Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
When does a person become an adult, for my illustration I am going to use a boy-child to a man.
In our culture we may say 18 or 21, others may say even younger.
In the culture that Paul is in it is pretty defined.
(Slide) Jewish culture: Boy becomes a man 1st Sabbath after his 12th Birthday.
- there would be a prayer from the Father to God for the son; then the prayer from the son accepting responsibilities under the law as man
(Slide) Greek culture: At 18 he becomes a cadet and 2 years later would be considered a man -at 18 he was a cadet and under the direction of the State after a festival sending him off where his long hair would be cut off and offered to their gods.
(Slide) Roman culture: Was not as defined as date, normally between ages 14-17 -the child’s toga as identified by a purple band at the foot of it, it was called the pretexta, and it would be exchanged again after a festival called the Liberalia for the toga virilis that men would wear.
All three had definitive days but maybe not dates, but it was definable when the boy became a man.
There is a definitive day we became a child of God and a son of God and we are adopted into God’s family.
Paul is going to look this this argument, this defence of the grace of God, justification by faith vs. the Law and legalism
I. Adoption
Paul is still making the defence that the Galatians did not need legalism, they needed Jesus and since they had Jesus they need to stay there and not go back to a system that could not save them in the first place.
As Paul makes his defence through this passage he points out a few things.
(slide) What we were: Children of bondage (vv.1-3)
in other words are held in bondage
(slide) What God did: Redeemed us (vv.4-5)
(slide) What we are: sons and heirs (vv.6-7)
When the sinner, when we, trust Christ, when we by faith confess, repent and submit to the Lord in baptism our condition changes.
We go from a sinner to a spiritual babe in need of discipling, nourishment to help to grow.
This regeneration has the benefit of adoption, but not in the sense we may think of it as adopting a child, we are adopted as Son’s of God, full grown in the aspect we have put away the weak and beggerly things (the law, etc.) and taking on the responsibility and the benefits of being an adult child.
But as our condition has changed from sinner to child of God our position changes too, we become son’s of God.
An adult son of God adopted into the family of God with all the benefits and privileges of being an heir.
This adoption Paul speaks of here and also in Eph1
It is not the way we enter into God’s family, that is by being reborn, by regeneration.
One of the benefits of being born again is being adopted and we then enjoy the full benefits of our adoption.
So now lets look at this.
We were children of bondage (vv.1-3)
(Slide) No different than a slave (v.1)
(Slide) Under guardianship (v.2)
(Slide) Held in bondage (v.3)
No matter the worth of the father a child, an infant son cannot really enjoy the wealth.
In Roman world the children would be cared for by a slave if the family was wealthy.
The child was not really any different than the slave, the servant who cared for the child.
The servant was commanded by the master and the child was commanded by the servant even though he was a son and an heir.
In other words he was under guardianship, held in bondage.
Bondage today (legalism) and even then as Paul penned this was not a step towards maturity but a step back to childhood, to infancy.
Christ came to set them free from the bondage, from the elementary principles.
The law is not God’s final word, Jesus is.
The Law was to point to the need for the Messiah, to show us that we are sinners in need of a Savior.
We need to understand by the law the nature and severity of sin so we can turn to the grace of God, justification by faith and be adopted into the family of God by regeneration, rebirth, being born again.
We cannot let anyone burden us with rules and regulations, to put us under a bondage of legalism.
We need to standfast in the liberty in which Christ died for us.
When we understand our liberty, our adoption, our position and our possession in Christ we will.
(slide) Serve the Lord more energetically
(Slide) Talk to the Lord more frequently
(Slide) Study the Word more joyfully
(Slide) Give to the Lord more generously
Now just to touch on law again for a moment, law is needed.
in our world in our society it is needed.
Without a system of law it would be anarchy and society would destroy itself from within.
The Law tells us what to do, but does not give us the power to do it.
That comes through trading a relationship based on rule and regulations for a relationship based on love.
Because of love, it brings us to our next minor point.
(Slide) What God Did: He Redeemed US! (vv.4-5)
Fullness of time comes, in case you forget we have seen that before in the scripture.
The Romans helped to prepare the way for the Lord, there is a historical term called Pax Romana that describes what the Roman world did to prepare the way for the Lord.
The city infrastructure, the linking the cities, the roman guards keeping peace.
Christ’s birth in Bethlehem was not an accident, it was an appointment that came at the fulness of time.
Paul brings to light another point worth mentioning: the dual nature of Christ at his birth.
(Slide) God sent forth His Son (re: Jn3:16)
the Son was born of a woman (Lk1:26-38)
Other scriptures to conside
Jesus fulfilled these things.
(Slide) Paul tells us when He came, how He came and goes on to explain why He came.
Redeem, to pay the price for a slave, either to keep as a slave to self or to set free.
(Slide) Jesus came to pay the price to set us free, not to make us slaves but to make us sons!
Under the Law the people were just children under a guardian, but under grace, justification by faith the believer is made a son, an heir in adult standing in God’s family.
(Insert Illustration of Cody Braly’s adult adoption)
When you decided to follow Jesus, you believed, you confessed, you repented, you obeyed and you were saved, your sins were forgiven and your condition changed from a sinner to a spiritual babe in Christ who needs to be nourished so at to grow
But as a Christian your position changed and you became a adult son of God who can draw from the Father’s wealth and share in the inheritance of the Son.
In other others words you can enjoy sonship and all its privileges.
Now in backing up in this passage remembering Paul is defending the Gospel of Grace, justification by Faith vs. the Law of Moses he speaks to them again in terms they would know.
Paul brings out three points here in this opening section.
Now in backing up in this passage remembering Paul is defending the Gospel of Grace, justification by Faith vs. the Law of Moses he speaks to them again in terms they would know.
(Slide) What we were: Children of Bondage (vv.1-3)
(Slide) What God did: He Redeemed us (vv.4-5)
(Slide) What we are: Sons and heirs (vv.6-7)
As a child the net worth, the wealth of the father cannot be really enjoyed.
Even if the child is the heir and one day will have all the fathers wealth until that day the child is still only a child, an heir and does not receive the inheritance until such date as set by the father.
So in other words are held in bondage
(Insert slide chart here - entitled child vs son of God)
What we are: sons and heirs (vv.6-7)
Did you notice anything in these verses?
All three parts of the Godhead, the trinity are there!
God sent His Son to be die to be the perfect and acceptable sacrifice.
The Son sent the Spirit to dwell in us to make us sons!
as a son we get to share in the divine nature of the Father.
No longer a slave, they were called, we are called to be sons
(Slide) Slave has a master; son has a Father
(Slide) Slave obeys out of fear; son obeys out of love
(Slide) Slave is poor; son is rich
(Slide) Slave has no future; son has a future
When we as sinners come to the Father through the Son, then we are given the Spirit who tells us we are a child of the Father.
As a son, we can cry out Abba father same as it says here in Gal4:6; we do it because we understand, because we know of God’s love for us and our love for God.
We obey out of love for the Father because of the sacrifice of the Son and the giving of the Spirit.
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9