Heroes of Faith-Moses

Heroes of Faith  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God is faithful and opens a way

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3 am: God is Faithful and opens a way

I want you guys to imagine two people. The person his name is Johnnie. Johnnie is an ok kid. However he does not follow through. If you were to ask Johnnie to do something most likely he would not do it. He does not always tell you the truth. Let’s say if he said he was going to your birthday party but instead went to friend’s house.
And now I want you to also think of another person his name is Timmy. He is a really good kid. He is always there for you. When he says he will be there, you know that he will be there.
If both Johnnie and Timmy were to tell you something, who would you believe? Would you believe Johnny who does not always tell the truth or Timmy who when he says he will be there he will be there. Timmy is the right answer.
Why would trust what Timmy says versus Johnnie
Timmy has proven himself to be a trustworthy person. So far in this series, we have seen someone way more trustworthy. It has been God. We have seen His faithfulness with Noah and the ark, with Abraham having faith in God we have seen God be faithful to Abraham. And today we get to our next hero and His name is Moses.
But before we get to him. I want to ask you guys has it ever been hard for you to trust someone? Why?
Alright guys as we move along I want to talk about Moses who was a man who trusted God continuously. Before Moses really came into the picture where were the Israelites. Where they in New York? Or China? Or Mt. Everest?No they were in Egypt?
What were they doing in Egypt? They were slaves and God had promised that He was going to protect them and get them out. And God did and through God showing that He was more powerful than Pharaoh and more powerful than the fake and no real gods that the Egyptians worshipped. And Pharaoh let the Israelites leave. He let them leave and finally be free after 400 hundred years of slavery. And can anyone tell me who lead them out of Egypt? Your right it is our Hero of the Faith, Moses.
And the Israelites followed Moses out of the land of Egypt and into wilderness. And why did they go into the wilderness? They completely trusted God and followed Him into the wilderness. He showed Himself as a clud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. They trusted God into where to go. And God led Moses and the Israelites to the red sea and they made camp there.
Now Pharoah at this time was regretting letting the Israelites go. Who do all the hard work and build things like the pyramids? So he ready his army and went after them.
How would feel if looked up in the middle of the night and saw Pharoah and the entire Egyptian army moving toward you?
Would you be happy, glad, or scared?
Boys and girls you want to no what they may have felt like. Imagine and army charging after and there is no where to run. They only thing you see is an army wanting to kill you and a big ocean behind you. They had no where to go. In the Israelites were angry at Moses saying why did you bring us here, it would have been better for us just to stay and be there slaves. And they were blaming Moses.
But lets read God’s word. Look up here and listen as I read out loud.
13 And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
Then God told Moses to raise his staff above his head and stretch his hands out over the waters of the Red Sea. Suddenly the waters parted on two sides, and dry land appeared in front of the people! What a miracle! Moses led the people through the middle of the Red Sea safely to the other side.
How would you feel walking through two walls of water?
Imagine like me walking in this class room. And these walls are like the walls of this room. How crazy is it that God did that through Moses.
How did the Israelites respond to God’s amazing production?
In It says that were amazed by God’s power and they put their faith in God and Moses
God showed the people that He was powerful and God. He showed that he loved His people. He brought them out of slavery and protected His people. And kept his promises.
Did you guys know that we are a lot like the Israelites?
The people in the story were trapped by Pharaoh’s army and the Red sea. We might not be facing an army, but we are trapped by sin! Sin holds us all captive, but thankfully God provides a way of escape for us too. God saves us by sending Jesus to die for our sins. When Christ was crucified He took all our sin and shame on himself and took the punishment that our sin deserves. When He was raised back to life Jesus defeated sin and death! Now when we put our trust in Jesus we can be freed to live the life that He wants for us!
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