Glorifying God in Our Worship

Glorifying God in Our Worship  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Subject: Christian Character
Theme: Glorifying God in Our Worship
Key Thought: Who, How, and When do you Worship?
What do you think of when you hear the word worship? Songs, instruments, and church services? What about serving the Lord, praying,and reading the bible?
Who do You Worship?
a)Worship = ‘worth-ship’ expressing reverence to God for he is worthy
Worship = ‘worth-ship’ expressing reverence to God for he is worthy - think of these words: adoration, reverence, honor, to fall down before or bow down before.
Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission(Webster's Dictionary, 1828).
The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated “worship” (proskuneo) is “to fall down before” or “bow down before.” Worship is a state (an attitude) of spirit. John 4
b) = Jesus Christ is Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, All Powerful and Preeminent
= Jesus Christ is Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, All Powerful and Preeminent
Who (or what) do you honor with extravagant love and extreme submission?
Our worship isn’t based upon the Song, the Sermon, or the Service. Those things ought to direct us and be used in our worship. Each one with its one significance and importance, but our worship ought to be solely based upon God and his Grace.
How do You Worship?
2) How do You Worship?
a) True Biblical Worship begins with an understanding of Who God is and His Grace toward us.
True Biblical Worship begins with an understanding of Who God is and His Grace toward us.
b) The Peace of God –
The Peace of God – ,
Peace of the world = based upon the current situation or circumstances
Peace of God = based upon an internal factor that governs our external reaction, The peace of God through Jesus Christ provides us with a surpassing peace that only God can provide.
Rule = an arbitrating factor that decisively determines an outcome
It will be extremely difficult if I attempt to worship God if my life is chaos. It will nearly impossible to worship God if I am focused upon external circumstances. And its really hard to worship God if my attention is directed to any one or any other thing.
Are you thankful for where God has placed you at this current point ant time? Will you worship Him for his extravagant love and grace freely bestowed upon you?
c) The Word of God –
The Word of Christ -
I personally believe that the reading, preaching and teaching portion of this service is an important aspect of our worship today. Because I am certain that the Word of Christ that I have the blessing to read and to teach is the very word of God. And so as Paul encourages the original recipients of this letter, we too can know and understand that the Word of God is encouraging us today. As important as teaching, preaching, reading, and hearing the word of Christ is today. it is of utmost importance, may i say vital that the Word of Christ dwells in you richly.
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly. dwell here means to inhabit or live in. It would be similar to me saying I dwell in the home located at 530 E Arkansas ave Bloomfield Ia. When I am present, dwelling, living there; i impact the place in which i dwell. I effect what goes on in the home I am living in. I influence that dwelling place because I am there. Now tie that to what the Word of Christ is saying here to you and me this morning. That the word of Christ ought to influence you. The word of Christ should effect what goes on in you. And the Word of Christ has an impact on you because it lives, dwells, and inhabits you. Richly here means distinctively and it carries with it this truth of an identifiable characteristic. Just as if you saw someone who had great earthly wealth you would identify them as rich. It would be clearly known and evident that they owned great material possessions.
All worship is a response to truth, and that which is truth is contained in the Word of God. Jesus said to His Father, “Thy word is truth” (). says, “Thy law is truth” (v. 142b) and “Thy word is true” (v. 160a). To truly worship God, we must understand who He is and what He has done, and the only place He has fully revealed Himself is in the Bible. Worship is an expression of praise from the depths of our hearts toward a God who is understood through His Word. If we do not have the truth of the Bible, we do not know God and we cannot be truly worshiping.
Do you recognize that reading, thinking upon, hearing, and praying the Word of God is worship? And do the Words of Christ live in you in such a manner that it has a distinguishable, identifiable influence in your daily living?
Let me sumarize with this: All worship is a response to truth, and that which is truth is contained in the Word of God. Jesus said to His Father, “Thy word is truth” (). says, “Thy law is truth” (v. 142b) and “Thy word is true” (v. 160a). To truly worship God, we must understand who He is and what He has done, and the only place He has fully revealed Himself is in the Bible. Worship is an expression of praise from the depths of our hearts toward a God who is understood through His Word. If we do not know truth of the Bible, we do not know God and we cannot be truly worshiping. Finally lets close with one last main point that will be brief.
3) When do You Worship?
When do You Worship?
a) Whatever you do –
Whatever you do – I believe that Colosians 3:17, 23 and answer this question for us. We worship when we honor, revere, respect, adorn, and praise God for his greatness and worth.
That true biblical worship is not confined to a song, a sermon, a situation, or a service. Worship is bowing down to God and His greatness where-ever I am or in whatever I am doing. you see our worship reaches far beyond this Worship Service. Now thats not to say this service is unimportant, because if it were not so the Word of God wouldn’t be dealing with one another here and in host of other passages.
Who (or what) do you honor with extravagant love and extreme submission?
As we gather together with one another
The point is, my prayer is that your worship of God will carry on beyond these walls. We worship God as we gather together with one another, we worship God in our families, we worship God in workplace, and we worship God in this world. Because all of those places need to see and hear what a great and mighty God He is.
Does the Peace of God rule in your life? Does the Word of God dwell in you richly?
Are you expressing your understanding of God, His Grace, and His Love in word & deed? In Whatever you do?
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