of biblical prophecy.
The dragon and the beast also wear diadems, but theirs are emblems of usurped royalty, they are in opposition to this King, who wears his diadems in righteousness. These are “many” because all royalty truly belongs to him.
Treading out the grapes in the winepress is an Old Testament portrayal of God who in his anger against sin tramples on the grapes of wrath. It refers to God’s day of vengeance when he alone worked for the salvation of his people and then expended his wrath on the wicked (Isa. 63:4–6). The picture, then, is a robe spattered with the blood of his enemies; that is, God pronounced and passed judgment with the result that the evidence is visibly displayed on his garments.