Sunday Service
The Danger Of Drifting The Danger Of Drifting
Hebrews 2:1-4 Hebrews 2:1-4
Pastor Josh Monda Pastor Josh Monda
I. Christ offers a great _____________________ I. Christ offers a great _____________________
A. Everyone ________________ it A. Everyone ________________ it
B. The Lord Jesus Christ ________________ it. B. The Lord Jesus Christ ________________ it.
C. Eyewitnesses ________________ it C. Eyewitnesses ________________ it
D. God bore ________________ to it D. God bore ________________ to it
II. There are ________________ for neglecting such a II. There are ________________ for neglecting such a
great salvation great salvation
A. ________________ for breaking the law were A. ________________ for breaking the law were
severe severe
B. ________________ the gospel brings far worse B. ________________ the gospel brings far worse
consequences consequences
III. Even though God's salvation is great, all are in III. Even though God's salvation is great, all are in
________________ of drifting ________________ of drifting
A. Drifting is caused by ________________ A. Drifting is caused by ________________
B. Drifting is ________________ by paying close B. Drifting is ________________ by paying close
attention attention
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