Living To Serve
The indignation of the other ten apostles was probably due to their own desire for these lofty positions. Jesus’ response was addressed to all of them (vv. 25–28).
Their ignorance
Divine Providence
Greatness as Viewed by the Gentiles
Greatness as Viewed By God
662 Old John Jasper’s First Desire In Heaven
Old John Jasper, that former slave after the War between the States pastored the Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. Somebody asked him if there had been five preceding Mt. Zion Baptist Churches and that was why they called it the “Sixth.” He said, “No, we just liked the name.”
Old John Jasper pastored a great church. He was speaking to his congregation one day on heaven and the joys which will await us on the other side. He tried to describe those beauties, the joys ineffable and full of glory. His vivid imagination and his emotions were caught up and as he opened his mouth to speak he couldn’t say a word. He tried several times and the great crowd sat there in anticipatory silence. He tried again but still no sound.
Then they saw the tears roll down his black cheeks. Still as he would try to articulate, not a sound could he make. Finally, he shook his head and waved his crowd toward the exit, but that great audience just sat there as if enthralled. After several attempts to no avail, he walked back to the side of the pulpit and had his hand upon the door which led to his study, and again he waved the crowd toward the exit but they still waited there.
Seeing that they wouldn’t leave, he composed himself and walked back toward the edge of the pulpit and leaning over it said something like this, “Brothers and sisters, when I think of the glory which shall be revealed in us, I can visualize that day when old John Jasper’s last battle has been fought and the last burden has been borne. I can visualize that day when this tired servant of God shall lay down his burdens and walk up to the battlements of the City of God. Then as I stand outside the beautiful gate, I can almost hear the Mighty Angel on guard say, “John Jasper, you want your shoes?”
“I’se gonna say, “Course I wants ma shoes, ma golden slippers to walk the gold-paved streets of the City of God, but not now.”
“Then I can hear the Mighty Angel as he says, “John Jasper, don’t you want your robe?”
“I’se gonna say, “Course I wants ma robe, that robe of linen clean and white which am the righteousness of the saints, but not now.”
“Then the Angel would say, “John Jasper, you want your crown?”
“I shall say, “Course, Mighty Angel, I wants all the reward that’s comin’ to me, this poor black servant of the Lamb, but not now.”
“Then the Angel would say, “John Jasper, wouldn’t you like to see Elijah, the great prophet, who called down fire from heaven, wouldn’t you like to shake hands with John the beloved disciple who leaned on the Master’s breast at the Last Supper? Wouldn’t you like to shake hands with Paul, the great apostle to the Gentiles, the greatest church establisher and soul-winner of all time?”
“I’ll say, “Course, Mighty Angel. I wants to know and to shake hands and to commune with those, the saints of God who have won the incorruptible crown. Yes, I have some loved ones over here I wants to see, too, but not now. Fust, I wants to see Massa Jesus.… I wants to see Him fust of all.” ”
—G. Beauchamp Vick